Mark Richards
Mark Richards是一位经验丰富的软件架构师,他参与了微服务架构、事件驱动架构和其他分布式架构的架构、设计和实现。
Mark Richards is an accomplished author and conference speaker working as a handson SOA and enterprise architect in the financial services industry. In addition to numerous published articles, he is the author of Java Transaction Design Strategies (C4Media), contributing author of 97 Things Every Software Architect Should Know (O’Reilly), and contributing author of No Fluff, Just Stuff Anthology Volumes 1 and 2
(Pragmatic Bookshelf). He is a recognized authority on messaging, Service-Oriented Architecture, and transaction management. Mark is a regular speaker on the NFJS
Software Symposium series and speaks at conferences around the world.
Neal Ford
作为一名软件架构师与意见领袖,Neal Ford供职于ThoughtWorks(一家专注于端到端软件开发与交付的跨国IT咨询公司)。在加入ThoughtWorks之前,Neal是The DSW Group, Ltd.的技术总监 ── 这是一家在美国还算有名的培训与软件开发公司。Neal毕业于乔治亚州立大学,他拥有计算机科学的学位,专攻语言与编译器;同时他还辅修数学,专攻统计分析。现在他是一名软件设计师和开发者,此外也编撰培训材料、杂志文章和视频演讲,他还是几本图书的作者,包括《Developing with Delphi:Object-Oriented Techniques》(由Prentice-Hall出版)、《Jbuilder 3 Unleashed》(由Sams出版)和《Art of Java Web Development》(由Manning出版)等。他曾担任2006和2007版《No Fluff, Just Stuff文选》(Pragmatic Bookshelf)的编辑和作者。他擅长的编程语言包括Java、C#/.NET、Ruby、Groovy、函数式语言、Scheme、Object Pascal、C++和C等。他的咨询工作主要针对大规模企业应用的设计和开发。Neal曾在美国和其他国家进行现场授课,客户包括军方和很多世界500强的企业。作为演讲者,他同样在全球享有盛名,曾在世界各地举办的各种大型开发者会议上发表超过600场演讲。如果有兴趣了解更多关于Neal的信息,请访问他的网站:。他也希望得到读者的反馈,他的邮件地址是nford@。
Neal Ford a is software architect and Meme Wrangler at ThoughtWorks, a global IT consultancy
with an exclusive focus on end-to-end software development and delivery. Before joining
ThoughtWorks, Neal was the chief technology officer at The DSW Group, Ltd., a nationally
recognized training and development firm. Neal has a degree in computer science, specializing
in languages and compilers, from Georgia State University and a minor in mathematics,
specializing in statistical analysis. He is also the designer and developer of applications,
instructional materials, magazine articles, video presentations, and author of the books
Developing with Delphi: Object-Oriented Techniques (Prentice-Hall), JBuilder 3 Unleashed
(Sams), and Art of Java Web Development (Manning). He was editor of and contributor to the
2006 and 2007 editions of the No Fluff, Just Stuff Anthology (Pragmatic Bookshelf). His
language proficiencies include Java, C#/.NET, Ruby, Groovy, functional languages, Scheme,
Object Pascal, C++, and C. His primary consulting focus is the design and construction of largescale
enterprise applications. Neal has taught on-site classes nationally and internationally to
the military and to many Fortune 500 companies. He is also an internationally acclaimed
speaker, having spoken at over 100 developer conferences worldwide, delivering more than
600 talks. If you have an insatiable curiosity about Neal, visit his web site at http:// He welcomes feedback and can be reached at