Steve Souders
——Joe Hewitt,Firebug调试器和Mozilla的DOM查看器的开发人员

“Steve Souders完成了令人难以置信的工作,把一门宽泛且半秘密的艺术提炼成一套简明扼要且具有可操作性的实际工程步骤,这些步骤将会改变网络性能的世界。”
——Eric Lawrence,Fiddle Web Debugger开发人员,微软

想要你的网站显示得更快吗?本书阐释了14条特别规则,可以将用户连接一个页面的请求响应时间减少20?25%。作为雅虎的首席性能专家,作者Steve Souders通过优化互联网上某些访问量巨大的页面,总结出了这些最佳实践。即使是像雅虎搜索和雅虎首页这样已经被高度优化过的站点,仍然得益于这些简单得令人吃惊的性能优化规则。

* 减少HTTP连接请求
* 外置JavaScript和CSS
* 使用内容分发网络(Content Delivery Network)
* 减少DNS查找
* 在HTTP协议头添加过期时间
* 将JavaScript最小化
* 把部分内容变成Gzip格式
* 避免重定向连接
* 把样式表(stylesheets)放在顶部 * 删除重复脚本
* 将脚本放在底部
* 配置ETags
* 避免CSS表达式
* 生成可缓冲Ajax


Steve Souders,雅虎的首席性能专家,编写性能分析工具并在雅虎的开发团队中推广这些工具以及最佳实践。在加入雅虎之前,Steve在几个中小型的新兴公司工作过,其中包括他自己参与创办的两个公司:Helix Systems和CoolSync。他在斯坦福大学获得管理和工程的硕士学位。
  1. Foreword
  2. Preface
  3. A. The Importance of Frontend Performance
  4. Tracking Web Page Performance
  5. Where Does the Time Go?
  6. The Performance Golden Rule
  7. B. HTTP Overview
  8. Compression
  9. Conditional GET Requests
  10. Expires
  11. Keep-Alive
  12. There’s More
  13. 1. Rule 1: Make Fewer HTTP Requests
  14. Image Maps
  15. CSS Sprites
  16. Inline Images
  17. Combined Scripts and Stylesheets
  18. Conclusion
  19. 2. Rule 2: Use a Content Delivery Network
  20. Content Delivery Networks
  21. The Savings
  22. 3. Rule 3: Add an Expires Header Expires Header
  23. Max-Age and mod_expires
  24. Empty Cache vs. Primed Cache
  25. More Than Just Images
  26. Revving Filenames
  27. Examples
  28. 4. Rule 4: Gzip Components
  29. How Compression Works
  30. What to Compress
  31. The Savings
  32. Configuration
  33. Proxy Caching
  34. Edge Cases
  35. Gzip in Action
  36. 5. Rule 5: Put Stylesheets at the Top
  37. Progressive Rendering
  38. sleep.cgi
  39. Blank White Screen
  40. Flash of Unstyled Content
  41. What’s a Frontend Engineer to Do?
  42. 6. Rule 6: Put Scripts at the Bottom
  43. Problems with Scripts
  44. Parallel Downloads
  45. Scripts Block Downloads
  46. Worst Case: Scripts at the Top
  47. Best Case: Scripts at the Bottom
  48. Putting It in Perspective
  49. 7. Rule 7: Avoid CSS Expressions
  50. Updating Expressions
  51. Working Around the Problem
  52. Conclusion
  53. 8. Rule 8: Make JavaScript and CSS External
  54. Inline vs. External
  55. Typical Results in the Field
  56. Home Pages
  57. The Best of Both Worlds
  58. 9. Rule 9: Reduce DNS Lookups
  59. DNS Caching and TTLs
  60. The Browser’s Perspective
  61. Reducing DNS Lookups
  62. 10. Rule 10: Minify JavaScript
  63. Minification
  64. Obfuscation
  65. The Savings
  66. Examples
  67. Icing on the Cake
  68. 11. Rule 11: Avoid Redirects
  69. Types of Redirects
  70. How Redirects Hurt Performance
  71. Alternatives to Redirects
  72. 12. Rule 12: Remove Duplicate Scripts
  73. Duplicate Scripts—They Happen
  74. Duplicate Scripts Hurt Performance
  75. Avoiding Duplicate Scripts
  76. 13. Rule 13: Configure ETags
  77. What’s an ETag?
  78. The Problem with ETags
  79. ETags: Use ’Em or Lose ’Em
  80. ETags in the Real World
  81. 14. Rule 14: Make Ajax Cacheable
  82. Web 2.0, DHTML, and Ajax
  83. Asynchronous = Instantaneous?
  84. Optimizing Ajax Requests
  85. Caching Ajax in the Real World
  86. 15. Deconstructing 10 Top Sites
  87. Page Weight, Response Time, YSlow Grade
  88. How the Tests Were Done
  89. Amazon
  90. AOL
  91. CNN
  92. eBay
  93. Google
  94. MSN
  95. MySpace
  96. Wikipedia
  97. Yahoo!
  98. YouTube
  99. Index
作者:Steve Souders
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Steve Souders
Steve Souders在Yahoo!担任Chief Performance。他于2000年加盟Yahoo!,在该公司的很多平台和产品团队中工作过。在他到达今天这个位置之前,他就职于My Yahoo!开发团队。
作为Chief Performance Yahoo!,他开发了一系列优秀软件,可以使网站访问速度变得更快。他构建了用于进行性能分析的工具,并将这些优秀软件和工具传播到Yahoo!的各个产品团队中。
在到Yahoo!之前,Steve就职于很多小型或中型公司,包括他和别人一起创办的两个公司——Helix Systems和CoolSync。他还曾就职于General Magic、WhoWhere?和Lycos。在20世纪80年代早期,Steve捕获到了Artificial Intelligence的bug,并在一些公司里进行机器方面的研究。他在维吉尼亚大学得到了系统工程学学士学位,后又在斯坦福大学获得了管理科学和工程学硕士学位。
Steve的兴趣爱好多种多样。他常出现在Freehand System的会议桌上,并且经常光顾Fremont Hills Country Club,还在Sunday School教书。他曾与很多NBA和WNBA球员一起打篮球,但最近他改玩Ultimate Frisbee了。他是Universal Studios Internet Task Force的成员、他重建了有90年历史的车房(carriage house),他还参与了一项吉尼斯世界纪录。他有一位美丽的妻子和三个女儿。
The animal on the cover of High Performance Web Sites is a greyhound.
The fastest dog in the world, a greyhound can reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour, enabled by its streamlined, narrow body; large lungs, heart, and muscles;double suspension gallop (two periods of a gait when all four feet are off the ground); and the flexibility of its spine.Although greyhounds are incredibly fast,
they are actually low-energy dogs and lack endurance, requiring less exercise time than most dogs.For this reason, they’re often referred to as “45-mile-per-hour couch potatoes” because when not chasing smaller prey (such as rabbits and cats), they are
content to spend their days sleeping.
Greyhounds are one of the oldest breeds of dogs, appearing in art and literature
throughout history.In ancient Egypt, greyhounds were often mummified and buried with their owners, and hieroglyphics from 4000 B.C.E. show a dog closely resembling
the modern greyhound.In Greek and Roman mythology, greyhounds were
often depicted with gods and goddesses.Greyhounds appeared in the writings of
Homer, Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Cervantes, and they are the only type of dog
mentioned in the Bible.They’ve long been appreciated for their intelligence, graceful
form, athleticism, and loyalty.
During the early 1920s, modern greyhound racing was introduced into the United
States.Smaller and lighter than show greyhounds, track greyhounds are selectively
bred and usually stand between 25–29 inches tall and weigh 60–70 pounds.These
dogs instinctively chase anything that moves quickly (as they are sighthounds, not
bloodhounds), hence the lure—the mechanical hare they chase around the track.
Greyhound racing is still a very popular spectator sport in the United States and, like
horse racing, is enjoyed as a form of parimutuel gambling.
Greyhound racing is very controversial as the dogs experience little human contact
and spend most of their non-racing time in crates.Once greyhounds are too old to
race (somewhere between three and five years of age), many are euthanized, though
there are now many rescue programs that find homes for retired racers.Because greyhounds
are naturally docile and even-tempered, most adjust well to adoption and
make wonderful pets.