C# 3.0学习指南
C# 3.0学习指南
Jesse Liberty, Brian MacDonald
张晨, 王丽, 齐卉 译
本书内容完全基于C#语言的最新版本C# 3.0,从基础知识开始介绍,逐步过渡到C#的中、高级功能。本书的每一章都作为一个独立的课程,穿插大量带有注解的例子、插图和摘要。每一章的最后都有内容独特的自我测试部分,通过习题和回顾测试,你可以对自己学习到的新技能进行实践并加强理解。
● 在学习C#语言的同时学习如何编程;
● 通过学习C#,掌握面向对象编程的原理;
● 编写用户交互程序;
● 使用Visual Studio的内置工具使调试变得快速而简便;
● 发现如何使用C# 3.0和.NET 3.5架构的最新功能,包括LINQ和Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF);
● 创建Windows应用程序和数据驱动应用程序。

Jesse Liberty是Microsoft公司Silverlight开发部门的高级项目经理,也是很多相关书籍的作者,其著作包括Programming C# 3.0和Programming .NET 3.5。
Brian MacDonald是擅长Microsoft .NET编程主题的技术编辑,曾参与合著Learning C# 2005、Learning ASP.NET 2.0 with AJAX和Learning ASP.NET 3.5。
书名:C# 3.0学习指南
译者:张晨, 王丽, 齐卉 译
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Jesse Liberty
Jesse Liberty,现在是微软公司Silverlight开发团队的一名高级项目经理,他是《Programming .NET 3.5》、《Learning ASP.NET with AJAX》(都是O'Reilly出版社出版的)以及许多其他书的作者。他是一位著名的.NET专家,他具有在PBS担任软件架构师的经验,以及在AT&T担任优秀软件工程师的经验。你可以通过http://www.JesseLiberty.com与他取得联系。

Jesse Liberty是多部著作的作者,包括O'Reilly出版的Programming ASP.NET。Jesse 是Liberty Associates公司的总裁(http://WWW.LibertyAssociates.com)。这个公司提供.NET的培训、合同式编程服务,以及咨询。他曾是花旗银行电子发行部的副总裁,以及曾是AT&T、Ziff Davis、 Xerox 和PBS的杰出软件工程师(Distinguished Software Engineer)。

Jesse Liberty是许多计算机图书的作者,主题涉及面向对象编程、C++和Web编程。除本书外,还有O'Reilly即将出版的《Programming ASP.NET》。他是Liberty Associates公司(www.LibertyAssociates.com)的总裁,这个公司主要提供.NET技术培训、编程和咨询。他原来是花旗银行(Citibank)电子支付部门的副总裁。还曾经在AT&T、Ziff Davis、施乐和PBS公司担任过杰出软件工程师和架构师。
Jesse Liberty是Microsoft的Silverlight Development分部的高级项目经理。他的业务卡上的名字是“Silverlight Geek”(Silverlight奇客),并且他主要负责通过Silverlight.net培育Silverlight Developer社区。
Jesse是许多图书的作者,包括O’Reilly的Programming Silverlight 2和长期的畅销书Programming C# 3.0。Jesse具有20年的开发人员、作者和顾问的经历,并且是AT&T的著名软件工程师、PBS/Learning Link的软件架构师,以及Citibank的副总裁。他对自己编写的图书提供了全面的支持,可以访问他的博客,地址是:http://www.JesseLiberty.com。
Jesse Liberty, Microsoft .NET MVP, is the best-selling author of O'Reilly Media's Programming ASP.NET, Programming C#, Programming Visual Basic 2005, and over a dozen other books on web and object-oriented programming. He is president of Liberty Associates, Inc., where he provides contract programming, consulting, and on-site training in .NET.
Jesse is a frequent contributor to O'Reilly Networkweb sites, as well as many industry publications, and he has spoken at numerous events. He is a former Distinguished Software Engineer at AT&T, and Vice President for technology development at CitiBank.

Jesse Liberty is the best-selling author of O'Reilly's Learning ASP.NET with AJAX,
Programming C#, Programming .NET 3.5,and a dozen other books on programming.
He is a senior program manager at Microsoft on the Silverlight Development
Team, and a frequent contributor to O'Reilly Network web sites and publications.
Jesse is a former distinguished software engineer at AT&T and vice president for
technology development at CitiBank, and was an independent consultant for 12 years.
Brian MacDonald
Brian MacDonald是计算机编程及网络方面书籍的编者,为许多出版社编辑了众多图书,主题涉及Windows服务器的安全性、PHP Web编程以及eBay交易等,为O'Reilly出版社编辑了《Programming WCF Services》和《Programming ASP.NET》,与Jesse Liberty先生一同参与了《Learning C# 2005》的编辑工作。
Brian MacDonald is an editor of programming and networking books. He has edited
books for several major publishers on topics ranging from securing Windows servers
to PHP web programming to running an eBay business. His workfor O’Reilly
includes Programming WCF Services and Programming ASP.NET. He also coauthored
Learning C# 2005 with Jesse Liberty. He lives in southeastern Pennsylvania
with his wife and son.

Brian MacDonald is a technical editor specializing in Microsoft .NET programming
topics. He has edited Programming C#, Programming ASP.NET, and Programming
WCF (all from O’Reilly). He is also the coauthor of Learning C# 2005, Learning C#
3.0, and Learning ASP.NET 2.0 with AJAX. He lives in southeastern Pennsylvania
with his wife and son.