Timothy M. O'Brien
Timothy M. O'Brien is an active committer in the Jakarta Commons, a subproject of the Apache Software Foundation's Jakarta project. As a consultant, Tim tries to encourage the adoption of open source software and nudge organizations to view community participation as an essential strategy.In addition to his professional responsibilities, he is a bass/baritone who sings frequently in the Chicagoland area. Tim discovered programming on a Basic Four, TRS-80, and Commodore 64 in his hometown of Wellesley, Massachusetts; subsequently, he studied Computer Engi- neering at the University of Virginia.Timothy M O'Brien是一位Jakarta社区的活跃成员。而Jakarta是Apache软件基金会(Apache Software Fundation)所属Apache工程的子项目。作为一名顾问人员,Tim致力于提倡采用开源软件,并敦促各组织把参与社区看作一项重要战略。
除了专业工作外,他还是一位男中低音歌手,常在芝加哥地区一展歌喉。Tim的编程生涯起始于家乡Massachusetts州的Wellesley,开始时学习的是Basic Four、TRS-80及Commodore64,后来他进入弗吉尼亚大学(the University of