Justin Gehtland
从1992年开始,Justin Gehtland就是位专业的程序开发人员、讲师、演讲者以及权威。他使用VB、COM、.NET、Java、Perl以及许多被历史所遗忘的冷门技术来开发真实世界里的应用程序。由于他向来专注在“联机”的应用程序,可想而知,后来他接着往COM+、ASP/ASP.NET以及JSP等技术领域继续钻研。
Justin是《Effective Visual Basic》(Addison Wesley出版)与《Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic .NET》(Addison Wesley出版)的作者之一。他目前是The Server Side .NET 的“Agility”主题专栏作家,并且在他的Relevance, LLC公司担任顾问,另外还在DevelopMentor担任讲师。

Justin Gehtland的头衔比较多。从1992年以来,他做过专业程序员、讲师、演说者与权威人士,等等。他使用过VB、COM、.NET、Java、 Perl,甚至还采用一些可上溯到石器时代的技术来开发应用程序。鉴于以往的经验都是专注于“连接”应用程序,因此,其研究方向逐渐转向了COM+、 ASP/ASP.NET与JSP。
Justin曾经与他人合著《Effective Visual Basic》(Addison-Wesley出版)以及《Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic .NET》(Addison-Wesley出版)。他现在是The Server Side .NET的专栏作家,同时也是Relevance的顾问,教授DevelopMentor。 Working as a professional programmer, instructor, speaker, and pundit since 1992, Justin Gehtland has developed real-world applications using VB, COM, .NET, Java, Perl and a slew of obscure technologies since relegated to the trash heap of technical history. His focus has historically been on "connected" applications, which of course has led him down the COM+, ASP/ASP.NET, and JSP roads.
Justin is the coauthor of Effective Visual Basic (Addison-Wesley) and Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic .NET (Addison-Wesley). He is currently the regular Agility columnist on The Server Side .NET and works as a consultant through his company Relevance, LLC in addition to teaching for DevelopMentor.