Jeffrey E. F. Friedl
effrey E.F.Friedl生长于俄亥俄州Rootstown的乡村,小时候希望成为天文学家,直到有一天他发现了闲置在化学实验室角落里的TRS-80 Model I(装备了整整16KB RAM)。1980年他终于开始使用Unix(和正则表达式)。在肯特(Kent)大学和新罕布什尔(New Hampshire)大学分别获得计算机学士和硕士学位之后,他在日本京都工作了8年,为欧姆龙公司(Omron Corporation)进行核心开发,1997年迁居硅谷,在当时还不为人知的Yahoo!用正则表达式处理财经新闻和数据。2004年4月他偕妻儿返回京都。
Jeffrey E. F. Friedl was raised in the countryside of Rootstown, Ohio, and had aspi-rations of being an astronomer until one day noticing a TRS-80 Model I sitting unused in the corner of the chem lab (bristling with a full 16K of RAM, no less).
He eventually began using Unix (and regular expressions) in 1980, and earned degrees in Computer Science from Kent (BS) and the University of New Hamp-shire (MS). He did kernel development for Omron Corporation in Kyoto, Japan for eight years before moving in 1997 to Silicon Valley to apply his regular-expression know-how to financial news and data for a little-known company called Yahoo!