Dan Pilone
Dan Pilone is a software architect with Blueprint Technologies, Inc., cofounder
and president of Zizworks, Inc., and a terrible rock climber. He has designed and
implemented systems for Hughes, ARINC, UPS, and the Naval Research Laboratory.
When not writing for O’Reilly, he teaches software design and software
engineering at the Catholic University in Washington, D.C. He is the author of
the UML Pocket Reference and has had several articles published covering software
process, consulting in the software industry, and 3D graphics in Java.

Dan is eternally grateful to his wife Tracey for letting
him finish this book. Dan is a software architect for
Vangent, Inc., and has led teams for the Naval Research
Laboratory and NASA, building enterprise software.
He’s taught graduate and undergraduate Software
Engineering at Catholic University in Washington, D.C.
Some of his classes were interesting.
Dan started writing for O’Reilly by submitting a proposal
for this book a little over five years ago. Three UML
books, some quality time in Boulder, Colorado, with
the O’Reilly Head First team, and a co-author later, he
finally got a chance to put this book together.
While leading a team of software developers can be
challenging, Dan is waiting patiently for someone to
write Head First Parenting to help sort out seriously
complex management problems.