Andrew Stellman
Andrew Stellman,虽然是一个土生土长的纽约人,却曾两次居住在匹兹堡。第一次是从卡耐基梅隆计算机科学学院毕业,第二次则是他和Jenny开始着手开展他们的咨询业务,并为O’Reilly写他们的第一本书。
搬回故乡后,他在大学毕业后的第一份工作是在百代唱片公司EMI-Capitol Records做一名程序员——这不无道理,因为他曾在LaGuardia音乐艺术和表演艺术学校学习大提琴和爵士乐吉它。他和Jenny的第一次共事就是在这家财务软件公司,在那里他管理着一个程序员团队,所以独享特权,可以与一些了不起的程序员共事多年,并很高兴地从他们那里学到不少东西。
平常不写书时,Andrew会忙于写一些没用(但有趣)的软件,玩音乐(不过,更多的时间是打电子游戏),学中国的太极拳和日本的合气道。他有一个女朋友Lisa,还养着一只波美拉尼亚种小狗。Jennifer Greene and Andrew Stellman have been building software together since 1998.
Andrew comes from a programming background and has managed teams of requirements analysts, designers, and developers. Jennifer has a testing background and has managed teams of architects, developers, and testers.
She has led multiple large-scale outsourced projects.
Between the two of them, they have managed every aspect of software development. They formed Stellman & Greene Consulting in 2003, with a focus on project management, software development, management consulting, and soft-ware process improvement. They have worked in a wide range of industries, including finance, telecommunications, media,nonprofit, enter-tainment, natural language processing, science, and academia.
For more information about them and this book, visit