Arnold Robbins, Elbert Hannah, Linda Lamb
在过去将近30年的时间里,vi已经成为Unix和Linux的标准编辑器,而从1986年开始本书也已成为vi的主要指南。但是现在Unix已经不是三十年前的样子,这本书也同样不会是。《学习vi和Vim 第七版》已经进行了扩展,包括了Vim这个主要vi克隆的细节。

Vim作为目前绝大多数Linux系统的缺省编辑器和Mac OS X的缺省vi版本,也可以应用于很多其他操作系统。这本指南在讲解文本编辑基础知识的同时,也涵盖了高级工具,例如用交互式的宏和脚本来扩展编辑器的功能——所有这些都用易于理解的方式来传授,这种风格已经让本书成为经典。你将学到以下内容:

* 高效使用vi
* 深入讲解vi的知识,例如使用缓存
* 使用vi的全局搜索替换功能
* 定制vi以及运行Unix命令
* 使用Vim的扩展文本对象和强大正则表达式
* 使用多窗口编辑并且编写Vim脚本
* 发挥图形用户界面版的Vim也就是gvim的全部功能
* 使用Vim的增强功能,例如语法高亮和扩展标签
* 将Vim和其他三个vi的克隆nvi、elvis和vile进行比较


“vi, 如同很多在Unix早期阶段开发的经典应用程序一样,有着不易使用的评价。Bram Moolenaar的增强版克隆,Vim,已经为消除这样的印象做了非常多的努力……它可能已经成为最流行的vi版本。”
—— 摘自前言

Arnold Robbins是一位专业程序员和技术作者,从1980年开始就在Unix系统上工作,帮助过awk的POSIX标准制订。

Elbert Hannah是一位专业软件工程师和架构师,他的第一个工作任务是在1983年用汇编语言编写一个全屏编辑器。

Linda Lamb,O'Reilly的首批作者之一,也是公司的技术作者和市场经理。
  1. Preface
  2. Part I. Basic and Advanced
  3. 1. The vi Text Editor
  4. A Brief Historical Perspective
  5. Opening and Closing Files
  6. Quitting Without Saving Edits
  7. 2. Simple Editing
  8. vi Commands
  9. Moving the Cursor
  10. Simple Edits
  11. More Ways to Insert Text
  12. Joining Two Lines with J
  13. Review of Basic vi Commands
  14. 3. Moving Around in a Hurry
  15. Movement by Screens
  16. Movement by Text Blocks
  17. Movement by Searches
  18. Movement by Line Number
  19. Review of vi Motion Commands
  20. 4. Beyond the Basics
  21. More Command Combinations
  22. Options When Starting vi
  23. Making Use of Buffers
  24. Marking Your Place
  25. Other Advanced Edits
  26. Review of vi Buffer and Marking Commands
  27. 5. Introducing the ex Editor
  28. ex Commands
  29. Editing with ex
  30. Saving and Exiting Files
  31. Copying a File into Another File
  32. Editing Multiple Files
  33. 6. Global Replacement
  34. Confirming Substitutions
  35. Context-Sensitive Replacement
  36. Pattern-Matching Rules
  37. Pattern-Matching Examples
  38. A Final Look at Pattern Matching
  39. 7. Advanced Editing
  40. Customizing vi
  41. Executing Unix Commands
  42. Saving Commands
  43. Using ex Scripts
  44. Editing Program Source Code
  45. 8. Introduction to the vi Clones
  46. And These Are My Brothers, Darrell, Darrell, and Darrell
  47. Multiwindow Editing
  48. GUI Interfaces
  49. Extended Regular Expressions
  50. Enhanced Tags
  51. Improved Facilities
  52. Programming Assistance
  53. Editor Comparison Summary
  54. Nothing Like the Original
  55. A Look Ahead
  56. Part II. Vim
  57. 9. Vim (vi Improved): An Introduction
  58. Overview
  59. Where to Get Vim
  60. Getting Vim for Unix and GNU/Linux
  61. Getting Vim for Windows Environments
  62. Getting Vim for the Macintosh Environment
  63. Other Operating Systems
  64. Aids and Easy Modes for New Users
  65. Summary
  66. 10. Major Vim Improvements over vi
  67. Built-in Help
  68. Startup and Initialization Options
  69. New Motion Commands
  70. Extended Regular Expressions
  71. Customizing the Executable
  72. 11. Multiple Windows in Vim
  73. Initiating Multiwindow Editing
  74. Opening Windows
  75. Moving Around Windows (Getting Your Cursor from Here to There)
  76. Moving Windows Around
  77. Resizing Windows
  78. Buffers and Their Interaction with Windows
  79. Playing Tag with Windows
  80. Tabbed Editing
  81. Closing and Quitting Windows
  82. Summary
  83. 12. Vim Scripts
  84. What’s Your Favorite Color (Scheme)?
  85. Dynamic File Type Configuration Through Scripting
  86. Some Additional Thoughts About Vim Scripting
  87. Resources
  88. 13. Graphical Vim (gvim)
  89. General Introduction to gvim
  90. Customizing Scrollbars, Menus, and Toolbars
  91. gvim in Microsoft Windows
  92. gvim in the X Window System
  93. GUI Options and Command Synopsis
  94. 14. Vim Enhancements for Programmers
  95. Folding and Outlining (Outline Mode)
  96. Auto and Smart Indenting
  97. Keyword and Dictionary Word Completion
  98. Tag Stacking
  99. Syntax Highlighting
  100. Compiling and Checking Errors with Vim
  101. Some Final Thoughts on Vim for Writing Programs
  102. 15. Other Cool Stuff in Vim
  103. Editing Binary Files
  104. Digraphs: Non-ASCII Characters
  105. Editing Files in Other Places
  106. Navigating and Changing Directories
  107. Backups with Vim
  108. HTML Your Text
  109. What’s the Difference?
  110. Undoing Undos
  111. Now, Where Was I?
  112. What’s My Line (Size)?
  113. Abbreviations of Vim Commands and Options
  114. A Few Quickies (Not Necessarily Vim-Specific)
  115. More Resources
  116. Part III. Other vi Clones
  117. 16. nvi: New vi
  118. Author and History
  119. Important Command-Line Arguments
  120. Online Help and Other Documentation
  121. Initialization
  122. Multiwindow Editing
  123. GUI Interfaces
  124. Extended Regular Expressions
  125. Improvements for Editing
  126. Programming Assistance
  127. Interesting Features
  128. Sources and Supported Operating Systems
  129. 17. Elvis
  130. Author and History
  131. Important Command-Line Arguments
  132. Online Help and Other Documentation
  133. Initialization
  134. Multiwindow Editing
  135. GUI Interfaces
  136. Extended Regular Expressions
  137. Improved Editing Facilities
  138. Programming Assistance
  139. Interesting Features
  140. elvis Futures
  141. Sources and Supported Operating Systems
  142. 18. vile: vi Like Emacs
  143. Authors and History
  144. Important Command-Line Arguments
  145. Online Help and Other Documentation
  146. Initialization
  147. Multiwindow Editing
  148. GUI Interfaces
  149. Extended Regular Expressions
  150. Improved Editing Facilities
  151. Programming Assistance
  152. Interesting Features
  153. Sources and Supported Operating Systems
  154. Part IV. Appendixes
  155. A. The vi, ex, and Vim Editors
  156. B. Setting Options
  157. C. Problem Checklists
  158. D. vi and the Internet
  159. Index
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Arnold Robbins
Arnold Robbins是一名专业的程序员和技术作家。他从1980年开始使用Unix系统,包括Sun、IBM、HP和DEC的商业Unix系统,从1996年开始使用GNU/Linux系统。Arnold也是GNU Awk(gawk) 及其文档的长期维护人员,同时还是多本O'Reilly著作的作者和合著者。
Elbert Hannah
Elbert Hannah专注于技术整合。在早期发现Unix后,便开启了自己整合不同系统的职业生涯,最终投身于金融业的技术整合。他所有成就的基础依托于vi文本编辑框架的力量和敏捷性。
Elbert Hannah is a professional software engineer and software architect recently finishing
a 21-year career in the telcom industry. He wrote a full screen editor in assembler
in 1983 as his first professional assignment, and has had special interest in editors since.
He loves connecting Unix to anything and once wrote a stream editor program to automate
JCL edits for mainframe monthly configurations by streaming mainframe JCL
to a stream editor on an RJE-connected Unix box.
Linda Lamb
Linda Lamb是O'Reilly公司的一名编辑,她目前正在负责一套深层次的有关消费者健康的书籍《Patient Centered Guides》。她在O'Reilly工作了14年,担任过各种职位,包括技术作者、技术书籍编辑以及市场经理。vi一直是她最喜爱的文本编辑器。她认为vi速度快、功能强大,并且符合人的使用习惯。
Linda Lamb is a former employee of O’Reilly Media, Inc., where she worked in various
capacities, including technical writer, editor of technical books, and marketing manager.
She also worked on O’Reilly’s series of consumer health books, Patient Centered
The animal on the cover of Learning the vi and Vim Editors, Seventh Edition, is a tarsier,
a nocturnal mammal related to the lemur. Its generic name, Tarsius, is derived from
the animal’s very long ankle bone, the tarsus. The tarsier is a native of the East Indies
jungles from Sumatra to the Philippines and Sulawesi, where it lives in the trees, leaping
from branch to branch with extreme agility and speed.
A small animal, the tarsier’s body is only 6 inches long, followed by a 10-inch tufted
tail. It is covered in soft, brown or gray silky fur, and has a round face and huge eyes.
Its arms and legs are long and slender, as are its digits, which are tipped with rounded,
fleshy pads to improve its grip on trees. Tarsiers are active only at night, hiding during
the day in tangles of vines or in the tops of tall trees. They subsist mainly on insects
and, though very curious animals, tend to be loners.