Daniel Situnayake, Jenny Plunkett
——Elecia White
Making Embedded Systems的作者兼Embedded podcast的主持人
——Aurélien Geron
——Fran Baker

边缘AI正在改变计算机与真实世界的交互方式,让物联网设备可以使用过去由于成本、带宽或功耗限制而被丢弃的绝大部分传感器数据做出决策。通过嵌入式机器学习等技术,开发者可以捕捉人类直觉并将其部署至任何目标 —— 从超低功耗微控制器到嵌入式Linux设备。
● 研习用于边缘设备的AI和机器学习专业知识
● 了解哪些项目最适合使用边缘AI解决
● 探索边缘AI应用的关键设计模式
● 学习开发AI系统的迭代工作流
● 建立一支有能力解决现实问题的团队
● 遵循负责任的AI流程,打造高效产品
● 专用系统:消费类、医疗、工业、汽车、航空航天
● PCB设计,包括可制造性、良率和低噪声
  1. Foreword
  2. 1. A Brief Introduction to Edge AI
  3. Defining Key Terms
  4. Why Do We Need Edge AI?
  5. Summary
  6. 2. Edge AI in the Real World
  7. Common Use Cases for Edge AI
  8. Types of Applications
  9. Building Applications Responsibly
  10. Summary
  11. 3. The Hardware of Edge AI
  12. Sensors, Signals, and Sources of Data
  13. Processors for Edge AI
  14. Summary
  15. 4. Algorithms for Edge AI
  16. Feature Engineering
  17. Artificial Intelligence Algorithms
  18. Summary
  19. 5. Tools and Expertise
  20. Building a Team for AI at the Edge
  21. Tools of the Trade
  22. Summary
  23. 6. Understanding and Framing Problems
  24. The Edge AI Workflow
  25. Do I Need Edge AI?
  26. Determining Feasibility
  27. Summary
  28. 7. How to Build a Dataset
  29. What Does a Dataset Look Like?
  30. The Ideal Dataset
  31. Datasets and Domain Expertise
  32. Data, Ethics, and Responsible AI
  33. Data-Centric Machine Learning
  34. Estimating Data Requirements
  35. Getting Your Hands on Data
  36. Storing and Retrieving Data
  37. Ensuring Data Quality
  38. Preparing Data
  39. Building a Dataset over Time
  40. Summary
  41. 8. Designing Edge AI Applications
  42. Product and Experience Design
  43. Architectural Design
  44. Accounting for Choices in Design
  45. Summary
  46. 9. Developing Edge AI Applications
  47. An Iterative Workflow for Edge AI Development
  48. Summary
  49. 10. Evaluating, Deploying, and Supporting Edge AI Applications
  50. Evaluating Edge AI Systems
  51. Deploying Edge AI Applications
  52. Supporting Edge AI Applications
  53. What Comes Next
  54. 11. Use Case: Wildlife Monitoring
  55. Problem Exploration
  56. Solution Exploration
  57. Goal Setting
  58. Solution Design
  59. Dataset Gathering
  60. DSP and Machine Learning Workflow
  61. Testing the Model
  62. Deployment
  63. Iterate and Feedback Loops
  64. AI for Good
  65. Related Works
  66. 12. Use Case: Food Quality Assurance
  67. Problem Exploration
  68. Solution Exploration
  69. Goal Setting
  70. Solution Design
  71. Dataset Gathering
  72. DSP and Machine Learning Workflow
  73. Testing the Model
  74. Deployment
  75. Iterate and Feedback Loops
  76. Related Works
  77. 13. Use Case: Consumer Products
  78. Problem Exploration
  79. Goal Setting
  80. Solution Design
  81. Dataset Gathering
  82. DSP and Machine Learning Workflow
  83. Testing the Model
  84. Deployment
  85. Iterate and Feedback Loops
  86. Related Works
  87. Index
原版书书名:AI at the Edge
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Daniel Situnayake
Daniel Situnayake在Google领导TensorFlow Lite的开发宣传工作,并协助运营TinyML meetup小组。他是Tiny Farms的联合创始人,这是美国第一家利用自动化技术以工业规模生产昆虫蛋白的公司。
Jenny Plunkett
Jenny Plunkett是Edge Impulse的高级开发者关系工程师,也是技术宣讲者、开发者布道师和技术内容创作者。
The animal on the cover of AI at the Edge is a Siberian ibex (Capra sibirica). They can be found across Asia in places like China, Mongolia, Pakistan, and Kazakhstan. Siberian ibexes are essentially a large species of wild goat. The color of their fur ranges from dark brown to light tan with an occasional reddish tint. Males have large, black, ringed horns while females have smaller gray horns. Both sexes have beards. Their coat lightens in color during the winter and darkens during the summer. They tend to travel in single-sex herds of 5 to 30 animals.

The ideal habitat for Siberian ibexes is above the tree line on steep slopes and rocky scree. They can be found as low as 2,300 feet in semiarid deserts. Their diet consists mainly of grasses and herbs found in scrublands and grasslands.

Because Siberian ibexes are found in abundance in their natural habitat, they are considered a species of Least Concern even though their population is decreasing. Their biggest threat is hunting for food and poaching for sport. Many of the animals on O’Reilly covers are endangered; all of them are important to the world.