Daniel Situnayake
Daniel Situnayake在Google领导TensorFlow Lite的开发宣传工作,并协助运营TinyML meetup小组。他是Tiny Farms的联合创始人,这是美国第一家利用自动化技术以工业规模生产昆虫蛋白的公司。
Jenny Plunkett
Jenny Plunkett是Edge Impulse的高级开发者关系工程师,也是技术宣讲者、开发者布道师和技术内容创作者。
The animal on the cover of AI at the Edge is a Siberian ibex (Capra sibirica). They can be found across Asia in places like China, Mongolia, Pakistan, and Kazakhstan. Siberian ibexes are essentially a large species of wild goat. The color of their fur ranges from dark brown to light tan with an occasional reddish tint. Males have large, black, ringed horns while females have smaller gray horns. Both sexes have beards. Their coat lightens in color during the winter and darkens during the summer. They tend to travel in single-sex herds of 5 to 30 animals.
The ideal habitat for Siberian ibexes is above the tree line on steep slopes and rocky scree. They can be found as low as 2,300 feet in semiarid deserts. Their diet consists mainly of grasses and herbs found in scrublands and grasslands.
Because Siberian ibexes are found in abundance in their natural habitat, they are considered a species of Least Concern even though their population is decreasing. Their biggest threat is hunting for food and poaching for sport. Many of the animals on O’Reilly covers are endangered; all of them are important to the world.