Docker即学即用 第3版(影印版)
Sean P. Kane, Karl Matthias
——Kelsey Hightower
Google Cloud Platform首席开发者推广大使
——Liz Rice
——Mihai Todor

新版的更新反映了Docker自近十年前首次发布以来发生的重大变化。Sean Kane和Karl Matthias对全书做了修订,体现了现今的最佳实践,并加入了BuildKit、多架构镜像支持、无根容器等诸多内容。
● 了解Docker和Linux容器如何与云服务和Kubernetes集成
● 使用强大的命令行工具构建Open Container Initiative(OCI)镜像以及部署和管理Linux容器
● 了解OCI镜像如何为应用程序简化依赖项管理和部署工作流
● 学习在生产环境中部署和测试Linux容器的实践技术
● 在任何需要的地方大规模部署生产容器
● 探索包括部署工具、网络、编排、安全和配置在内的Docker高级主题
  1. Foreword
  2. Preface
  3. 1. Introduction
  4. The Promise of Docker
  5. What Docker Isn’t
  6. Important Terminology
  7. Wrap-Up
  8. 2. The Docker Landscape
  9. Process Simplification
  10. Broad Support and Adoption
  11. Architecture
  12. Getting the Most from Docker
  13. The Docker Workflow
  14. Wrap-Up
  15. 3. Installing Docker
  16. Docker Client
  17. Testing the Setup
  18. Exploring the Docker Server
  19. Wrap-Up
  20. 4. Working with Docker Images
  21. Anatomy of a Dockerfile
  22. Building an Image
  23. Running Your Image
  24. Custom Base Images
  25. Storing Images
  26. Optimizing Images
  27. Troubleshooting Broken Builds
  28. Multiarchitecture Builds
  29. Wrap-Up
  30. 5. Working with Containers
  31. What Are Containers?
  32. Creating a Container
  33. Starting a Container
  34. Auto-Restarting a Container
  35. Stopping a Container
  36. Killing a Container
  37. Pausing and Unpausing a Container
  38. Cleaning Up Containers and Images
  39. Windows Containers
  40. Wrap-Up
  41. 6. Exploring Docker
  42. Printing the Docker Version
  43. Server Information
  44. Downloading Image Updates
  45. Inspecting a Container
  46. Exploring the Shell
  47. Returning a Result
  48. Getting Inside a Running Container
  49. Logging
  50. Monitoring Docker
  51. Prometheus Monitoring
  52. Exploration
  53. Wrap-Up
  54. 7. Debugging Containers
  55. Process Output
  56. Process Inspection
  57. Controlling Processes
  58. Network Inspection
  59. Image History
  60. Inspecting a Container
  61. Filesystem Inspection
  62. Wrap-Up
  63. 8. Exploring Docker Compose
  64. Configuring Docker Compose
  65. Launching Services
  66. Exploring Rocket.Chat
  67. Exercising Docker Compose
  68. Managing Configuration
  69. Wrap-Up
  70. 9. The Path to Production Containers
  71. Getting to Production
  72. Docker’s Role in Production Environments
  73. Docker and the DevOps Pipeline
  74. Wrap-Up
  75. 10. Containers at Scale
  76. Docker Swarm Mode
  77. Kubernetes
  78. Amazon ECS and Fargate
  79. Wrap-Up
  80. 11. Advanced Topics
  81. Containers in Detail
  82. Security
  83. Advanced Configuration
  84. Storage
  85. nsenter
  86. The Structure of Docker
  87. Swapping Runtimes
  88. Wrap-Up
  89. 12. The Expanding Landscape
  90. Client Tools
  91. All-in-One Developer Tools
  92. Wrap-Up
  93. 13. Container Platform Design
  94. The Twelve-Factor App
  95. The Reactive Manifesto
  96. Wrap-Up
  97. 14. Conclusion
  98. The Road Ahead
  99. The Challenges Docker Addresses
  100. The Docker Workflow
  101. Minimizing Deployment Artifacts
  102. Optimizing Storage and Retrieval
  103. The Payoff
  104. The Final Word
  105. Index
书名:Docker即学即用 第3版(影印版)
原版书书名:Docker: Up & Running, 3rd Edition
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Sean P. Kane
Sean P. Kane是New Relic公司的首席网站可靠性工程师,长期从事生产运维,有很多不同的头衔,在很多行业中工作过。
Karl Matthias
Karl Matthias是InVision公司的云平台服务经理,他做过开发者、分布式系统架构师、系统管理员和网络工程师,在初创公司和财 富500强大企业都能见到他的身影。
Blue whales can grow up to 100 feet in length and 200 tons in weight, making them the largest animals on Earth, and the largest animals to ever exist. At birth, a blue whale calf is as large as an adult hippopotamus and can gain up to 200 pounds a day. When fully grown, blue whales are long and thin, with a small dorsal fin, two flippers at their side, and a horizontal tail, also known as a “fluke.” Blue whales are named for their bluish-gray coloring.

Blue whales are migratory and can be found in every ocean. They generally feed in colder polar regions and then head to warmer tropical waters to give birth. Blue whales usually travel alone or in pairs and communicate through a series of complex vocalizations. As a member of the rorqual (balaenopteridae) family, blue whales feed by straining their prey through bony plates in their mouths known as baleen. Their diet consists almost entirely of krill, a small crustacean similar to shrimp. They require 1.5 million kilocalories of energy every day and can eat up to 7,900 pounds of krill daily. Because of their speed and size, blue whales have practically no natural predators.

Blue whales were once widespread, with a population estimated in the hundreds of thousands. While they were initially too large and fast for whalers to capture, the invention of the harpoon gun in the late 1800s enabled whalers to successfully hunt blue whales. Decades of whaling followed, causing a significant population decline. An international ban on the hunting of blue whales was enacted in 1966, allowing their numbers to recover, although they remain endangered.