Jerry Twomey
——Jacob Beningo
Beningo Embedded Group嵌入式系统顾问

作者Jerry Twomey探讨了有助于为产品创建无故障集成系统所需的方法,重点关注了硬件设计。你将从真实应用的角度探讨各种主题,其中包括关于非理想组件、噪声以及避免问题场景的方法。
● 理想与现实:连接、组件、数字化、信号
● 构架嵌入式系统
● 根据应用、速度、距离选择数字接口
● 多电压电源
● 高频电源完整性
● 电池和充电系统
● 降低电磁干扰(EMI)和静电放电(ESD)保护
● 驱动和感知外围设备
● 数字反馈控制系统
● 优化功耗和成本
● 专用系统:消费类、医疗、工业、汽车、航空航天
● PCB设计,包括可制造性、良率和低噪声

  1. Preface
  2. 1. Essential Concepts
  3. Basic Electronics
  4. Ideal Simplifications of Academia
  5. Interconnections
  6. Basic Components
  7. Nonideal Digital Devices
  8. Signal Integrity
  9. Summary and Conclusions
  10. Further Reading
  11. 2. Architecting the System
  12. Preliminary Ideas
  13. Modern Design Strategies
  14. Terminology in MCU and MPU Specifications
  15. Hardware Controllers
  16. Software Controllers
  17. Computers Versus Controllers
  18. Chip Set Methods
  19. System Architecture Options
  20. Physical Package Considerations
  21. Off-Chip Features and Support
  22. Pulling It All Together
  23. Picking a DCU Configuration and Your MCU/MPU
  24. Summary and Conclusions
  25. Further Reading
  26. 3. Robust Digital Communication
  27. Digital Signals, Physical Considerations, and Connections
  28. Digital Communication: Parallel Versus Serial Ports
  29. Clocking Methods for Serial Ports
  30. Digital Communication: Features and Definitions
  31. Serial Data: Shared Ground, Low Speed
  32. Serial Data: Shared Ground, High Speed
  33. Data Between Boards or Between Systems: Wired Methods
  34. Serial Data for Computer Systems
  35. Wireless Serial Interfaces
  36. Other Data Communication Methods
  37. Summary and Conclusions
  38. Further Reading
  39. 4. Power Systems
  40. Split Phase AC Mains Power
  41. AC Power Safety: Defining the Problem
  42. AC/DC Conversion
  43. Multi-PCB Systems: The Need for Local Power Regulation
  44. DC/DC Conversion: Linear Versus Switching
  45. Picking Regulators and Configuring a Power System
  46. Power Grid Current Surges Due to Digital Logic
  47. Summary and Conclusions
  48. Further Reading
  49. 5. Battery Power
  50. Battery Basics: Definitions
  51. Designing a Battery Set: Single Use and Multiple Cells
  52. Designing a Rechargeable Custom Battery Pack
  53. Charging Batteries
  54. Smart Batteries
  55. Regulations and Safety for Batteries
  56. Other Energy Storage and Access Methods
  57. Summary and Conclusions
  58. Further Reading
  59. 6. Electromagnetic Interference and Electrostatic Discharge
  60. Preliminary Ideas
  61. Grounding
  62. Reducing Conducted Emissions to AC Power Mains
  63. Cable Interconnect Strategies
  64. Reducing Noise Generation at the Source
  65. Reducing Noise Coupling Between On-Board Devices
  66. Making Circuits Less Noise Sensitive
  67. Suppressing Noise into and Out of the System: Faraday Cage Techniques
  68. Electrostatic Discharge Protection
  69. Summary and Conclusions
  70. Further Reading
  71. 7. Data Converters: ADCs and DACs
  72. DAC Performance Basics
  73. ADC Performance Basics
  74. Antialiasing Filters for ADC Inputs
  75. Pulse Width Modulation DACs
  76. Arbitrary Waveform Generation by Direct Digital Synthesis
  77. Summary and Conclusions
  78. Further Reading
  79. 8. Driving Peripheral Devices
  80. Switched Driver Circuits
  81. Selection of Static Displays
  82. Streaming Video Output
  83. Driving Inductive Loads
  84. H-Bridge Drive Circuits
  85. Driving DC Motors
  86. Audio Outputs
  87. Summary and Conclusions
  88. Further Reading
  89. 9. Sensing Peripheral Devices
  90. Sensors for Everything
  91. Sensor Output Types
  92. Sensor Data Capture and Calibration
  93. Two-State Devices: Switches, Optical Interrupters, and Hall Sensors
  94. Position and Rotation Encoders
  95. Analog-Linear Sensors: A Closer Look
  96. Specific Sensor Applications
  97. Summary and Conclusions
  98. Further Reading
  99. 10. Digital Feedback Control
  100. Overview of Sequence and Feedback Control
  101. Digital Versus Analog Circuit Methods
  102. Preliminary Definitions and Concepts
  103. DUC Performance Selection
  104. Sequence Control
  105. Select Topics in Analog Control Systems
  106. Transition to Digital Control
  107. PID Control Implementation
  108. Component Variance and Control Tuning
  109. Adaptive Control Methods
  110. Trajectory Control Methods
  111. Summary and Conclusions
  112. Further Reading
  113. 11. Schematic to PCB
  114. PCB Terminology
  115. PCB Design (EDA) Tools
  116. Getting Started
  117. Component Selection
  118. Including Test Access and Interface Ports
  119. Schematics
  120. Bill of Materials
  121. Defining Physical, Control, and Data Layers
  122. Defining a Component Footprint
  123. Mechanical Definition of a PCB
  124. Defining the PCB Layer Stack-Up
  125. Interplane Capacitance
  126. Physical Design Rules
  127. Component Placement Strategy
  128. General Interconnection Methods
  129. Vias and Micro-Vias
  130. Vias for Thermal Conduction
  131. Specialized Interconnection Methods
  132. EMI and ESD Strategies
  133. Features for Manufacture and Assembly
  134. Summary and Conclusions
  135. Further Reading
  136. 12. Software and Coding
  137. Coding Languages
  138. Operating Systems
  139. Configuring Ports and Processors
  140. Device Drivers
  141. Defensive Coding Methods
  142. Suggestions for Well-Organized Code
  143. Summary and Conclusions
  144. Further Reading
  145. 13. Special Systems and Applications
  146. Different Electronics for Different Priorities
  147. Design Priorities
  148. Navigating the Regulatory Maze
  149. Risk Analysis
  150. Aviation Electronics (Avionics)
  151. Satellites and Spacecraft (Astrionics)
  152. Military Electronics
  153. Medical Devices
  154. Automotive
  155. Consumer Electronics
  156. Industrial Automation
  157. Summary and Conclusions
  158. Further Reading
  159. 14. Creating Great Products
  160. Create Products That Solve Problems or Fulfill a Need
  161. Identify the Target Market
  162. Identify What the Customer Wants
  163. Examine Competing Products
  164. Define the Value Proposition
  165. Determine Viable Pricing
  166. Determine a Properly Timed Market Window
  167. Establish Coalitions and Strategic Partners
  168. Focus on Ease of Use
  169. Determine the Needed Resources
  170. Get Design Specification Consensus
  171. Minimal Design and Feature Creep
  172. Identify Obstacles Early
  173. Get User Feedback on Prototype Builds
  174. Make It Easy to Manufacture
  175. Summary and Conclusions
  176. Further Reading
  177. Glossary of Acronyms
  178. Index
作者:Jerry Twomey
原版书书名:Applied Embedded Electronics
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Jerry Twomey
Jerry Twomey设计了大量消费品、医疗设备、航空航天产品和商业产品,其中包括高速数据通信、卫星芯片组、医疗仪器、手机、射频设备等。他在集成电路、PCB以及系统设计方面拥有丰富经验,掌握了设计可靠电子设备所需的技术。
The animal on the cover of Applied Embedded Electronics is a yellow-footed rock wallaby (Petrogale xanthopus), an Australian marsupial found in western New South Wales, eastern South Australia, and portions of Queensland.

With a robust body, accompanied by a bushy tail, this wallaby sports grizzled grey or brown fur that provides effective camouflage in its rocky environments. Notably, its paws and tail base are adorned with vibrant yellow markings, lending the species its name.

Found in rugged, rocky landscapes like cliffs, gorges, and rocky outcrops, the yellowfooted rock wallaby exhibits exceptional agility in navigating challenging terrains. Their diet mainly consists of grasses, supplemented by various herbs, shrubs, and leaves.

These creatures are crepuscular, meaning they are most active during dawn and dusk, and will seek refuge in rocky crevices or caves during the day to escape the heat. Socially inclined, they form small groups, or mobs, typically led by a dominant male with several females and their offspring. Female wallabies have a pouch where they nurture and carry their underdeveloped young, known as joeys, for an extended period.

Classified as “Near Threatened” by the IUCN, the yellow-footed rock wallaby faces threats such as habitat loss, competition with introduced species, and predation. Many of the animals on O’Reilly covers are endangered; all of them are important to the world.