书名:R数据科学 第2版(影印版)
原版书书名:R for Data Science, 2nd Edition
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Hadley Wickham
Hadley Wickham,RStudio首席科学家,莱斯大学助理教授,资深R社区成员,已开发了30多个R包。因在数据处理和可视化开发工具方面的卓越贡献,获得专为统计计算而设立的约翰·钱伯斯奖。
Hadley Wickham是RStudio(现已更名为Posit)的首席科学家,2019年COPSS(统计学协会主席委员会)奖得主,R基金会成员。他构建了计算和认知工具,以使数据科学更容易、更快、更有趣。他的工作包括数据科学包(如tidyverse,其中包括ggplot2、dplyr和tidyr)和基础软件开发包(roxygen2、testthat和pkgdown)。他也是一位作家、教育家和演说家,提倡将R语言用于数据科学。您可以从他的网站hadley.nz上了解更多信息。
Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel
Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel是杜克大学统计科学系的实践教授和本科教务主任。她还是Posit公司的开发者教育工作者。
Garrett Grolemund
Garrett Grolemund是Hands-On Programming with R一书的作者,也是Posit公司的学习主管。
The animal on the cover of R for Data Science is the kakapo (Strigops habroptilus). Also known as the owl parrot, the kakapo is a large flightless bird native to New Zealand. Adult kakapos can grow up to 64 centimeters in height and 4 kilograms in weight. Their feathers are generally yellow and green, although there is significant variation between individuals. Kakapos are nocturnal and use their robust sense of smell to navigate at night. Although they cannot fly, kakapos have strong legs that enable them to run and climb much better than most birds.
The name kakapo comes from the language of the native Maori people of New Zealand. Kakapos were an important part of Maori culture, both as a food source and as a part of Maori mythology. Kakapo skin and feathers were also used to make cloaks
and capes.
Due to the introduction of predators to New Zealand during European colonization, kakapos are now critically endangered, with less than 200 individuals currently living. The government of New Zealand has been actively attempting to revive the kakapo population by providing special conservation zones on three predator-free islands.