Gayathri Mohan
Gayathri Mohan是一位充满激情的技术领导者,在多个软件开发角色以及技术和工业领域拥有专业知识。Gayathri通过在Thoughtworks为客户成功管理大型质量保证(QA)团队证明了她的奋斗精神,她现在是Thoughtworks的首席顾问。在担任公司的全球QA SME工作期间,她为Thoughtworks的QA定义了职业道路和所需的技能发展结构。作为办公室技术负责人,Gayathri培养了当地的技术社区,组织了技术活动,并在技术主题方面发展了思想领导力。
Gayathri还是Thoughtworks在Selenium成立10周年之际发布的《Perspectives of Agile Software Testing》(的合著者。
The animal on the cover of Full Stack Testing is a lowland streaked tenrec (Hemicentetes semispinosus). These small insectivorous mammals are one of many species of tenrecs found on the island of Madagascar. Lowland streaked tenrecs are typically found in scrubland, tropical lowland rainforests, agricultural land, and even some rural gardens on the eastern side of the island.
Lowland streaked tenrecs are easily identified by their long, pointed black snouts and small, tailless bodies striped with black and yellow quills. A crest of yellow spines covers the back of their necks. Their barbed quills are detachable and can be used as a defense mechanism; tenrecs also use the quills to communicate by rubbing them together, producing a high-pitched sound. Fully grown lowland streaked tenrecs are about five to seven inches long and weigh between four and ten ounces.
Lowland streaked tenrecs are social and gather in groups of up to 20. They dig connected burrows for nesting and forage for earthworms and insects individually or in small groups. In the winter, they go into torpor, a state of reduced body temperature and decreased metabolism. Females are only fertile for one year and are reproductively active at 25 days old, making them the only species of tenrec that can breed in the same season in which they were born. Lowland streaked tenrecs are classified as a species of least concern by the IUCN due to their widespread distribution, high abundance, and high tolerance to areas with large numbers of humans.