Rust编程 第2版(影印版)
一Carol Nichols
《The Rust Programming Language》合著者,Integer 32, LLC的联合创始人
通过这本实用指南,有经验的系统程序员将学会如何成功地使用 Rust弥合性能和安全之间的差距。Jim Blandy、Jason Orendorff和 Leonora Tindall展示了Rust的特性如何通过将可预测的性能与内存安全和可信赖的并发性结合起来,使程序员得以控制内存消耗和处理器的使用。
● Rust的基本数据类型以及所有权和借用的核心概念
● 语言基础知识,包括错误处理、箱(crates)、模块、结构体和枚举
● 如何使用特质和泛型编写灵活高效的代码
● Rust的关键工具:闭包、迭代器和异步编程
● 集合、字符串和文本、输入和输出、并发、宏、不安全代码以及外部函数接口
书名:Rust编程 第2版(影印版)
原版书书名:Programming Rust, 2e
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Jim Blandy
Jim Blandy,Mozilla软件工程师,拥有近40年编程经验和30年自由软件开发经验,是Subversion版本控制系统最初的设计者之一,曾在GNU Emacs、GNU Debugger等项目上工作。
Jason Orendorff
Jason Orendorff,GitHub工程师,专注开发尚未公开的Rust项目,曾在Mozilla参与Java Script引擎SpiderMonkey的开发。兴趣广泛,包括:语法学、烘焙、时间旅行,以及帮助人们理解复杂主题。
Leonora Tindall
Leonora Tindall是一名类型系统爱好者和软件工程师,他使用Rust、 Elixir和其他高级语言在医疗保健和数据所有权等影响力较大的领域构建稳健且有弹性的系统软件。
The animal on the cover of Programming Rust is a Montagu’s crab (Xantho hydrophilus). Montagu’s crab has been found in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean and in the Mediterranean Sea. It lives under rocks and boulders during low tide. If one is exposed when a rock is lifted, it will aggressively hold its pincers up and spread them wide open to make itself appear bigger.
This robust-looking crab has a muscly appearance with a broad carapace about 70 mm wide. The edge of the carapace is furrowed, and the color is yellowish or reddishbrown. It has 10 legs: the front pair (the chelipeds) are equal in size with black-tipped claws or pincers; then there are three pairs of walking legs that are stout and relatively
short; and the last pair of legs are for swimming. They walk and swim sideways.
This crab is an omnivore. They eat mostly algae, snails, and crabs of other species. They are mostly active at night. Egg-bearing females are found from March through July, and the larvae are present in plankton for most of the summer.
Many of the animals on O’Reilly covers are endangered; all of them are important to the world.