Kristina Chodorow


· 熟悉MongoDB核心概念和术语
· 在不同的安全程度和速度上执行基本的写操作
· 创建复杂的查询语句,带有用来限制、跳过和排序结果的选项
· 设计一个可以和MongoDB协同工作的应用
· 聚合数据,包括统计、查找唯一值、文档分组和使用MapReduce
· 整理和解释针对采集数据和数据库的统计结果
· 在MongoDB中建立主从集群和自动故障恢复机制
· 利用分片水平扩展MongoDB,了解其对应用的影响
· 深入研究监控、安全和认证、备份和修复以及其他管理任务

Kristina Chodorow是一名Google公司的软件工程师。她为MongDB的核心部分工作了五年。她领导了MongoDB主从集群的开发工作并且编写了PHP和Perl的驱动部分。
  1. Chapter 1: Introduction
  2. Ease of Use
  3. Easy Scaling
  4. Tons of Features…
  5. …Without Sacrificing Speed
  6. Let's Get Started
  7. Chapter 2: Getting Started
  8. Documents
  9. Collections
  10. Databases
  11. Getting and Starting MongoDB
  12. Introduction to the MongoDB Shell
  13. Data Types
  14. Using the MongoDB Shell
  15. Chapter 3: Creating, Updating, and Deleting Documents
  16. Inserting and Saving Documents
  17. Removing Documents
  18. Updating Documents
  19. Setting a Write Concern
  20. Chapter 4: Querying
  21. Introduction to find
  22. Query Criteria
  23. Type-Specific Queries
  24. $where Queries
  25. Cursors
  26. Database Commands
  27. Designing Your Application
  28. Chapter 5: Indexing
  29. Introduction to Indexing
  30. Using explain() and hint()
  31. When Not to Index
  32. Types of Indexes
  33. Index Administration
  34. Chapter 6: Special Index and Collection Types
  35. Capped Collections
  36. Time-To-Live Indexes
  37. Full-Text Indexes
  38. Geospatial Indexing
  39. Storing Files with GridFS
  40. Chapter 7: Aggregation
  41. The Aggregation Framework
  42. Pipeline Operations
  43. MapReduce
  44. Aggregation Commands
  45. Chapter 8: Application Design
  46. Normalization versus Denormalization
  47. Optimizations for Data Manipulation
  48. Planning Out Databases and Collections
  49. Managing Consistency
  50. Migrating Schemas
  51. When Not to Use MongoDB
  52. Replication
  53. Chapter 9: Setting Up a Replica Set
  54. Introduction to Replication
  55. A One-Minute Test Setup
  56. Configuring a Replica Set
  57. Changing Your Replica Set Configuration
  58. How to Design a Set
  59. Member Configuration Options
  60. Chapter 10: Components of a Replica Set
  61. Syncing
  62. Heartbeats
  63. Elections
  64. Rollbacks
  65. Chapter 11: Connecting to a Replica Set from Your Application
  66. Client-to-Replica-Set Connection Behavior
  67. Waiting for Replication on Writes
  68. Custom Replication Guarantees
  69. Sending Reads to Secondaries
  70. Chapter 12: Administration
  71. Starting Members in Standalone Mode
  72. Replica Set Configuration
  73. Manipulating Member State
  74. Monitoring Replication
  75. Master-Slave
  76. Sharding
  77. Chapter 13: Introduction to Sharding
  78. Introduction to Sharding
  79. Understanding the Components of a Cluster
  80. A One-Minute Test Setup
  81. Chapter 14: Configuring Sharding
  82. When to Shard
  83. Starting the Servers
  84. How MongoDB Tracks Cluster Data
  85. The Balancer
  86. Chapter 15: Choosing a Shard Key
  87. Taking Stock of Your Usage
  88. Picturing Distributions
  89. Shard Key Strategies
  90. Shard Key Rules and Guidelines
  91. Controlling Data Distribution
  92. Chapter 16: Sharding Administration
  93. Seeing the Current State
  94. Tracking Network Connections
  95. Server Administration
  96. Balancing Data
  97. Application Administration
  98. Chapter 17: Seeing What Your Application Is Doing
  99. Seeing the Current Operations
  100. Using the System Profiler
  101. Calculating Sizes
  102. Using mongotop and mongostat
  103. Chapter 18: Data Administration
  104. Setting Up Authentication
  105. Creating and Deleting Indexes
  106. Preheating Data
  107. Compacting Data
  108. Moving Collections
  109. Preallocating Data Files
  110. Chapter 19: Durability
  111. What Journaling Does
  112. Turning Off Journaling
  113. What MongoDB Does Not Guarantee
  114. Checking for Corruption
  115. Durability with Replication
  116. Server Administration
  117. Chapter 20: Starting and Stopping MongoDB
  118. Starting from the Command Line
  119. Stopping MongoDB
  120. Security
  121. Logging
  122. Chapter 21: Monitoring MongoDB
  123. Monitoring Memory Usage
  124. Calculating the Working Set
  125. Tracking Performance
  126. Monitoring Replication
  127. Chapter 22: Making Backups
  128. Backing Up a Server
  129. Backing Up a Replica Set
  130. Backing Up a Sharded Cluster
  131. Creating Incremental Backups with mongooplog
  132. Chapter 23: Deploying MongoDB
  133. Designing the System
  134. Virtualization
  135. Configuring System Settings
  136. Configuring Your Network
  137. System Housekeeping
  138. Appendix: Installing MongoDB
  139. Choosing a Version
  140. Windows Install
  141. POSIX (Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris) Install
  142. Appendix MongoDB Internals
  143. BSON
  144. Wire Protocol
  145. Data Files
  146. Namespaces and Extents
  147. Memory-Mapped Storage Engine
作者:Kristina Chodorow
原版书书名:MongoDB: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Kristina Chodorow
kristina chodorow,谷歌软件工程师,曾有5年是mongodb项目的核心成员。她领导了mongodb的副本集开发,并编写了php和perl驱动程序。
The animal on the cover of MongoDB: The Definitive Guide is a mongoose lemur, a member of a highly diverse group of primates endemic to Madagascar. Ancestral lemurs are believed to have inadvertently traveled to Madagascar from Africa (a trip of at least 350 miles) by raft some 65 million years ago. Freed from competition with other African species (such as monkeys and squirrels), lemurs adapted to fill a wide variety of ecological niches, branching into the almost 100 species known today. These animals’ otherworldly calls, nocturnal activity, and glowing eyes earned them their name, which comes from the lemures (specters) of Roman myth. Malagasy culture also associates lemurs with the supernatural, variously considering them the souls of ancestors, the source of taboo, or spirits bent on revenge. Some villages identify a particular species of lemur as the ancestor of their group.

Mongoose lemurs (Eulemur mongoz) are medium-sized lemurs, about 12 to 18 inches long and 3 to 4 pounds. The bushy tail adds an additional 16 to 25 inches. Females and young lemurs have white beards, while males have red beards and cheeks. Mongoose lemurs eat fruit and flowers and they act as pollinators for some plants; they are particularly fond of the nectar of the kapok tree. They may also eat leaves and insects.

Mongoose lemurs inhabit the dry forests of northwestern Madagascar. One of the two species of lemur found outside of Madagascar, they also live in the Comoros Islands (where they are believed to have been introduced by humans). They have the unusual quality of being cathemeral (alternately wakeful during the day and at night), changing their activity patterns to suit the wet and dry seasons. Mongoose lemurs are threatened by habitat loss and they are classified as a vulnerable species.