Patrick Niemeyer, Daniel Leuck
如果你是Java新手,那么这本畅销指南的第四版将可以为你提供关于Java 6和Java 7中语言特性和API的贴心介绍。通过引人入胜、与实践结合并且饶有趣味的示例,作者Patrick Niemeyer和Daniel Leuck为你介绍了Java的基础内容——包括它的类库、编程技术和习惯用法——并且始终以构建实际应用的眼光来看待。
如果你是Java熟手,那么这本书将让你快速上手新的并发工具集以及适用于Web服务和XML的Java API。你将学到新的强有力的方法来管理应用中的资源和异常。

· 学习核心Java语言——基础语法、类和对象以及其他组件
· 使用Java进行开发,包括使用编译器、解释器和其他工具
· 探索Java内置的线程工具和并发包
· 学习文本处理和强大的正则表达式API
· 编写高级的网络相关或者基于Web的应用和服务
· 构建Java图形应用,使用Java组件架构
· 探索新的富桌面API
· 使用XML和XSLT,包括XML模式、验证、XPath和XInclude

Patrick Niemeyer是在西南贝尔实验室工作时开始涉足Oak(Java的前身)的,现在他是网络和分布式应用程序领域的独立顾问和作者。他是BeanShell(一种嵌入式Java脚本语言)的作者。
Dan Leuck是Ikayzo公司的CEO,这是一家位于东京和檀香山的交互设计和软件开发公司,它的客户包括Sony,
  1. Chapter 1: A Modern Language
  2. Enter Java
  3. A Virtual Machine
  4. Java Compared with Other Languages
  5. Safety of Design
  6. Safety of Implementation
  7. Application and User-Level Security
  8. A Java Road Map
  9. Chapter 2: A First Application
  10. Java Tools and Environment
  11. Configuring Eclipse and Creating a Project
  12. HelloJava
  13. HelloJava2: The Sequel
  14. HelloJava3: The Button Strikes!
  15. HelloJava4: Netscape’s Revenge
  16. Chapter 3: Tools of the Trade
  17. JDK Environment
  18. The Java VM
  19. Running Java Applications
  20. The Classpath
  21. The Java Compiler
  22. JAR Files
  23. Policy Files
  24. Chapter 4: The Java Language
  25. Text Encoding
  27. Types
  28. Statements and Expressions
  29. Exceptions
  30. Assertions
  31. Arrays
  32. Chapter 5: Objects in Java
  33. Classes
  34. Methods
  35. Object Creation
  36. Object Destruction
  37. Enumerations
  38. Chapter 6: Relationships Among Classes
  39. Subclassing and Inheritance
  40. Interfaces
  41. Packages and Compilation Units
  42. Visibility of Variables and Methods
  43. Arrays and the Class Hierarchy
  44. Inner Classes
  45. Chapter 7: Working with Objects and Classes
  46. The Object Class
  47. The Class Class
  48. Reflection
  49. Annotations
  50. Chapter 8: Generics
  51. Containers: Building a Better Mousetrap
  52. Enter Generics
  53. “There Is No Spoon”
  54. Parameterized Type Relationships
  55. Casts
  56. Writing Generic Classes
  57. Bounds
  58. Wildcards
  59. Generic Methods
  60. Arrays of Parameterized Types
  61. Case Study: The Enum Class
  62. Case Study: The sort() Method
  63. Conclusion
  64. Chapter 9: Threads
  65. Introducing Threads
  66. Threading an Applet
  67. Synchronization
  68. Scheduling and Priority
  69. Thread Groups
  70. Thread Performance
  71. Concurrency Utilities
  72. Conclusion
  73. Chapter 10: Working with Text
  74. Text-Related APIs
  75. Strings
  76. Internationalization
  77. Parsing and Formatting Text
  78. Printf-Style Formatting
  79. Formatting with the java.text Package
  80. Regular Expressions
  81. Chapter 11: Core Utilities
  82. Math Utilities
  83. Dates and Times
  84. Timers
  85. Collections
  86. Properties
  87. The Preferences API
  88. The Logging API
  89. Observers and Observables
  90. Chapter 12: Input/Output Facilities
  91. Streams
  92. File I/O
  93. The NIO File API
  94. Serialization
  95. Data Compression
  96. The NIO Package
  97. Chapter 13: Network Programming
  98. Sockets
  99. Datagram Sockets
  100. Simple Serialized Object Protocols
  101. Remote Method Invocation
  102. Scalable I/O with NIO
  103. Chapter 14: Programming for the Web
  104. Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
  105. The URL Class
  106. Talking to Web Applications
  107. Web Services
  108. Chapter 15: Web Applications and Web Services
  109. Web Application Technologies
  110. Java Web Applications
  111. WAR Files and Deployment
  112. Servlet Filters
  113. Building WAR Files with Ant
  114. Implementing Web Services
  115. Conclusion
  116. Chapter 16: Swing
  117. Components
  118. Events
  119. Event Summary
  120. The AWT Robot!
  121. Multithreading in Swing
  122. Chapter 17: Using Swing Components
  123. Buttons and Labels
  124. Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
  125. Lists and Combo Boxes
  126. The Spinner
  127. Borders
  128. Menus
  129. Pop-Up Menus
  130. The JScrollPane Class
  131. The JSplitPane Class
  132. The JTabbedPane Class
  133. Scrollbars and Sliders
  134. Dialogs
  135. Chapter 18: More Swing Components
  136. Text Components
  137. Focus Navigation
  138. Tables
  139. Desktops
  140. Pluggable Look-and-Feel
  141. Creating Custom Components
  142. Chapter 19: Layout Managers
  143. FlowLayout
  144. GridLayout
  145. BorderLayout
  146. BoxLayout
  147. CardLayout
  148. GridBagLayout
  149. Other Layout Managers
  150. Absolute Positioning
  151. Chapter 20: Drawing with the 2D API
  152. The Big Picture
  153. The Rendering Pipeline
  154. A Quick Tour of Java 2D
  155. Filling Shapes
  156. Stroking Shape Outlines
  157. Using Fonts
  158. Displaying Images
  159. Drawing Techniques
  160. Printing
  161. Chapter 21: Working with Images and Other Media
  162. Loading Images
  163. Producing Image Data
  164. Filtering Image Data
  165. Saving Image Data
  166. Simple Audio
  167. Java Media Framework
  168. Chapter 22: JavaBeans
  169. What’s a Bean?
  170. The NetBeans IDE
  171. Properties and Customizers
  172. Event Hookups and Adapters
  173. Binding Properties
  174. Building Beans
  175. Limitations of Visual Design
  176. Serialization Versus Code Generation
  177. Customizing with BeanInfo
  178. Handcoding with Beans
  179. BeanContext and BeanContextServices
  180. The Java Activation Framework
  181. Enterprise JavaBeans and POJO-Based Enterprise Frameworks
  182. Chapter 23: Applets
  183. The Politics of Browser-Based Applications
  184. Applet Support and the Java Plug-in
  185. The JApplet Class
  186. Java Web Start
  187. Conclusion
  188. Chapter 24: XML
  189. The Butler Did It
  190. A Bit of Background
  191. XML Basics
  192. SAX
  193. DOM
  194. XPath
  195. XInclude
  196. Validating Documents
  197. JAXB Code Binding and Generation
  198. Transforming Documents with XSL/XSLT
  199. Web Services
  200. The End of the Book
  201. Appendix: The Eclipse IDE
  202. The IDE Wars
  203. Getting Started with Eclipse
  204. Using Eclipse
  205. Eclipse Features
  206. Conclusion
  207. Appendix BeanShell: Java Scripting
  208. Running BeanShell
  209. Java Statements and Expressions
  210. BeanShell Commands
  211. Scripted Methods and Objects
  212. Changing the Classpath
  213. Learning More . . .
原版书书名:Learning Java, 4th Edition
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Patrick Niemeyer
Patrick Niemeyer是一位独立的咨询师和作者,精通网络和分布式应用领域。他最早于西南贝尔实验室技术资源部门(Southwestern Bell Technology Resources)任职时开始涉足Oak。他是Java脚本语言BeanShell的创始人。
Daniel Leuck
Dan Leuck是Ikayzo公司的CEO,这是一家以东京和檀香山为基地的交互设计和软件开发公司,其客户包括Sony、Oracle、 Nomura、PIMCO以及联邦政府。Dan在Java社群很活跃,是众多JCP专家组的成员。
The animals on the cover of Learning Java, Fourth Edition are a Bengal tigress and hercubs. The Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris) lives in Southern Asia. It has been hunted practicallyto extinction, principally for its bone, which is reputed to have medicinal value.It now lives mostly in natural preserves and national parks, where it is strictly protected.It’s estimated that there are fewer than 3,000 Bengal tigers left in the wild.

The Bengal tiger is reddish orange with narrow black, gray, or brown stripes, generallyin a vertical direction. Males can grow to nine feet long and weigh as much as 500pounds; they are the largest existing members of the cat family. Preferred habitats includedense thickets, long grass, or tamarisk shrubs along river banks. Maximum longevitycan be 26 years but is usually only about 15 years in the wild.

Tigers most commonly conceive after the monsoon rains; the majority of cubs are bornbetween February and May after a gestation of three and a half months. Females bearsingle litters every two to three years. Cubs weigh under three pounds at birth and arestriped. Litters consist of one to four cubs, with occasionally as many as six, but it’sunusual for more than two or three to survive. Cubs are weaned at four to six monthsbut depend on their mother for food and protection for another two years. Female tigersare mature at three to four years, males at four to five years.

Their white ear spots may help mothers and cubs to keep track of each other in the dimforests at night.