原版书书名:Programming PHP, 3rd Edition
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Kevin Tatroe
Kevin Tatroe已经做了十年Macintosh和Unix程序员,他也是一个经验丰富的PHP程序员,对于PHP5中的新变化非常熟悉。他也是Programming PHP第一版的作者之一。
Kevin Tatroe曾经做了十年的Macintosh和Unix程序员。也许是由于懒散的缘故吧,他被可自动完成很多工作的语言和框架吸引了,如AppleScript、Perl和PHP语言,还有WebObjects和Cocoa编程环境。
Peter MacIntyre
Peter MacIntyre生活和工作在夏洛特顿(加拿大爱德华王子岛的首府),他有十六年的IT业工作经验,主要领域为软件开发。Peter拥有的技术技能包括多种客户端/服务端工具和关系型数据库,如PHP、PowerBuilder、Visual Basic、Active Server Pages和CA-Visual Objects。他获得了Zend公司的PHP4认证,并参与了多本书籍的写作:Using Visual Objects(Que公司出版)、Using PowerBuilder 5(Que公司出版)、ASP.NET Bible(Wiley出版)和Web Warrior Survey on Web Development Languages(Course Technology公司出版)。Peter同时也是PHP杂志php|architect (http://www.phparch.com)的编辑和作者(包括在线版和纸版杂志)。他也常在各种计算机会议上作报告,包括在新奥尔良召开的CA-World、德国科隆召开的CA-TechniCon和澳大利亚墨尔本召开的CA-Expo。
Rasmus Lerdorf
Rasmus Lerdorf于1995年启动了PHP项目,并从那以后一直为PHP的发展而努力。Rasmus是Apache的长期贡献者,也是Apache基金会的成员,他曾参与了PHP之外的很多其他的开源项目。Rasmus是PHP Pocket Reference第一版的作者和Programming PHP第一版的作者之一,这两本书都由O'Reilly公司出版。
Rasmus Lerdorf于1968年生于格陵兰岛西部迪科斯岛上的Godhavn/Qeqertarsuaq。他从1985年开始涉足Unix解决方案。Rasmus主要以其1995年开始负责的PHP项目而闻名,另外他还由于在mSQL 1.x中使用ANSI-92 SQL不接受的LIMIT子句而备受指责,而现在该子句至少在概念上已经被MySQL和PostgreSQL所接受。
The animal on the cover of Programming PHP, Third Edition is a cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). Cuckoos epitomize minimal effort. The common cuckoo doesn’t build a nest—instead, the female cuckoo finds another bird’s nest that already contains eggs and lays an egg in it (a process she may repeat up to 25 times, leaving 1 egg per nest). The nest mother rarely notices the addition, and usually incubates the egg and then feeds the hatchling as if it were her own. Why don’t nest mothers notice that the cuckoo’s eggs are different from their own? Recent research suggests that it’s because all eggs look the same in the ultraviolet spectrum, in which birds can see.
When they hatch, the baby cuckoos push all the other eggs out of the nest. If the other eggs hatched first, the babies are pushed out too. The host parents often continue to feed the cuckoo even after it grows to be much larger than they are, and cuckoo chicks sometimes use their call to lure other birds to feed them as well. Interestingly, only Old World (European) cuckoos colonize other nests—the New World (American) cuckoos build their own (untidy) nests. Like many Americans, these cuckoos migrate to the tropics for winter.
Cuckoos have a long and glorious history in literature and the arts. The Bible mentions them, as do Pliny and Aristotle. Beethoven used the cuckoo’s distinctive call in his Pastoral Symphony. And here’s a bit of etymology for you: the word “cuckold” (a husband whose wife is cheating on him) comes from “cuckoo.” Presumably, the practice of laying one’s eggs in another’s nest seemed an appropriate metaphor.