Spring Data(影印版)
Mark Pollack, Oliver Gierke, Thomas Risberg, Jonathan L. Brisbin, Michael Hunger
“你将对如下内容有深刻的理解:为什么现代的数据访问变得越来越专业化和分门别类,NoSQL数据存储的主要分类,Spring Data如何帮助Java开发人员在当前新环境下有效地开发。”
——Rod Johnson

“通过使用Spring Batch和Spring Data,我们将能够彻底地简化和减少与Hadoop交互时的复杂性,同时还能提供可靠性。”
——David Gevorkyan

在使用关系型数据库搭建Java企业应用时,你可以选择多种数据访问框架。但是在处理大数据的时候呢?这本包含丰富实践的指南将为你展示Spring Data如何使得搭建基于诸如NoSQL和Hadoop这样一些新型数据访问技术的应用变得更加简单。
通过多个示例项目,你将了解到Spring Data如何提供了一个兼容NoSQL特有特性和功能的编程模型,以及它如何帮助你开发基于诸如数据分析、事件流处理和工作流之类用例的Hadoop应用。你也将找到那些Spring Data添加到Spring现有JPA和JDBC中的特性,它们用来实现基于RDBMS的数据访问层。

· 学习有关Spring的模板辅助类,它能够简化数据库特有功能的使用
· 探讨Spring Data的抽象资源库和先进的查询功能
· 在Redis(键/值存储)、HBase(列族)、MongoDB(文档数据库)和Neo4j(图像数据库)中运用Spring Data
· 寻找GemFire分布式数据的网格解决方案
· 把Spring Data JPA的管理实体作为RESTful web服务导出到Web中
· 使用轻量级的对象映射框架来简化HBase应用的开发
· 使用Spring Batch和Spring Integration来搭建大数据管道的样例

  1. Chapter 1: The Spring Data Project
  2. NoSQL Data Access for Spring Developers
  3. General Themes
  4. The Domain
  5. The Sample Code
  6. Chapter 2: Repositories: Convenient Data Access Layers
  7. Quick Start
  8. Defining Query Methods
  9. Defining Repositories
  10. IDE Integration
  11. Chapter 3: Type-Safe Querying Using Querydsl
  12. Introduction to Querydsl
  13. Generating the Query Metamodel
  14. Integration with Spring Data Repositories
  15. Relational Databases
  16. Chapter 4: JPA Repositories
  17. The Sample Project
  18. The Traditional Approach
  19. Bootstrapping the Sample Code
  20. Using Spring Data Repositories
  21. Chapter 5: Type-Safe JDBC Programming with Querydsl SQL
  22. The Sample Project and Setup
  23. The QueryDslJdbcTemplate
  24. Executing Queries
  25. Insert, Update, and Delete Operations
  26. NoSQL
  27. Chapter 6: MongoDB: A Document Store
  28. MongoDB in a Nutshell
  29. Setting Up the Infrastructure Using the Spring Namespace
  30. The Mapping Subsystem
  31. MongoTemplate
  32. Mongo Repositories
  33. Chapter 7: Neo4j: A Graph Database
  34. Graph Databases
  35. Neo4j
  36. Spring Data Neo4j Overview
  37. Modeling the Domain as a Graph
  38. Persisting Domain Objects with Spring Data Neo4j
  39. Combining Graph and Repository Power
  40. Advanced Graph Use Cases in the Example Domain
  41. Transactions, Entity Life Cycle, and Fetch Strategies
  42. Advanced Mapping Mode
  43. Working with Neo4j Server
  44. Continuing From Here
  45. Chapter 8: Redis: A Key/Value Store
  46. Redis in a Nutshell
  47. Connecting to Redis
  48. Object Conversion
  49. Object Mapping
  50. Atomic Counters
  51. Pub/Sub Functionality
  52. Using Spring’s Cache Abstraction with Redis
  53. Rapid Application Development
  54. Chapter 9: Persistence Layers with Spring Roo
  55. A Brief Introduction to Roo
  56. Roo’s Persistence Layers
  57. Quick Start
  58. A Spring Roo JPA Repository Example
  59. A Spring Roo MongoDB Repository Example
  60. Chapter 10: REST Repository Exporter
  61. The Sample Project
  62. Big Data
  63. Chapter 11: Spring for Apache Hadoop
  64. Challenges Developing with Hadoop
  65. Hello World
  66. Hello World Revealed
  67. Hello World Using Spring for Apache Hadoop
  68. Scripting HDFS on the JVM
  69. Combining HDFS Scripting and Job Submission
  70. Job Scheduling
  71. Chapter 12: Analyzing Data with Hadoop
  72. Using Hive
  73. Using Pig
  74. Using HBase
  75. Chapter 13: Creating Big Data Pipelines with Spring Batch and Spring Integration
  76. Collecting and Loading Data into HDFS
  77. Hadoop Workflows
  78. Exporting Data from HDFS
  79. Collecting and Loading Data into Splunk
  80. Data Grids
  81. Chapter 14: GemFire: A Distributed Data Grid
  82. GemFire in a Nutshell
  83. Caches and Regions
  84. How to Get GemFire
  85. Configuring GemFire with the Spring XML Namespace
  86. Data Access with GemfireTemplate
  87. Repository Usage
  88. Continuous Query Support
  89. Bibliography
书名:Spring Data(影印版)
原版书书名:Spring Data
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Mark Pollack
Mark Pollack博士曾在布鲁克黑文国家实验室研究高能物理学方面的大数据解决方案,随后转移到金融服务领域担任前端交易系统的技术领导和架构师。他长期以来关注软件开发流程的最佳实践和改善,Mark从2003年就参与核心Spring(Java)的开发,并在2004年成立了Microsoft对应的项目也就是Spring.NET。Mark现在领导着Spring Data项目,在使用大数据和NoSQL数据库这些新技术时,这个项目能够简化应用的开发。
Oliver Gierke
Oliver Gierke是SpringSource的工程师,这是VMware 的一个子部门,目前他担任Spring Data JPA、MongoDB以及核心模块的领导者。他参与企业级应用和开源项目的开发已经超过了6年,其工作的关注点在软件架构、Spring以及持久化技术方面。他经常在德国以及一些国际会议上进行演讲,写过很多的技术文章。
Thomas Risberg
Thomas Risberg目前是Spring Data团队的成员,关注于MongoDB和JDBC扩展项目。他也是Spring框架项目的提交者,主要的贡献在于对JDBC框架的增强方面。Thomas在VMware的Cloud Foundry团队,为Cloud Foundry所支持的各种框架和语言开发集成方案。他是《Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework》一书的合著者,这本书出版于2005年,作者还包括Rod Johnson、Juergen Hoeller、Alef Arendsen以及Colin Sampaleanu。
Jonathan L. Brisbin
Jon Brisbin is a member of the SpringSource Spring Data team and focuses on providing developers useful libraries to facilitate next-generation data manipulation. He's helped bring elements of the Grails GORM object mapper to Java-based MongoDB applications, he's provided key integration components between the Riak datastore and the RabbitMQ message broker, he blogs and speaks on evented application models, and is working diligently to bridge the gap between the bleeding-edge non-blocking and traditional JVM-based applications.
Michael Hunger
Michael Hunger长期热衷于软件开发。他尤其关注于开发软件的人、软件技艺、编程语言以及代码提升。最近两年间,他与Neo Technology协作开发Neo4j图数据库。作为Spring Data Neo4j的领导者,他为对象-图映射开发出了便利且完整的解决方案。他还参与Neo4j云托管。作为一名开发人员,Michael喜欢使用各种编程语言、每天学习新的东西、参与有趣且有前景的开源项目,并且参与编写了多本与编程相关的图书。Michael还是InfoQ的活跃编辑和采访者。
The animal on the cover of Spring Data is the giant squirrel (genus Ratufa), which is the largest squirrel in the world. These squirrels are found throughout tropical Asiatic forests and have a conspicuous two-toned color scheme with a distinctive white spot between the ears. Adult head and body length varies around 14 inches and the tail length is approximately 2 feet. Their ears are round and they have pronounced paws used for gripping.

A healthy adult weighs in at around four and a half pounds. With their tan, rust, brown, or beige coloring, they are possibly the most colorful of the 280 squirrel species. They are herbivorous, surviving on flowers, fruits, eggs, insects, and even bark.

The giant squirrel is an upper-canopy dwelling species, which rarely leaves the trees, and requires high branches for the construction of nests. It travels from tree to tree with jumps of up to 20 feet. When in danger, the giant squirrel often freezes or flattens itself against the tree trunk, instead of fleeing. Its main predators are birds of prey and leopards. The giant squirrel is mostly active in the early hours of the morning and in the evening, resting in the midday. It is a shy, wary animal and not easy to discover.