译者:O'Reilly Taiwan公司 编译
原版书书名:Learning the vi and Vim Editors, Seventh Edition
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Arnold Robbins
Arnold Robbins是一名专业的程序员和技术作家。他从1980年开始使用Unix系统,包括Sun、IBM、HP和DEC的商业Unix系统,从1996年开始使用GNU/Linux系统。Arnold也是GNU Awk(gawk) 及其文档的长期维护人员,同时还是多本O'Reilly著作的作者和合著者。
Elbert Hannah
Elbert Hannah专注于技术整合。在早期发现Unix后,便开启了自己整合不同系统的职业生涯,最终投身于金融业的技术整合。他所有成就的基础依托于vi文本编辑框架的力量和敏捷性。
Elbert Hannah is a professional software engineer and software architect recently finishing
a 21-year career in the telcom industry. He wrote a full screen editor in assembler
in 1983 as his first professional assignment, and has had special interest in editors since.
He loves connecting Unix to anything and once wrote a stream editor program to automate
JCL edits for mainframe monthly configurations by streaming mainframe JCL
to a stream editor on an RJE-connected Unix box.
Linda Lamb
Linda Lamb是O'Reilly公司的一名编辑,她目前正在负责一套深层次的有关消费者健康的书籍《Patient Centered Guides》。她在O'Reilly工作了14年,担任过各种职位,包括技术作者、技术书籍编辑以及市场经理。vi一直是她最喜爱的文本编辑器。她认为vi速度快、功能强大,并且符合人的使用习惯。
Linda Lamb is a former employee of O’Reilly Media, Inc., where she worked in various
capacities, including technical writer, editor of technical books, and marketing manager.
She also worked on O’Reilly’s series of consumer health books, Patient Centered