学习ActionScript 3.0(影印版)
学习ActionScript 3.0(影印版)
Rich Shupe, Zevan Rosser 著

如果你是ActionScriptA3.0新手,那么这是一本理想的入门指南。《学习ActionScriptA3.0》讲解了ActionScript和Flash是如何工作的,清晰地描述了基本主题,例如逻辑、事件处理、内容显示、类、把项目迁移到ActionScript 3.0以及很多其他方面。通过实际练习,你会学到重要的技巧,还会随着内容的深入熟练运用这些技巧。本书的配套网站包含所有练习的材料,还有附加的小测验测试你对关键概念的掌握情况。

Flash设计师、开发人员和程序员新手将会发现这本内容丰富的指南是无价之宝,能够在本书的带领下适应ActionScript 3.0的陡峭学习曲线。作者RichAShupe和Zevan Rosser作为Flash开发人员和讲师,根据他们丰富的经验,揭示了很多你可以用于每天实际工作中的方法。

* 协调ActionScript 3.0力量和性能的新方法
* 如何在FlashACS3专业版和Flash播放器中使用ActionScript 3.0
* 人们在使用这门语言中常犯的错误
* 如何格式化文字、使用声音和影像、编写代码画图以及其他内容
* 使用面向过程或者面向对象的技巧编写脚本
* 如何以SWF、 图像、文本和XML文件的格式来载入要素和数据
* 不仅局限于简单地堆砌脚本,也包括如何开展一个项目以及哪些资源可以对你有所帮助



Zevan Rosser是一位从事自由职业的设计师、程序员、咨询师和计算机艺术家。他在纽约视觉艺术学校和FMA讲授ActionScript和Flash动画课程。当他不为商业项目工作的时候,他就制作自己的个人网站,http://www.shapevent.com。
  1. Preface
  2. Part I Getting Started
  3. Chapter 1
  4. ActionScript Overview
  5. What Is ActionScript 3.0?
  6. The Flash Platform
  7. Procedural Versus Object-Oriented Programming
  8. The Document Class
  9. Legacy Code Compatibility
  10. Chapter 2
  11. Core Language Fundamentals
  12. Miscellaneous Basics
  13. Variables and Data Types
  14. Conditionals
  15. Loops
  16. Arrays
  17. Functions
  18. Custom Objects
  19. this
  20. Absolute versus Relative Addresses
  21. Part II Graphics and Interaction 29
  22. Chapter 3
  23. Properties, Methods, and Events
  24. Inherited Attributes
  25. Properties
  26. Events
  27. Methods
  28. Event Propagation
  29. Frame and Timer Events
  30. Removing Event Listeners
  31. Chapter 4
  32. The Display List
  33. The Sum of Its Parts
  34. Adding and Removing Children
  35. Managing Object Names, Positions, and Data Types
  36. Changing the Display List Hierarchy
  37. A Dynamic Navigation Bar
  38. Chapter 5
  39. Timeline Control
  40. Playhead Movement
  41. Frame Labels
  42. Frame Rate
  43. A Simple Site or Application Structure
  44. Chapter 6
  45. OOP
  46. Classes
  47. Inheritance
  48. Composition
  49. Encapsulation
  50. Polymorphism
  51. Navigation Bar Revisited
  52. Chapter 7
  53. Motion
  54. Basic Movement
  55. Geometry and Trigonometry
  56. Physics
  57. Programmatic Tweening
  58. Timeline Animation Recreations
  59. Particle Systems
  60. Chapter 8
  61. Drawing with Vectors
  62. The Graphics Class
  63. The Geometry Package
  64. The Motion Package
  65. 9-Slice Scaling
  66. Applied Examples
  67. Chapter 9
  68. Drawing with Pixels
  69. Bitmap Caching
  70. The BitmapData Class
  71. Blend Modes
  72. Bitmap Filters
  73. Color Effects
  74. Image Encoding and Saving
书名:学习ActionScript 3.0(影印版)
作者:Rich Shupe, Zevan Rosser 著
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Rich Shupe
Rich Shupe is the founder and president of FMA—a full-service multimedia
development company and training facility in New York City. Rich teaches
a variety of digital technologies in academic and commercial environments,
and has frequently lectured on these topics at FlashForward, Flash on the
Beach, Macworld, and other national and international events. He is currently
on the faculty of New York’s School of Visual Arts in the MFA Computer Art
department. As a technical writer, Rich is a regular columnist at DevX.com
and the author of multiple books, including Flash 8: Projects for Learning
Animation and Interativity (O’Reilly), Flash CS3 Professional Video Training
Book (Lynda.com/Peachpit), and the CS3 Web and Design Workflow Guides
(Adobe). He also presents video training for Lynda.com.
Zevan Rosser