Mark Lutz
作为全球Python培训界的领军人物。Mark Lutz是Python最畅销书籍的作者,也是Python社区的先驱。
Mark 是O’Reilly出版的《Programming Python》和《Python Pocket Reference》的作者,这两本书于2009年都已经出版了第3版。Mark自1992年开始接触Python,1995年开始撰写有关Python的书籍,从1997年开始教授Python课程。截止到2009年,他已经开办了225个Python短期培训课程,教授了大约3500名学习者,销售了大约25万册有关Python的书籍。许多书被翻译成十多种语言。
The animal on the cover of Learning Python, Third Edition, is a wood rat (Neotoma
Muridae). The wood rat lives in a wide range of conditions (mostly rocky, scrub, and
desert areas) over much of North and Central America, generally at some distance
from humans. They are good climbers, nesting in trees or bushes up to six meters off
the ground; some species burrow underground or in rock crevices or inhabit other
species’ abandoned holes.
These grayish-beige, medium-size rodents are the original pack rats: they carry
anything and everything into their homes, whether or not it’s needed, and are especially
attracted to shiny objects such as tin cans, glass, and silverware.