brian d foy
本书是O'Reilly具有里程碑意义的Perl教科书系列的第三本,该系列包括《Learning Perl》(最为畅销的一本介绍Perl基础语法的书,简体中文版由东南大
学出版社出版)、《Intermediate Perl》(一本Perl程序员必备的指导如何创建可重用的Perl软件的书)和《精通Perl》。《精通Perl》由浅入深地剖析了Perl特殊模块的工作机理、细致详尽地阐述了惯用的Perl编程思想和技术,这些知识必能协助你在开发 Perl程序时游刃有余,达成所需。















brian d foy是Stonehenge Consulting Services公司的顾问,也是The Perl
Review杂志的出版者。他所创立的非营利性公司Perl Mongers, Inc.,已经在全球范围内帮助筹建了200多个Perl用户组。brian还维护着核心Perl文档中的perlfaq部分,以及众多发布到CPAN的模块。他还是Perl大会的演讲常客,也是O’Reilly Network、The Perl Journal杂志、Dr. Dobbs杂志、use.perl.org 站点和许多Perl Usenet新闻组的积极贡献者。
  1. Foreword
  2. Preface
  3. 1. Introduction: Becoming a Master
  4. What It Means to Be a Master
  5. Who Should Read This Book
  6. How to Read This Book
  7. What Should You Know Already?
  8. What I Cover
  9. What I Don't Cover
  10. 2. Advanced Regular Expressions
  11. References to Regular Expressions
  12. Noncapturing Grouping, (?:PATTERN)
  13. Readable Regexes, /x and (?#...)
  14. Global Matching
  15. Lookarounds
  16. Deciphering Regular Expressions
  17. Final Thoughts
  18. Summary
  19. Further Reading
  20. 3. Secure Programming Techniques
  21. Bad Data Can Ruin Your Day
  22. Taint Checking
  23. Untainting Data
  24. List Forms of system and exec
  25. Summary
  26. Further Reading
  27. 4. Debugging Perl
  28. Before You Waste Too Much Time
  29. The Best Debugger in the World
  30. perl5db.pl
  31. Alternative Debuggers
  32. Other Debuggers
  33. Summary
  34. Further Reading
  35. 5. Profiling Perl
  36. Finding the Culprit
  37. The General Approach
  38. Profiling DBI
  39. Devel::DProf
  40. Writing My Own Profiler
  41. Profiling Test Suites
  42. Summary
  43. Further Reading
  44. 6. Benchmarking Perl
  45. Benchmarking Theory
  46. Benchmarking Time
  47. Comparing Code
  48. Don’t Turn Off Your Thinking Cap
  49. Memory Use
  50. The perlbench Tool
  51. Summary
  52. Further Reading
  53. 7. Cleaning Up Perl
  54. Good Style
  55. perltidy
  56. De-Obfuscation
  57. Perl::Critic
  58. Summary
  59. Further Reading
  60. 8. Symbol Tables and Typeglobs
  61. Package and Lexical Variables
  62. The Symbol Table
  63. Summary
  64. Further Reading
  65. 9. Dynamic Subroutines
  66. Subroutines As Data
  67. Creating and Replacing Named Subroutines
  68. Symbolic References
  69. Iterating Through Subroutine Lists
  70. Processing Pipelines
  71. Method Lists
  72. Subroutines As Arguments
  73. Autoloaded Methods
  74. Hashes As Objects
  75. AutoSplit
  76. Summary
  77. Further Reading
  78. 10. Modifying and Jury-Rigging Modules
  79. Choosing the Right Solution
  80. Replacing Module Parts
  81. Subclassing
  82. Wrapping Subroutines
  83. Summary
  84. Further Reading
  85. 11. Configuring Perl Programs
  86. Things Not to Do
  87. Better Ways
  88. Command-Line Switches
  89. Configuration Files
  90. Scripts with a Different Name
  91. Interactive and Noninteractive Programs
  92. perl’s Config
  93. Summary
  94. Further Reading
  95. 12. Detecting and Reporting Errors
  96. Perl Error Basics
  97. Reporting Module Errors
  98. Exceptions
  99. Summary
  100. Further Reading
  101. 13. Logging
  102. Recording Errors and Other Information
  103. Log4perl
  104. Summary
  105. Further Reading
  106. 14. Data Persistence
  107. Flat Files
  108. Storable
  109. DBM Files
  110. Summary
  111. Further Reading
  112. 15. Working with Pod
  113. The Pod Format
  114. Translating Pod
  115. Testing Pod
  116. Summary
  117. Further Reading
  118. 16. Working with Bits
  119. Binary Numbers
  120. Bit Operators
  121. Bit Vectors
  122. The vec Function
  123. Keeping Track of Things
  124. Summary
  125. Further Reading
  126. 17. The Magic of Tied Variables
  127. They Look Like Normal Variables
  128. At the User Level
  129. Behind the Curtain
  130. Scalars
  131. Arrays
  132. Hashes
  133. Filehandles
  134. Summary
  135. Further Reading
  136. 18. Modules As Programs
  137. The main Thing
  138. Backing Up
  139. Who's Calling?
  140. Testing the Program
  141. Distributing the Programs
  142. Summary
  143. Further Reading
  144. A. Further Reading
  145. B. brian's Guide to Solving Any Perl Problem
  146. Index
作者:brian d foy
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
brian d foy
brian d foy是一个多产的Perl培训师和作家,他主办了“The Perl Review”,通过教育、咨询、代码审查等等帮助人们使用和了解Perl。他经常在Perl会议上发表演说。他是《Learning Perl》、《Intermediate Perl》和《Effective Perl Programming》的合作者,另外还单独著有《Mastering Perl》。1998年到2009年期间,他任职于Stonehenge Consulting Services担任讲师和作者。从他成为一个物理学研究生开始就是一个Perl用户,另外从他拥有自己的第一台计算机开始就是一个顽固的Mac用户。他成立了第一个Perl用户组(New York Perl Mongers),另外还创建了非盈利的Perl Mongers公司,帮助建立了全世界200多个Perl用户组。他维护着核心Perl文档的perlfaq部分,另外还维护着CPAN上的很多模块以及一些独立的脚本。
The animals on the cover of Mastering Perl are a vicuna (Vicugna vicugna)mother and her young. vicu?a are found in the central Andes Mountains of South America, at altitudes of 4,000 to 5,500 meters. For centuries, the vicuna has been treasured for its coat of soft,insulating hair that produces some of the finest and rarest wool on Earth.
vicuna yarns and fabrics can fetch up to $3,000 per yard.
vicunas held a special place among ancient Incan societies. Incans believed that the animal was the reincarnation of a beautiful maiden who had received a coat of gold as a reward for succumbing to the advances of a decrepit and homely king.
Every four years, Incans would hold a chacu, a hunt to trap thousands of vicunas,shear their coats,and release them back to the wild. Incan law forbade the killing of vicunas, and only members of royalty were allowed to wear garments made from the animal's coat.
Unregulated hunting of vicunas led to the animal being placed on the endangered species list in 1974. By that time, their number had dwindled to 6,000. However,close regulation, particularly by the government of Peru, has led to the vicuna's resurgence,and today the number is over 120,000. The chacu is now sanctioned and regulated by the Peruvian government, and a portion of the profits is returned to villagers in the Andes.