书名:RESTful Web Services(影印版)
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Leonard Richardson
Leonard Richardson, 《Ruby Cookbook》 (O’Reilly)一书的作者,曾 创建了包括Beautiful Soup在内 的多个开源代码库。
Sam Ruby
Sam Ruby是一位著名的软件开发者,他为Apache软件基金会的许多开源项目作出了重大贡献,另外他还通过参与Atom web feed标准及流行的Feed Validator Web服务的设计为web feeds的标准化作出了贡献。他目前就职于IBM新兴技术组(Emerging Technologies Group),任资深技术主管(Senior Technical Staff Member)。他居住在北卡罗来纳州罗利市。
Sam Ruby is a prominent software developer who has made significant contributions
to many Apache Software Foundation open source projects, and to the standardization
of web feeds via his involvement with the Atom web feed standard and the popular
Feed Validator web service. He currently holds a Senior Technical Staff Member position
in the Emerging Technologies Group of IBM. He resides in Raleigh, North
The animal on the cover of RESTful Web Services is a vulpine phalanger (P. vulpina).
Phalanger is the general term given to animals of the Phalangeridae family, which includes possums and cuscuses. (One should not confuse the Australian possum with the American opossum; they are both marsupials, but very different.) The term phalanger is derived from the Greek word phalanges, which means finger or toe bone. The omnivorous phalanger uses its claw-fingered paws (with opposable thumbs) to climb,hunt, and live in trees. Phalangers are found in the forests of Australia, New Zealand,Tasmania, and some Indonesian islands. Like the most famous marsupial, the kangaroo,female phalangers carry their young around in a front pouch after birth.
Phalanger is also the name of a PHP complier project for the .NET framework.