Chris Sells, Ian Griffiths
——Chris Anderson,原Windows Presentation Foundation架构师

“这些年来,我非常幸运地与Chris Sells就WPF的细节有过多次对话——有些时候通过电话,有些时候在他的办公室里(在我办公室门前走廊的另一端),有些时候在牌桌上……本书教会我很多东西。”
——Don Box,微软架构师

这本书的设计初衷是让你快速掌握微软Windows Presentation Foundation,如果想要构建完全利用Windows Vista和Windows XP用户界面潜能的应用程序,这就是一项你需要学习的技术。读到第二页,你将会编写一个简单的WPF应用程序。第一章结束时,你就已经遍览了WPF的主要元素。

这本《WPF编程》第二版根据WPF正式发布版更新,包括了导航、文本与文档、打印与XPS以及3D图形等主题,还有一个新的附录,涵盖了微软近期发布的用于通过标准Web浏览器传递丰富用户界面的Silverlight平台——其与Adobe Flash十分相似。第一版中的内容已被大量扩展和修改,此外本书还包括:

* 众多C#和XAML范例,从简单的“Hello,Avalon”到“井”字游戏,向你展示用什么可以让一个WPF应用程序启动并运行
* 关于WPF带给Windows开发强大的新编程风格的极富见地的讨论,特别是它的新控件模型
* 讲解颜色插值,以更好地阐释WPF对3D、颜色以及其他图形效果的支持
* XAML教程,即介绍声明Windows UI的新的类HTML标记语言
* 说明并比较Windows Form与其他旧Windows应用程序支持的互操作特性

  1. Forewords
  2. Preface
  3. 1. Hello, WPF
  4. WPF from Scratch
  5. XAML Browser Applications (XBAPs)
  6. Content Models
  7. Layout
  8. Controls
  9. Data Binding
  10. Dependency Properties
  11. Resources
  12. Styles
  13. Animation
  14. Control Templates
  15. Graphics
  16. 3D
  17. Documents and Printing
  18. 2. Applications and Settings
  19. Application Lifetime
  20. Application Deployment
  21. Settings
  22. 3. Layout
  23. Layout Basics
  24. StackPanel
  25. WrapPanel
  26. DockPanel
  27. Grid
  28. Canvas
  29. Viewbox
  30. Common Layout Properties
  31. When Content Doesn’t Fit
  32. ScrollViewer
  33. Custom Layout
  34. 4. Input
  35. Routed Events
  36. Mouse Input
  37. Keyboard Input
  38. Ink Input
  39. Commands
  40. Code-Based Input Handling Versus Triggers
  41. 5. Controls
  42. What Are Controls?
  43. Buttons
  44. Slider and Scroll Controls
  45. ProgressBar
  46. Text Controls
  47. ToolTip
  48. GroupBox and Expander
  49. List Controls
  50. Menus
  51. Toolbars
  52. GridSplitter
  53. 6. Simple Data Binding
  54. Without Data Binding
  55. Data Binding
  56. Debugging Data Binding
  57. 7. Binding to List Data
  58. Binding to List Data
  59. Data Source Providers
  60. Master-Detail Binding
  61. Hierarchical Binding
  62. 8. Styles
  63. Without Styles
  64. Inline Styles
  65. Named Styles
  66. Element-Typed Styles
  67. Data Templates and Styles
  68. Triggers
  69. 9. Control Templates
  70. Beyond Styles
  71. Logical and Visual Trees
  72. Data-Driven UI
  73. 10. Windows and Dialogs
  74. Window
  75. Dialogs
  76. 11. Navigation
  77. NavigationWindow
  78. Pages
  79. Frames
  80. XBAPs
  81. Navigation to HTML
  82. 12. Resources
  83. Creating and Using Resources
  84. Resources and Styles
  85. Binary Resources
  86. Global Applications
  87. 13. Graphics
  88. Graphics Fundamentals
  89. Shapes
  90. Bitmaps
  91. Brushes and Pens
  92. Transformations
  93. Visual Layer Programming
  94. 14. Text and Flow Documents
  95. Fonts and Text Styles
  96. Text and the User Interface
  97. Text Object Model
  98. Typography
  99. 15. Printing and XPS
  100. XPS
  101. XPS Document Classes
  102. Generating XPS Output
  103. XPS File Generation Features
  104. System.Printing
  105. Displaying Fixed Documents
  106. 16. Animation and Media
  107. Animation Fundamentals
  108. Timelines
  109. Keyframe Animations
  110. Path Animations
  111. Clocks and Control
  112. Transition Animations
  113. Audio and Video
  114. 17. 3D Graphics
  115. 3D Content in a 2D World
  116. Cameras
  117. Models
  118. Lights
  119. Textures
  120. Transforms
  121. 3D Data Visualization
  122. Hit Testing
  123. 18. Custom Controls
  124. Custom Control Basics
  125. Choosing a Base Class
  126. Custom Functionality
  127. Supporting Templates in Custom Controls
  128. Default Styles
  129. UserControl
  130. Adorners
  131. A. XAML
  132. B. Interoperability
  133. C. Asynchronous and Multithreaded WPF Programming
  134. D. WPF Base Types
  135. E. Silverlight
  136. Index
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Chris Sells
Chris Sells是微软互联系统事业部(Connected Systems Division)的项目经理。他曾写过若干本书,其中包括《Programming WPF》第一版、《Windows Forms 2.0 Programming》以及《ATL Internals》(后两本由Addison-Wesley出版)。Chris经常会利用空闲的时间来开各种会议并且在Microsoft内部产品团队讨论时对自己进行检讨。关于Chris及其各种项目的更多信息,请参见http://www.sellsbrothers.com。
Chris Sells is a Program Manager for the Connected Systems Division at Microsoft.
He’s written several books, including the first edition of Programming WPF as well as
Windows Forms 2.0 Programming and ATL Internals (both Addison-Wesley). In his
free time, Chris hosts various conferences and makes a pest of himself on Microsoft
internal product team discussion lists. More information about Chris, and his
various projects, is available at http://www.sellsbrothers.com.
Ian Griffiths
Ian Griffiths是一位WPF作家和Pluralsight指导专家,并且在这些科目上的专业水准都得到了广泛的认可。他还是一位独立顾问并且与人合著了《.NET Windows Forms in a Nutshell》和《Mastering Visual Studio .NET》(这两本都是由O'Reilly出版)。他有一个非常受欢迎的博客:http://www.interact-sw.co.uk/iangblog/。

Ian Griffiths是一名C#讲师,也是该领域广受认可的专家;是技术咨询公司endjin的技术研究员,也是Programming WPF (O’Reilly)的合著者。他拥有剑桥大学的计算机科学学位。
The animal on the cover of Programming WPF, Second Edition, is a kudu. Not to be
confused with kudzu (a purple-flowered vine indigenous to East Asia), the kudu,
native to East Africa, comprises 2 of the 90 species of antelope: lesser kudu (Tragelaphus
imberbis) and greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros). Both species have coats
of a brownish hue, adorned with white stripes and spots, and a crest of long hair
along the spine. Their coloring and markings help camouflage them from predators
including big cats, wild dogs, eagles, hyenas, and pythons. If alarmed, kudus will
stand very still, making them virtually impossible to spot.
Kudu males are easily distinguished from their distaff counterparts by their twisted
horns, whose myriad traditional applications among African cultures include serving
as musical instruments, honey receptacles, and ritual symbols of male potency.
Males sometimes form small bachelor groups but more often remain solitary and
widely dispersed. Dominance is usually established quickly and peacefully by means
of a lateral display, in which one male kudu stands sideways in front of another,
making himself look as large as possible. Males only join females during mating
season. Female kudus leave their newborns for four or five weeks after birth, but the
calves eventually accompany their mothers, forming small groups of 6–10 females
and offspring. Calves grow rapidly and are fairly independent by six months of age.