Ellen Siever
是专门从事Linux和其他开源主题的作家和编辑。除了本书之外,她还与O’Reilly公司合作了《Perl in a Nutshell》一书。她是Linux和Unix的长期使用者,做了很多年程序员,后来她觉得写关于计算机的书更有趣才转行。
Aaron Weber
Aaron Weber is a technical and marketing writer for Novell, Inc. and also contributed sections on GNOME and software management to O'Reilly's Running Linux.
You can find him at secretlyironic.com.
Stephen Figgins
Stephen Figgins曾供职于O’Reilly公司,回答顾客提出的各种技术问题,这个过程磨练了他的计算机技能。作为一个有很多兴趣的终身学习者,Stephen总是能将很难的主题描述得容易明白和接受。
Robert Love
Robert Love从早些年开始就是一个Linux用户和黑客。他活跃,也热衷于Linux内核和GNOME桌面社区。他现在对Linux内核的贡献包括从事内核事件层和inotify。GNOME相关的贡献包括Beagle,GNOME Volume Manager,Network Manager和Utopia项目。现在Robert在Google公司的Open Source Program Office(开源程序办公室)工作。
Robert是《Linux Kernel Development (SAMS, 2005)》和《Linux System Programming (O’Reilly, 2007)》两本书的作者。他也是Linux Journal的特约编辑。现在正在为O’Reilly做一项新的工作,这将是有史以来最伟大的书,不管是写作,给予或采用。Robert在佛罗里达大学获得了一个数学方面的BA(文学学士)学位和一个计算机科学方面的BS(理学学士)学位。值得自豪的是,Robert出生在佛罗里达州南部,现在称为马萨诸塞州剑桥的家里。
Arnold Robbins
Arnold Robbins是一名专业的程序员和技术作家。他从1980年开始使用Unix系统,包括Sun、IBM、HP和DEC的商业Unix系统,从1996年开始使用GNU/Linux系统。Arnold也是GNU Awk(gawk) 及其文档的长期维护人员,同时还是多本O'Reilly著作的作者和合著者。
The animal featured on the cover of Linux in a Nutshell, Fifth Edition is an Arabian horse. Known for its grace and intelligence, the Arabian is one of the oldest breeds of horse, with evidence of its existence dating back 5000 years. The Arabian was instrumental as an ancestor to other popular breeds, most notably the Thoroughbred in the 17th and 18th centuries. Possibly one of the more distinctive horse breeds, the typical Arabian has large, expressive eyes and nostrils, small ears, and a short, sturdy back. Its stamina suits it particularly well for endurance riding, a sport dominated by the Arabian breed. Its wonderful temperament makes the Arabian an all-around favorite riding horse in North America, although it also can be found in more specialized competitions such as dressage, jumping, and reining.