Brett McLaughlin, Justin Edelson
本书的前两章回顾有关XML的基础知识,包括XPath、XSL、DTD以及XML Schema,其余部分专注于讲述如何在Java程序内使用XML。《Java与XML》(第三版)的内容涵盖了所有主要的Java XML处理库程序,全面讲解了SAX、DOM、StAX、JDOM以及dom4j的应用程序编程接口,同时还囊括了最新版本的用于XML处理的Java应用程序编程接口(JAXP)和用于XML绑定的Java架构(JAXB)的相关知识。第三版还彻底重写了有关网络技术的章节,与原先的内容相比,这一部分针对目前引起广泛关注的技术热点进行介绍,例如使用RSS进行内容同步和开发Web 2.0的应用程序。 您将学习到如何为同步的内容创建、读取或者修改RSS feeds,以及如何运用XML、Ajax和Adobe Flash来为下一代的网络站点注入活力。
*XML基础,包括DTD、命名空间(namespace)、XML Schema和数据格式转换
*DOM应用程序编程接口,包括DOM第2层、第3层和DOM HTML模块
*使用JAXB进行数据绑定,使用新的JAXB 2.0 annotation
无论您现在正在还是将来会进行Java程序的开发并且需要用到XML,或者您正在参与新的点对点技术、消息技术以及Web service技术的相关应用或者开发,《Java与XML》(第三版)都是一本不可或缺的图书。
  1. Preface
  2. 1. Introduction
  3. XML 1.0
  4. XML 1.1
  5. XML Transformations
  6. And More
  7. 2. Constraints
  8. DTDs
  9. XML Schema
  10. RELAX NG
  11. 3. SAX
  12. Setting Up SAX
  13. Parsing with SAX
  14. Content Handlers
  15. Error Handlers
  16. 4. Advanced SAX
  17. Properties and Features
  18. Resolving Entities
  19. Notations and Unparsed Entities
  20. The DefaultHandler Class
  21. Extension Interfaces
  22. Filters and Writers
  23. 5. DOM
  24. The Document Object Model
  25. Serialization
  26. Modifying and Creating XML
  27. Namespaces
  28. 6. DOM Modules
  29. Checking for Module Support
  30. DOM Level 2 Modules
  31. DOM Level 3 Modules
  32. 7. JAXP
  33. More Than an API
  34. Parsing XML
  35. Processing XSL
  36. XPath
  37. XML Validation
  38. 8. Pull Parsing with StAX
  39. StAX Basics
  40. StAX Factories
  41. Parsing with StAX
  42. Document Output with StAX
  43. Factory Properties
  44. Common Issues with StAX
  45. XmlPull
  46. 9. JDOM
  47. The Basics
  48. PropsToXML
  49. XMLProperties
  50. More JDOM Classes
  51. JDOM and Factories
  52. Common Issues with JDOM
  53. 10. dom4j
  54. Overview
  55. Reading and Writing with dom4j
  56. Document Traversal
  57. Transformations
  58. Special-Purpose Factories
  59. 11. Data Binding with JAXB
  60. Data Binding Basics
  61. Introducing JAXB
  62. Using JAXB
  63. Other Binding Frameworks
  64. 12. Content Syndication with RSS
  65. What Is RSS?
  66. Creating an RSS Feed
  67. Reading an RSS Feed
  68. Modules with ROME
  69. 13. XML As Presentation
  70. XML and the Model-View-Controller Pattern
  71. Transforming to HTML with JSP
  72. Using XSLT
  73. Ajax
  74. Flash
  75. 14. Looking Forward
  76. Appendix: SAX Features and Properties
  77. Index
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Brett McLaughlin
Brett McLaughlin从Logo时代(还记得那个小三角吗?)起就开始从事计算机工作。他目前正致力于使用Java及Java相关的技术构建应用程序的基础研究。最近的几年里,他在Nextel 通信公司和Allegiance电信公司研究这些技术。Brett是Java Apache项目Turbine的发起人之一,该项目使用Java Servlet为Web应用程序开发构建可重用的构件体系。他还参加了EJBoss项目,一个开源的EJB应用程序服务器;以及Cocoon,一个开源的XML Web发布引擎。他的项目都针对在运行关键任务的高性能分布式系统上使用XML和J2EE平台。为了在Java程序中操作XML,他和Jason Hunter合作定义了JDOM API。
Brett McLaughlin是一名吉他演奏者,他还在与现实搏斗——毕竟沉迷于指弹吉他(acoustic fingerstyle)的蓝调与爵士乐,是付不起每月的账单的。他最近刚刚发现的乐趣是写书能够帮助别人成为好的程序员,并且让自己付得起账单。他对此感到很快乐,他的妻子Leigh、小孩Dean与Robbie也是。
在进入“Head First”领域之前,Brett为Nextel Communications 及Allegiance Telecom开发企业级的Java应用程序。之后,他转战应用程序服务器领域,为Lutris Enhydra的Servlet引擎
(Servlet Engine)与EJB容器(EJB Container)开发内部系统。这一路走来,Brett着迷于开放源码并且协助进行一些很酷的编程工具开发的奠基工作,像Jakarta Turbine与JDOM。他的电子邮箱是。
Brett D. McLaughlin has worked in computers since the Logo days. (Remember the
little triangle?) In recent years, he's become one of the most well-known authors and
programmers in the Java and XML communities. He's worked for Nextel Communications,
implementing complex enterprise systems; at Lutris Technologies, actually
writing application servers; and most recently at O'Reilly Media, Inc., where he
continues to write and edit books that matter. His list to date includes Head Rush
Ajax, and Java 5.0 Tiger: A Developer's Notebook.

Brett McLaughlin is a guitar player who is still struggling
with the realization that you can't pay the bills if you're into
acoustic fi ngerstyle blues and jazz. He's just recently discovered,
to his delight, that writing books that help people become better
programmers does pay the bills. He's very happy about this, as
are his wife Leigh, and his kids, Dean and Robbie.
Before Brett wandered into Head First land, he developed
enterprise Java applications for Nextel Communications and
Allegiance Telecom. When that became fairly mundane, Brett
took on application servers, working on the internals of the
Lutris Enhydra servlet engine and EJB container. Along the
way, Brett got hooked on open source software, and helped
found several cool programming tools, like Jakarta Turbine and
JDOM. Write to him at
Justin Edelson
Justin Edelson是一位有着超过10年开发经验的软件开发工程师,专注于为媒体和娱乐公司提供网站开发服务,曾经为多个知名品牌的媒体和频道开发过网站和应用程序,如MTV、VH1、Comedy Central、Showtime、The Movie Channel、Spike TV,Nickelodeon和MSN。近年来,他帮助音乐电视网和美国的主要运营商合作,提供了一整套的移动应用产品,包括短信、铃声、壁纸、游戏和移动视频等。
The animals on the cover of Java & XML, Third Edition, are lions (Panthera leo).
These great cats differ from other solitary felines in that they form family groups,
called prides. Prides consist of as many as 30 to 40 lions, most of whom are females
and their offspring. The life span of a lion is approximately 10 to 14 years (quite a bit
more if in captivity). Full grown males can grow up to 10 feet in length; the only cat
larger is the tiger. The lion's eye is particularly sensitive to movement, and it can
detect the movement of its prey from a great distance. Special receptor cells in the
cat's eye give it exceptional night vision.
Lions live in eastern and southern Africa, although some subspecies of the African
lion are endangered. The Asiatic lion (P.l. persica) once lived throughout India, the
Middle East, and Southern Asia. Today, with conservation efforts, its population still
numbers only approximately 359 animals, which can be found in the Gir Forest
National Park in Gujarat in western India. The Barbary and Cape lions are extinct.
Lions are carnivores and prey on large herd animals. They are at the apex of the food
chain, the top predator of their environment. The females are the hunters, while the
males' role is to protect the pride from other aggressive males. Lions are not as fast as
other big cats, such as the cheetah. As a result, they concentrate on heavier, less agile
animals, and ambush their prey by driving them toward concealed members of the
hunting group. They use coordinated, cooperative techniques that enable the group
to hunt with more success than an individual could. African lions eat wildebeest,
zebra, antelope, gazelle, impala, and giraffe.