Ajax on Rails(影印版)
Ajax on Rails(影印版)
Scott Raymond
《Ajax on Rails》将向您讲解如何使用两种当今最重要的方法来构建与用户互动
的动态网络应用程序,这两种方法就是Ajax和开发效率很高的Ruby on Rails平
(console)、安装Routing Navigator插件以及使用Firefox浏览器的Firebug扩展
*快速应用程序构建技巧,包括选择会话存储(session store)、使用缓存
《Ajax on Rails》包括对Prototype 1.5和script.aculo.us 1.6.1的全面参考,
Ruby on Rails和Ajax都给网络开发带来了革命性的变化,但它们走的是不同的路
线。《Ajax on Rails》向您展示了如何把这两项技术结合起来。如果您已经厌倦
Scott Raymond是一位住在美国堪萨斯城(Kansas City)的Ruby on Rails开发人
员。他的作品已经被on the Rails网站和华尔街日报网络版高度评价。除了参与
Ruby on Rails的框架开发之外,他还领导了国际Rails课程培训并作为RailsConf
  1. Preface
  2. 1. Introduction
  3. Who This Book Is For
  4. What Ajax Is
  5. What Rails Is
  6. 'You Got Your Ajax in My Rails!'
  7. Getting Up to Speed
  8. Summary
  9. 2. Getting Our Feet Wet
  10. The Old-Fashioned Way
  11. JavaScript Libraries and Prototype
  12. Bringing Rails into the Picture
  13. Summary
  14. 3. Introducing Prototype
  15. Setting the Stage
  16. Ajax Links
  17. Forms
  18. Ajax Forms
  19. Buttons
  20. Form Observers
  21. Summary
  22. 4. Introducing script.aculo.us
  23. Visual Effects
  24. Drag and Drop
  25. Summary
  26. 5. RJS
  27. Instructions Instead of Data
  28. Putting the R in RJS
  29. A Real-World Example
  30. Summary
  31. 6. Ajax Usability
  32. Principles of Usability
  33. The Context of the Web
  34. Usability on the Web
  35. Cross-Platform Development
  36. Summary
  37. 7. Testing and Debugging
  38. Debugging
  39. Testing
  40. Summary
  41. 8. Security
  42. Healthy Skepticism: Don't Trust User Input
  43. Hashing Passwords
  44. Silencing Logs
  45. The Same-Origin Policy
  46. The Use and Abuse of HTTP Methods
  47. Encryption and Secure Certificates
  48. The Rails Security Mailing List
  49. Summary
  50. 9. Performance
  51. Development and Production Environments
  52. Session Stores
  53. Output Caching
  54. Asset Packaging
  55. Dealing with Long-Running Tasks
  56. Summary
  57. 10. Prototype Reference
  58. Ajax Support
  59. DOM Manipulation
  60. Core Extensions
  61. 11. script.aculo.us Reference
  62. Visual Effects
  63. Drag and Drop
  64. Controls
  65. Element Extensions
  66. DOM Builder
  67. JavaScript Unit Testing
  68. Utility Methods
  69. Appendix A: Review Quiz
  70. Appendix B: Photo Gallery
  71. Appendix C: Intranet Workgroup Collaboration
  72. Index
书名:Ajax on Rails(影印版)
作者:Scott Raymond
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Scott Raymond
Scott Raymond is a Ruby on Rails developer living in Kansas City. His work has
been highlighted on the Rails web site and the Wall Street Journal Online. Besides
participating in the framework's development, he has led international Rails training
sessions and was a presenter at RailsConf 2006.
The animal on the cover of Ajax on Rails is a Peruvian spider monkey (Ateles
chamek), also known as a black-faced spider monkey. Native to the tropical forests
of Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil, this spider monkey weighs about 15 pounds (6.8 kg) and
lives 30 to 40 years. The black-faced spider monkey's body, arms, and legs each
measure about 20 inches, but its prehensile tail can be as long as 30 inches. The
prehensile tail acts as an extra hand and can support the weight of the monkey when
it needs to pick fruit with two hands or swing from tree to tree. The tail has a section
of fleshy pads that it uses for grasping and feeling, which is crucial since spider
monkeys are one of the only primates that do not have opposable thumbs; biologists
believe the thumb impeded the spider monkey's ability to swing from branch to
branch and was evolutionarily eliminated. The spider monkey's diet is 80 percent
fruit, but depending on the season it also eats insects, leaves, and seeds. Even though
the black-faced spider monkey is fairly common, deforestation has shrunk its livable
habitat, and it is often a target for hunters as well as pet traders.