Linux Kernel in a Nutshell(影印版)
Linux Kernel in a Nutshell(影印版)
Greg Kroah-Hartman
本书由Linux 内核的顶尖开发和维护人员所写,向您提供了全面的内核配置和编译方法,而内核配置和编译正是Linux管理员和开发人员的关键任务。由于没有任何一个Linux的发行版可以仅用一个内核就满足所有人的需要,而面对各种计算机多多少少的特殊需求,对内核进行重新配置和重新编译就在所难免。《Linux Kernel技术手册》解释了如何让Linux按您所需要的表现和性能进行工作。
● 从下载内核源代码开始,编译并安装内核所需的全部步骤
● 确保所用工具与您的内核源代码版本相匹配的指南
● 诸如运行时内核选项控制这类相关主题的参考资料和讨论
● 各种“药方”列出您所需要的各项明细,以便您完成各项内容广泛的任务
无论您是试图用Linux听音乐,或者为一台笔记本电脑提供无线网络支持和电源管理,还是在一个大型的服务器上添加企业级的功能,如逻辑卷(logical volume)管理,2.6版的内核都能够胜任分配给它的任何任务。为了发挥它的所有潜能,您需要知道Linux提供的各种选择和配置选项。《Linux Kernel技术手册》为此提供了深入的精辟见解。
Greg Kroah-Hartman是一位Linux内核开发人员并负责维护好几个内核子系统。他所在的团队负责稳定内核版本的发布。
  1. Preface
  2. Part I. Building the Kernel
  3. 1. Introduction
  4. Using This Book
  5. 2. Requirements for Building and Using the Kernel . .
  6. Tools to Build the Kernel
  7. Tools to Use the Kernel
  8. 3. Retrieving the Kernel Source
  9. What Tree to Use
  10. Where to Find the Kernel Source
  11. What to Do with the Source
  12. 4. Configuring and Building
  13. Creating a Configuration
  14. Modifying the Configuration
  15. Building the Kernel
  16. Advanced Building Options
  17. 5. Installing and Booting from a Kernel
  18. Using a Distribution's Installation Scripts
  19. Installing by Hand
  20. Modifying the Bootloader for the New Kernel
  21. 6. Upgrading a Kernel
  22. Download the New Source
  23. Applying the Patch
  24. Reconfigure the Kernel
  25. Can't This Be Automated?
  26. Part II. Major Customizations
  27. 7. Customizing a Kernel
  28. Using a Distribution Kernel
  29. Determining the Correct Module from Scratch
  30. 8. Kernel Configuration Recipes
  31. Disks
  32. Devices
  33. CPU
  34. Networking
  35. Filesystems
  36. Security
  37. Kernel Debugging
  38. Part III. Kernel Reference
  39. 9. Kernel Boot Command-Line Parameter Reference
  40. Module-Specific Options
  41. Console Options
  42. Interrupt Options
  43. Memory Options
  44. Suspend Options
  45. CPU Options
  46. Scheduler Options
  47. Ramdisk Options
  48. Root Disk Options
  49. Init Options
  50. kexec Options
  51. RCU Options
  52. ACPI Options
  53. SCSI Options
  54. PCI Options
  55. Plug and Play BIOS Options
  56. SELinux Options
  57. Network Options
  58. Network File System Options
  59. Hardware-Specific Options
  60. Timer-Specific Options
  61. Miscellaneous Options
  62. 10. Kernel Build Command-Line Reference
  63. Informational Targets
  64. Cleaning Targets
  65. Configuration Targets
  66. Build Targets
  67. Packaging Targets
  68. Documentation Targets
  69. Architecture-Specific Targets
  70. Analysis Targets
  71. 11. Kernel Configuration Option Reference
  72. Part IV. Additional Information
  73. A. Helpful Utilities
  74. Managing Your Patches with quilt
  75. git
  76. ketchup
  77. B. Bibliography
  78. Index
书名:Linux Kernel in a Nutshell(影印版)
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Greg Kroah-Hartman
Greg Kroah-Hartman has been building the Linux kernel since 1996 and started
writing Linux kernel drivers in 1999. He is currently the maintainer of the USB,
PCI,driver core,and sysfs subsystems in the kernel source tree and is also one half of the -stable kernel release team. He created the udev program and maintains the Linux hotplug userspace project. He is a Gentoo Linux developer as well as the coauthor of the third edition of Linux Device Drivers (O'Reilly) and a contributing editor to Linux Journal. He also created and maintains the Linux Device Driver Kit. He currently works for SUSE Labs/Novell,doing various Linux kernelrelated tasks.

Greg Kroah-Hartman has been writing Linux kernel drivers since 1999 and is currently the maintainer for the USB, PCI, I2C, driver core, and sysfs kernel subsystems. He is also the maintainer of the udev and hotplug userspace programs, as well as a Gentoo kernel maintainer, ensuring that his inbox is never empty. He is a contributing editor to Linux Journal magazine.
The animal on the cover of Linux Kernel in a Nutshell is a cup coral (Balanophyllia
elegans). Most commonly found on or under shaded rocks,cup corals
range from British Columbia to Baja,California. Cup corals are generally orange
in color, with lighter orange tentacles extending out from the stony skeleton base.
Cup corals are armed with tentacles that have clusters of poisoning stingers called
spirocysts, which they use to prey on passing plankton. Once plankton is
captured, the coral will use its tentacles to draw the food into its stomach. Cup
corals also use their tentacles to attach themselves to rocks.
The cover image is from Riverside Natural History. The cover font is Adobe ITC
Garamond. The text font is Linotype Birka; the heading font is Adobe Myriad
Condensed; and the code font is LucasFont's TheSans Mono Condensed.