Karim Yaghmour, Jon Masters, Gilad Ben-Yossef, Philippe Gerum
O'Reilly Taiwan公司 译

· 建立你自己的GNU development toolchain(开发工具链)
· 为你的目标系统选用、设定、构建以及安装专属的内核
· 为你的目标系统建立完整的根文件系统
· 设置、操作以及使用固态储存设备
· 为你的目标系统安装及设定bootloader(引导加载程序)
· 交叉编译许多的工具程序与套件
· 可用于嵌入式系统调试的众多工具和技术
· 使用uClibc、BusyBox、U-Boot、OpenSSH、thttpd、tftp、strace以及gdb等套件
· 用Xenomai或RT kernel patch实现实时功能


“本书不会假定你手边有哪些工具,或是限定你的项目的范围。本书只会要你通过Internet 下载必要的套件、浏览特定的在线文件,以及与其他开发者一起分享经验。
  1. 前言
  2. 第1章 概述
  3. 定义
  4. 嵌入式Linux系统的实际应用
  5. 设计与实现的方法
  6. 第2章 基本概念
  7. 主机的类型
  8. 主机/目标开发设置类型
  9. 主机/目标调试设置类型
  10. 嵌入式Linux系统的一般架构
  11. 系统启动过程
  12. 引导配置类型
  13. 系统的存储器配置
  14. 第3章 所支持的硬件
  15. 处理器架构
  16. 总线与接口
  17. I/O
  18. 存储设备
  19. 通用网络
  20. 工业级网络
  21. 系统监控
  22. 第4章 开发工具
  23. 实际的项目工作空间
  24. GNU跨平台开发工具链
  25. C程序库的替代品
  26. Java
  27. Perl
  28. Python
  29. 其他程序语言
  30. Eclipse
  31. 终端仿真程序
  32. 第5章 内核方面的考虑
  33. 选择内核
  34. 设定内核配置
  35. 编译内核
  36. 安装内核
  37. 实地测试
  38. 第6章 根文件系统的内容
  39. 根文件系统的基本结构
  40. 程序库
  41. 内核模块
  42. 内核映像
  43. 设备文件
  44. 主要的系统应用程序
  45. 定制应用程序
  46. 系统初始化
  47. 第7章 储存设备管理
  48. MTD所支持的设备
  49. 磁盘设备
  50. 是否启用交换功能
  51. 第8章 根文件系统的设置
  52. 嵌入式设备的文件系统类型
  53. 使用经NFS挂载的根文件系统将文件系统映像写入Flash设备
  54. 放在RAM disk上的磁盘文件系统
  55. Rootfs与Initramfs
  56. 选择文件系统的类型与布局
  57. 处理软件升级的问题
  58. 第9章 设置bootloader
  59. 嵌入式bootloader
  60. 网络引导的服务器设置
  61. 使用U-Boot
  62. 第10章 设置网络服务
  63. 网络配置
  64. Busybox
  65. 通过DHCP动态配置
  66. Internet Super-Server
  67. 使用SNMP进行远程管理
  68. 使用Telnet进行网络登录
  69. 使用SSH进行安全通信
  70. 通过HTTP提供Web内容
  71. 资源的提供
  72. 第11章 调试工具
  73. Eclipse
  74. 以gdb进行应用程序调试
  75. 追踪
  76. 性能分析
  77. 存储器调试
  78. 关于硬件工具
  79. 第12章 实时Linux入门
  80. 什么是实时处理?
  81. 你的Linux应该支持实时吗?
  82. 共同的实时内核要求
  83. 实时计算技术的典型用户
  84. Linux通往实时之路
  85. 第13章 Xenomai实时系统
  86. 将传统RTOS的应用程序移植到Linux
  87. Xenomai的架构
  88. Xenomai的运行原理
  89. 实时驱动程序模型
  90. 结语
  91. 第14章 实时补丁
  92. 将中断转换成线程
  93. 优先权继承
  94. 以RT Patch设定内核配置
  95. 高分辨率定时计数器
  96. latency tracer
  97. 结语
译者:O'Reilly Taiwan公司 译
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Karim Yaghmour
Karim Yaghmour是Opersys公司(http://www.opersys.com)的创始人及总裁。Opersys公司的服务项目是为开源和自由软件在嵌入式系统中的使用提供专家支持和培训。作为开源和自由软件社区中活跃的成员,Karim将Opersys所提供的服务稳定地建立在社区所推动的知识共享和技术品质的核心价值上。Karim对社区的部分贡献包括:他是Linux Trace Toolkit的维护者,还是使Adeos nanokernel(允许多个操作系统并存)得以完成的白皮书(white paper)系列的作者。
Karim从小酷爱研究事物的运行原理。小时候,Karim甚至拆开家中所有的收音机和盒式录音机,以便能够“修理”它们。同样,Karim很早就展现出对操作系统内部及嵌入式系统的浓厚兴趣。他目前已经取得了蒙特拿综合理工学院的工程学士和科学硕士学位。当大家热衷于Linux的时候,Karim另辟蹊径,撰写自己的分散式微核心,藉此深入了解操作系统的设计和实现。业余时间,Karim爱好史学、哲学、社会学和人文科学。此外,他还对Umberto Eco和Gerald Messadie的散文和小说情有独钟。
Karim Yaghmour is the founder and president of Opersys, a company providing expertise
and courses on the use of open source and free software in embedded systems,
and Kryptiva, a provider of email security services. As an active member of the open
source and free software community, Karim has firmly established Opersys’s services
around the core values of knowledge sharing and technical quality promoted by this
community. As part of his community involvement, Karim is the maintainer of the
Linux Trace Toolkit and the author of a series of white papers that led to the implementation
of the Adeos nanokernel, which allows multiple operating systems to exist
side by side. Karim’s quest for understanding how things work started at a very young
age when he took it upon himself to break open all the radios and cassette players he
could lay his hands on in order to “fix” them. Very early, he developed a keen interest
in operating system internals and embedded systems. He now holds a B.Eng. and an
M.A.Sc. from the ?cole Polytechnique de Montréal. While everyone was hacking away
at Linux, Karim even took a detour to write his own distributed microkernel in order
to get to the bottom of operating system design and implementation.
When not working on software, Karim indulges in his passion for history, philosophy,
sociology, and humanities in general. He’s especially addicted to essays and novels by
Umberto Eco and Gerald Messadi.
Jon Masters
Jonathan Masters is a British Linux kernel engineer working for Red Hat, where he
works on the real-time kernel team, and on a variety of other projects. Jon made U.K.
history by beginning his first college degree at the tender age of 13. He has been using
and has been involved with Linux for most of his life. He has worked on a diverse variety
of embedded Linux projects in different capacities—as an independent contractor, an
employee of a large scientific research company, and at a well-known embedded Linux
vendor. Jon has written several books, many technical articles, and maintains the
module-init-tools package used by the Linux kernel.
Jon lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and enjoys travel, hacking embedded devices,
hiking, U.S. history, obscure legal texts, and any opportunity for random craziness.
Gilad Ben-Yossef
Gilad Ben-Yossef is the cofounder and CTO of Codefidence Ltd. and has been assisting
OEMs make use of free and open source software in commercial products and
services since 1998. He is also cofounder of Hamakor, an NPO devoted to the promotion
of FOSS in Israel, and a founding organizer of “August Penguin,” an Israeli community
FOSS conference.
Gilad is a member of the Israeli chapter of Mensa, the Israeli Information Technology
Association, and the Israeli chapter of the Internet Society. He holds a B.A. in computer
science from Tel-Aviv Jaffa Academic College.
When not trying to make FOSS software do something the authors never intended,
Gilad likes to scuba dive, read science fiction, and spend time with his wife, Limor, and
his two adorable girls, Almog and Yael.
Philippe Gerum
Philippe Gerum is the founder and lead maintainer of the Adeos and Xenomai projects.
本书的封面所绘制的是一座风车房(windmill),取材自《多佛绘图集》(Dover Pictorial Archive)系列中的 19 世纪版画。