书名:SQLAlchemy: Python数据库实战(第2版)
译者:武传海 译
原版书书名:Essential SQLAlchemy, 2nd Edition
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Jason Myers
贾森·迈尔斯(Jason Myers),Built Technologies平台首席工程师,Juice Analytics公司高级开发者,曾在思科公司担任技术主管。在转做开发前,曾做过15年系统架构师。
Rick Copeland
里克·科普兰(Rick Copeland),Carefolio公司联合创始人兼CEO,Arborian咨询公司首席顾问,是位经验丰富的创业者、技术主管、演讲者、培训师和顾问。
Rick Copeland is the Principal Consultant and Founder at Arborian Consulting, a business focusing on MongoDB and Python custom development and training. Rick is a frequent speaker at MongoDB events, an avid MongoDB enthusiast, and is a charter member of 10gen's "Masters of MongoDB." In the non-MongoDB side of things, Rick is also a well-known Python developer and member of the Python Software Foundation, having contributed to a number of open-source projects and spoken at various evens and user groups.
Rick is also the author of Essential SQLAlchemy, a book published by O'Reilly that introduces the reader to the excellent SQLAlchemy Python database toolkit.