Python Cookbook(第二版,中文版)
Python Cookbook(第二版,中文版)
Alex Martelli, Anna Martelli Ravenscroft, David Ascher
高铁军 译
本书是在Python程序员圈子中备受推崇的一部著作。在本书中,你会发现很多常见Python编程问题的实用解决方案,而这些方案来自Python社区。几年来,Python程序员在ActiveState建立的在线Python Cookbook(贡献的代码和文章构成了本书的主体。这些代码和解决方案都经历过实践的检验,被反复地审查、精练和加强,并最终汇集到本书中。

· 搜索和排序;
· Web编程;
· 操纵文本;
· 网络编程;
· 文件处理;
· XML处理;
· 面向对象编程;
· 分布式编程;
· 多线程编程;
· 调试和测试;
· 系统管理;
· 元编程。

本书的主要编辑是Alex Martelli,他也是Python in a Nutshell一书的作者。Anna Martelli Ravenscroft是一位热心的Python用户和会议发言者。ActiveState的David Ascher是Learning Python一书的合著者之一。Python之父Guido van Rossum为本书第13章撰写了引言。
书名:Python Cookbook(第二版,中文版)
译者:高铁军 译
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Alex Martelli
Alex Martelli is a member of the Python Software Foundation and works as Uber Tech Lead for Google, Inc. in Mountain View, California.Before joining Google, Alex spent eight years with IBM Research,winning three Outstanding Technical Achievement Awards.He won 13 as Senior Software Consultant at think3 inc, where he developed libraries, network protocols, GUI engines, event frameworks, and web access frontends. He won three more as a freelance consultant, working mostly for AB Strakt,a Python-centered software house in Goteborg, Sweden. Alex has also taught programming languages, development methods, and numerical computing at Ferrara University and other venues. Alex's proudest achievement is the articles that appeared in Bridge World(January/February 2000), which were hailed as giant steps toward solving
issues that had haunted contract-bridge theoreticians for decades.
Anna Martelli Ravenscroft
Anna Martelli Ravenscroft is a PSF Fellow and winner of the 2013 Frank Willison Memorial Award for contributions to the Python community. She coauthored the second edition of the Python Cookbook and third edition of Python in a Nutshell. She has been a technical reviewer for many Python books and is a regular speaker and track chair at technical conferences. Anna lives in Silicon Valley with her husband Alex, two dogs, one cat, and several chickens.
David Ascher
David Ascher多才多艺,是科学家/软件工程师/培训专家的三位一体。白天,他研究视觉。夜晚,他花大量的时间钻研计算机科学。和Mark一样,他也是受欢迎的Python老师。