Mark Lutz
——Dr. Dobb's Journal
——SD Times
《Python编程(第三版)》已经成为Python用户的行业标准,且更加完善。第三版进行的更新反映了当前的最佳实践以及在语言的最新版本Python 2.5中引入的大量改变。
Mark Lutz是一位独立Python讲师、作家和软件开发者,并且是Python社区的先驱之一。Mark从1992年开始接触Python,从1997年开始教授Python,并且指导了超过250个Python培训班。此外,他获得了威斯康星大学的计算机科学学士和硕士学位。在过去的二十多年中,他的工作领域包括编译器、编程工具、脚本程序以及分类客户端/服务器系统。
  1. 上册
  2. Foreword
  3. Preface
  4. Part I. The Beginning
  5. 1. Introducing Python
  6. “And Now for Something Completely Different ”
  7. Python Philosophy 101
  8. The Life of Python
  9. Signs of the Python Times
  10. The Compulsory Features List
  11. What ’s Python Good For?
  12. What ’s Python Not Good For?
  13. Truth in Advertising
  14. 2. A Sneak Preview .
  15. “Programming Python:The Short Story ”
  16. The Task
  17. Step 1:Representing Records
  18. Step 2:Storing Records Persistently
  19. Step 3:Stepping Up to OOP
  20. Step 4:Adding Console Interaction
  21. Step 5:Adding a GUI
  22. Step 6:Adding a Web Interface
  23. The End of the Demo
  24. Part II. System Programming
  25. 3. System Tools
  26. “The os.path to Knowledge ”
  27. System Scripting Overview
  28. Introducing the sys Module
  29. Introducing the os Module
  30. Script Execution Context
  31. Current Working Directory
  32. Command-Line Arguments
  33. Shell Environment Variables
  34. Standard Streams
  35. 4. File and Directory Tools
  36. “Erase Your Hard Drive in Five Easy Steps!”
  37. File Tools
  38. Directory Tools
  39. 5. Parallel System Tools
  40. “Telling the Monkeys What to Do ”
  41. Forking Processes
  42. Threads
  43. Program Exits
  44. Interprocess Communication
  45. Pipes
  46. Signals
  47. Other Ways to Start Programs
  48. A Portable Program-Launch Framework
  49. Other System Tools
  50. 6. System Examples: Utilities
  51. “Splits and Joins and Alien Invasions ”
  52. Splitting and Joining Files
  53. Generating Forward-Link Web Pages
  54. A Regression Test Script
  55. Packing and Unpacking Files
  56. Automated Program Launchers
  57. 7. System Examples: Directories
  58. “The Greps of Wrath ”
  59. Fixing DOS Line Ends
  60. Fixing DOS Filenames
  61. Searching Directory Trees
  62. Visitor:Walking Trees Generically
  63. Copying Directory Trees
  64. Deleting Directory Trees
  65. Comparing Directory Trees
  66. Part III. GUI Programming
  67. 8. Graphical User Interfaces
  68. “Here ’s Looking at You,Kid ”
  69. Python GUI Development Options
  70. Tkinter Overview
  71. Climbing the GUI Learning Curve
  72. Tkinter Coding Basics
  73. Tkinter Coding Alternatives
  74. Adding Buttons and Callbacks
  75. Adding User-Defined Callback Handlers
  76. Adding Multiple Widgets
  77. Customizing Widgets with Classes
  78. Reusable GUI Components with Classes
  79. The End of the Tutorial
  80. Python/Tkinter for Tcl/Tk Converts
  81. 9. A Tkinter Tour, Part 1
  82. “Widgets and Gadgets and GUIs,Oh My!”
  83. Configuring Widget Appearance
  84. Top-Level Windows
  85. Dialogs
  86. Binding Events
  87. Message and Entry
  88. Checkbutton,Radiobutton,and Scale
  89. Running GUI Code Three Ways
  90. Images
  91. Viewing and Processing Images with PIL
  92. 10. A Tkinter Tour, Part 2
  93. “On Today ’s Menu:Spam,Spam,and Spam ”
  94. Menus
  95. Listboxes and Scrollbars
  96. Text
  97. Canvas
  98. Grids
  99. Time Tools,Threads,and Animation
  100. The End of the Tour
  101. The PyDemos and PyGadgets Launchers
  102. 11. GUI Coding Techniques
  103. “Building a Better Mouse Trap ”
  104. GuiMixin:Common Tool Mixin Classes
  105. GuiMaker:Automating Menus and Toolbars
  106. ShellGui:GUIs for Command-Line Tools
  107. GuiStreams:Redirecting Streams to Widgets
  108. Reloading Callback Handlers Dynamically
  109. Wrapping Up Top-Level Window Interfaces
  110. GUIs,Threads,and Queues
  111. More Ways to Add GUIs to Non-GUI Code
  112. 12. Complete GUI Programs
  113. “Python,Open Source,and Camaros ”
  114. PyEdit:A Text Editor Program/Object
  115. PyPhoto:An Image Viewer and Resizer
  116. PyView:An Image and Notes Slideshow
  117. PyDraw:Painting and Moving Graphics
  118. PyClock:An Analog/Digital Clock Widget
  119. PyToe:A Tic-Tac-Toe Game Widget
  120. Where to Go from Here
  121. 下册
  122. Part IV. Internet Programming
  123. 13. Network Scripting
  124. “Tune In,Log On,and Drop Out ”
  125. Plumbing the Internet
  126. Socket Programming
  127. Handling Multiple Clients
  128. A Simple Python File Server
  129. 14. Client-Side Scripting
  130. “Socket to Me!”
  131. FTP:Transferring Files over the Net
  132. Processing Internet Email
  133. POP:Fetching Email
  134. SMTP:Sending Email
  135. email:Parsing and Composing Mails
  136. pymail:A Console-Based Email Client
  137. The mailtools Utility Package
  138. NNTP:Accessing Newsgroups
  139. HTTP:Accessing Web Sites
  140. Module urllib Revisited Other Client-Side Scripting Options
  141. Other Client-Side Scripting Options
  142. 15. The PyMailGUI Client
  143. “Use the Source,Luke ”
  144. A PyMailGUI Demo
  145. PyMailGUI Implementation
  146. 16. Server-Side Scripting
  147. “Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave ”
  148. What ’s a Server-Side CGI Script?
  149. Running Server-Side Examples
  150. Climbing the CGI Learning Curve
  151. Saving State Information in CGI Scripts
  152. The Hello World Selector
  153. Refactoring Code for Maintainability
  154. More on HTML and URL Escapes
  155. Transferring Files to Clients and Servers
  156. 17. The PyMailCGI Server
  157. “Things to Do When Visiting Chicago ”
  158. The PyMailCGI Web Site
  159. The Root Page
  160. Sending Mail by SMTP
  161. Reading POP Email
  162. Processing Fetched Mail
  163. Utility Modules
  164. CGI Script Trade-Offs
  165. 18. Advanced Internet Topics
  166. “Surfing on the Shoulders of Giants ”
  167. Zope:A Web Application Framework
  168. HTMLgen:Web Pages from Objects
  169. Jython:Python for Java
  170. Grail:A Python-Based Web Browser
  171. XML Processing Tools
  172. Windows Web Scripting Extensions
  173. Python Server Pages
  174. Rolling Your Own Servers in Python
  175. And Other Cool Stuff
  176. Part V. Tools and Techniques
  177. 19. Databases and Persistence
  178. “Give Me an Order of Persistence,but Hold the Pickles ”
  179. Persistence Options in Python
  180. DBM Files
  181. Pickled Objects
  182. Shelve Files
  183. The ZODB Object-Oriented Database
  184. SQL Database Interfaces
  185. PyForm:A Persistent Object Viewer
  186. 20. Data Structures
  187. “Roses Are Red,Violets Are Blue;Lists Are Mutable,and So Is Set Foo ”
  188. Implementing Stacks
  189. Implementing Sets
  190. Subclassing Built-In Types
  191. Binary Search Trees
  192. Graph Searching
  193. Reversing Sequences
  194. Permuting Sequences
  195. Sorting Sequences
  196. Data Structures Versus Python Built-Ins
  197. PyTree:A Generic Tree Object Viewer
  198. 21. Text and Language
  199. “See Jack Hack.Hack,Jack,Hack ”
  200. Strategies for Parsing Text in Python
  201. String Method Utilities
  202. Regular Expression Pattern Matching
  203. Advanced Language Tools
  204. Handcoded Parsers
  205. PyCalc:A Calculator Program/Object
  206. Part VI. Integration
  207. 22. Extending Python
  208. “I Am Lost at C ”
  209. Integration Modes
  210. C Extensions Overview
  211. A Simple C Extension Module
  212. Extension Module Details
  213. The SWIG Integration Code Generator
  214. Wrapping C Environment Calls
  215. A C Extension Module String Stack
  216. A C Extension Type String Stack
  217. Wrapping C++Classes with SWIG
  218. Other Extending Tools
  219. 23. Embedding Python
  220. “Add Python.Mix Well.Repeat.”
  221. C Embedding API Overview
  222. Basic Embedding Techniques
  223. Registering Callback Handler Objects
  224. Using Python Classes in C
  225. A High-Level Embedding API:ppembed
  226. Other Integration Topics
  227. Part VII. The End
  228. 24. Conclusion: Python and the Development Cycle
  229. “That ’s the End of the Book,Now Here ’s the Meaning of Life ”
  230. “Something ’s Wrong with the Way We Program Computers ”
  231. The “Gilligan Factor ”
  232. Doing the Right Thing
  233. Enter Python
  234. But What About That Bottleneck?
  235. On Sinking the Titanic
  236. So What’s “Python:The Sequel ” ?
  237. In the Final Analysis ...
  238. Postscript to the Second Edition (2000)
  239. Postscript to the Third Edition (2006)
  240. Index
作者:Mark Lutz
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Mark Lutz
作为全球Python培训界的领军人物。Mark Lutz是Python最畅销书籍的作者,也是Python社区的先驱。
Mark 是O’Reilly出版的《Programming Python》和《Python Pocket Reference》的作者,这两本书于2009年都已经出版了第3版。Mark自1992年开始接触Python,1995年开始撰写有关Python的书籍,从1997年开始教授Python课程。截止到2009年,他已经开办了225个Python短期培训课程,教授了大约3500名学习者,销售了大约25万册有关Python的书籍。许多书被翻译成十多种语言。
The animal on the cover of Programming Python is an African rock python, one of
approximately 18 species of python. Pythons are nonvenomous constrictor snakes
that live in tropical regions of Africa, Asia, Australia, and some Pacific Islands.
Pythons live mainly on the ground, but they are also excellent swimmers and
climbers. Both male and female pythons retain vestiges of their ancestral hind legs.
The male python uses these vestiges, or spurs, when courting a female.
The python kills its prey by suffocation. While the snake’s sharp teeth grip and hold
the prey in place, the python’s long body coils around its victim’s chest, constricting
tighter each time it breathes out. They feed primarily on mammals and birds. Python
attacks on humans are extremely rare.