Jennifer Niederst Robbins
·完整的HTML 4.01和XHTML 1.0/1.1手册,重点关注语义标签的实践
·全新的十个章节涵盖了级联样式表的使用,同时在附录中列举了CCS 2.1的每个属性
·介绍了如何使用JavaScript 、DOM、语法、控制结构以增加网页的交互性,以及Ajax的简要介绍

—Tantek Celik(tantek.com),资深技术专家,前W3C的初创成员,CSS和HTML工作组成员
“为与当前最新的Web设计技术潮流同步,Jennifer Niederst Robbins重写了《Web设计技术手册》。这将是所有的Web设计开发人员宝贵的手册。”
—Molly E.Holzschlag(molly.com),Web标准工程委员会会员,作者,讲师和Web设计师
  1. Foreword
  2. Contributors .
  3. Technical Reviewers
  4. Preface
  5. Part I. The Web Environment
  6. 1. Web Standards
  7. What Are Standards?
  8. Current Web Standards
  9. Standards-Driven Design
  10. For Further Reading
  11. 2. Designing for a Variety of Browsers
  12. Browser History
  13. Browser Roll-Call
  14. Gathering Usage Statistics
  15. Learning from Browser Statistics
  16. Dealing with Browser Differences
  17. Know Your Audience
  18. Test!
  19. 3. Designing for a Variety of Displays
  20. Designing for Unknown Monitor Resolutions
  21. Fixed Versus Liquid Web Pages
  22. Designing “Above the Fold ”
  23. Mobile Devices
  24. 4. A Beginner’s Guide to the Server
  25. Servers 101
  26. Unix Directory Structures
  27. File Naming Conventions
  28. Uploading Documents (FTP)
  29. File (MIME)Types
  30. 5. Accessibility
  31. Types of Disabilities
  32. Overview of Assistive Technology
  33. Who Is Responsible for Accessibility?
  34. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
  35. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG 2.0)
  36. Standards Variations and Section 508
  37. Web Accessibility Techniques
  38. Testing for Accessibility
  39. 6. Internationalization
  40. Character Sets and Encoding
  41. Character References
  42. Language Features
  43. Style Sheets Language Features
  44. For Further Reading
  45. Part II. The Structural Layer: XML and (X)HTML
  46. 7. Introduction to XML
  47. XML Basics
  48. How It Works
  49. XML Document Syntax
  50. Well-Formed XML
  51. Document Type Definition (DTD)
  52. XML Namespaces
  53. XML on the Web
  54. Web-Related XML Applications
  55. Where to Learn More
  56. 8. HTML and XHTML Overview
  57. The Role of HTML
  58. Markup Basics
  59. Introduction to XHTML
  60. Which Standard Is Right for You?
  61. Well-Formed XHTML
  62. Web Authoring Tools
  63. Good Authoring Practices
  64. 9. Document Structure
  65. Minimal Document Structure
  66. Document Type Declaration
  67. The Root Element
  68. The Document Header
  69. The Document Body
  70. 10. Text Elements
  71. Choosing Text Elements
  72. The Building Blocks of Content
  73. Inline Elements
  74. Deleted and Inserted Text
  75. Generic Elements (div and span)
  76. Lists
  77. Presentational Elements
  78. Character Entity References
  79. 11. Creating Links
  80. Simple Hypertext Links
  81. Linking Within a Document
  82. Targeting Windows
  83. Alternative Protocols
  84. Linking Documents with link
  85. 12. Images and Objects
  86. Inline Images
  87. Image Maps
  88. Embedded Media
  89. Java Applets
  90. Inline (Floating)Frames
  91. 13. Tables
  92. Table Uses
  93. Basic Table Structure
  94. Row Groups
  95. Columns and Column Groups
  96. Table Presentation
  97. Accessible Tables
  98. Responsible Layout Tables
  99. 14. Frames
  100. Introduction to Frames
  101. Basic Frameset Structure
  102. Frame Function and Appearance
  103. Targeting Frames
  104. Frame Design Tips and Tricks
  105. 15. Forms
  106. The Basic Form Element
  107. Form Controls
  108. Accessibility Features
  109. disabled and readonly
  110. Affecting Form Appearance
  111. Part III. The Presentation Layer: Cascading Style Sheets
  112. 16. Cascading Style Sheets Fundamentals
  113. CSS in a Nutshell
  114. The Benefits of CSS
  115. How CSS Works
  116. Rule Syntax
  117. Adding Styles to a Document
  118. Key Concepts
  119. Specifying Values
  120. Browser Support
  121. For Further Reading
  122. 17. Selectors
  123. Type (Element)Selector
  124. Contextual Selectors
  125. Class and ID Selectors
  126. Attribute Selectors
  127. Pseudoselectors
  128. 18. Font and Text Properties
  129. Typography on the Web
  130. Font Family
  131. Font Size
  132. Other Font Settings
  133. Text Transformation (Capitalization)
  134. Text Decoration
  135. Line Height
  136. Text Alignment Properties
  137. Text Spacing
  138. Text Direction
  139. 19. Basic Box Properties
  140. The Box Model,Revisited
  141. Width and Height
  142. Margins
  143. Borders
  144. Padding
  145. 20. Color and Backgrounds
  146. Foreground Color
  147. Background Color
  148. Background Images
  149. 21. Floating and Positioning
  150. Normal Flow
  151. Floating
  152. Positioning Basics
  153. Absolute Positioning
  154. Fixed Positioning
  155. Relative Positioning
  156. 22. CSS for Tables
  157. The Essence of Tables
  158. Styling Tables
  159. Borders
  160. Table Layout (Width and Height)
  161. Table Display Values
  162. 23. Lists and Generated Content
  163. CSS for Lists
  164. Generated Content
  165. 24. CSS Techniques
  166. Centering a Page
  167. Two-Column Layouts
  168. Three-Column Layouts
  169. Boxes with Rounded Corners
  170. Image Replacement
  171. CSS Rollovers
  172. List-Based Navigation Bars
  173. CSS Techniques Resources
  174. 25. Managing Browser Bugs: Workarounds, Hacks, and Filters
  175. Working with “Troubled ” Browsers
  176. The Browsers
  177. Hack and Workaround Management 101
  178. Part IV. The Behavioral Layer: JavaScript and the DOM
  179. 26. Introduction to JavaScript
  180. A Little Background
  181. Using JavaScript
  182. JavaScript Syntax
  183. Event Handling
  184. The Browser Object
  185. Where to Learn More
  186. 27. DOM Scripting
  187. A Sordid Past
  188. Out of the Dark Ages
  189. The DOM
  190. Manipulating Documents with the DOM
  191. Working with Style
  192. DOM Scripting in Action
  193. Supplement:Getting Started with Ajax
  194. Part V. Web Graphics
  195. 28. Web Graphics Overview
  196. Web Graphic File Formats
  197. Image Resolution
  198. Color on the Web
  199. Web Graphics Production Tips
  200. 29. GIF Format
  201. 8-Bit Indexed Color
  202. LZW Compression
  203. Interlacing
  204. Transparency
  205. Minimizing GIF File Sizes
  206. Designing GIFs with the Web Palette
  207. 30. JPEG Format
  208. 24-Bit Color
  209. JPEG Compression
  210. Progressive JPEGs
  211. Creating JPEGs
  212. Minimizing JPEG File Size
  213. 31. PNG Format
  214. When to Use PNGs
  215. PNG Features
  216. Platform/Browser Support
  217. Creating PNG Files
  218. PNG Optimization Strategies
  219. For Further Reading
  220. 32. Animated GIFs
  221. How They Work
  222. Using Animated GIFs
  223. Tools
  224. Creating Animated GIFs
  225. Optimizing Animated GIFs
  226. Part VI. Media
  227. 33. Audio on the Web
  228. Basic Digital Audio Concepts
  229. Using Existing Audio
  230. Preparing Your Own Audio
  231. Streaming Audio
  232. Audio Formats
  233. Choosing an Audio Format
  234. Adding Audio to a Web Page
  235. 34. Video on the Web
  236. Basic Digital Video Concepts
  237. Compression
  238. Video File Formats
  239. Adding Video to an HTML Document
  240. 35. The Flash Platform
  241. Using Flash on Web Pages
  242. Creating Flash Movies
  243. ActionScript
  244. Adding Flash to a Web Page
  245. Integrating Flash with Other Technologies
  246. The Flash Player
  247. Flash Resources
  248. 36. Printing from the Web
  249. Browser Print Mechanisms
  250. Cascading Style Sheets for Print
  251. Portable Document Format (PDF)
  252. Flash Printing
  253. Part VII. Appendixes
  254. A. HTML Elements and Attributes
  255. B. CSS 2.1 Properties
  256. C. Character Entities
  257. D. Specifying Color
  258. E. Microformats: Extending (X)HTML
  259. Glossary
  260. Index
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Jennifer Niederst Robbins
Jennifer Niederst Robbins 资深Web设计师、信息架构师,从事Web设计20余年,在Web设计方面有独到的见解与认识。她于1993年设计了全球第一个商业网站——O’Reilly全球网络导航器(O’Reilly Global Network Navigator,GNN)。她曾在马萨诸塞艺术学院和约翰森威尔士大学任教,并且经常在全美许多重要会议上发表演讲,广受欢迎。她现在是O’Reilly Media的数码产品设计师,对信息架构、交互设计、网站制作、应用程序开发和电子书拥有浓厚的兴趣。除了本书,还著有《Web Design in a Nutshell》和《HTML5 Pocket Reference》。
The animal on the cover of Web Design in a Nutshell is a least weasel (Mustela
nivalis ).There are 67 species of weasel,including the mink,ermine,ferret,otter,
and skunk.Weasels,which are characterized by long,slender bodies and short
legs,are found on all continents except Antarctica and Australia,and in a vast
variety of habitats.
The least weasel is the smallest of the 67 species of weasel.Weighing in at approx-
imately two ounces and measuring less than 10 inches long,the least weasel is the
smallest carnivore on Earth.It is found throughout the world in northern
climates.In warm weather this weasel ’s coat is brown,with a white underside.In
winter it turns completely white.Thanks to its camouflage abilities and its speed
and agility,the least weasel is rarely caught.
The diet of the least weasel is made up primarily of voles and mice,which,
because of the weasels ’high metabolism,they hunt constantly.One family of
these little weasels can consume thousands of rodents each year,making them
important in controlling pest populations.Because it is so small,the least weasel
can follow mice into their burrows and eat them there.Like other weasels,they
will occasionally then make their victim ’s home their own,lining it with the fur of
the former resident when preparing to nest.Least weasels can produce two litters
a year,with three to five young per litter.