Randal L. Schwartz, Tom Phoenix, brian d foy
《Perl语言入门,第四版》与其他“骆驼丛书”一样,引领了许多Perl程序员从入门走向精通。本书出自三个Perl社区的卓越成员之手 —— 他们拥有多年从事Perl培训的丰富经验,同时本书针对最新的Perl 5.8版本做了相应的修订。
今天,如果问Perl程序员哪本书是他们最依赖的参考书籍,绝大多数的回答是 ——“骆驼丛书”。最好的理由是,这本书能教你成为一名真正的Perl程序员,而不仅仅像其他参考书一样告诉你如何编写Perl程序。
  1. Preface
  2. 1. Introduction
  3. Questions and Answers
  4. What Does “Perl” Stand For?
  5. How Can I Get Perl?
  6. How Do I Make a Perl Program?
  7. A Whirlwind Tour of Perl
  8. Exercises
  9. 2. Scalar Data
  10. Numbers
  11. Strings
  12. Perl's Built-in Warnings
  13. Scalar Variables
  14. Output with print
  15. The if Control Structure
  16. Getting User Input
  17. The chomp Operator
  18. The while Control Structure
  19. The undef Value
  20. The defined Function
  21. Exercises
  22. 3. Lists and Arrays
  23. Accessing Elements of an Array
  24. Special Array Indices
  25. List Literals
  26. List Assignment
  27. Interpolating Arrays into Strings
  28. The foreach Control Structure
  29. Scalar and List Context
  30. <STDIN> in List Context
  31. Exercises
  32. 4. Subroutines
  33. Defining a Subroutine
  34. Invoking a Subroutine
  35. Return Values
  36. Arguments
  37. Private Variables in Subroutines
  38. Variable-Length Parameter Lists
  39. Notes on Lexical (my) Variables
  40. The use strict Pragma
  41. The return Operator
  42. Non-Scalar Return Values
  43. Exercises
  44. 5. Input and Output
  45. Input from Standard Input
  46. Input from the Diamond Operator
  47. The Invocation Arguments
  48. Output to Standard Output
  49. Formatted Output with printf
  50. Filehandles
  51. Opening a Filehandle
  52. Fatal Errors with die
  53. Using Filehandles
  54. Reopening a Standard Filehandle
  55. Exercises
  56. 6. Hashes
  57. What Is a Hash?
  58. Hash Element Access
  59. Hash Functions
  60. Typical Use of a Hash
  61. Exercises
  62. 7. In the World of Regular Expressions
  63. What Are Regular Expressions?
  64. Using Simple Patterns
  65. Character Classes
  66. Exercises
  67. 8. Matching with Regular Expressions
  68. Matches with m//
  69. Option Modifiers
  70. Anchors
  71. The Binding Operator, =~
  72. Interpolating into Patterns
  73. The Match Variables
  74. General Quantifiers
  75. Precedence
  76. A Pattern Test Program
  77. Exercises
  78. 9. Processing Text with Regular Expressions
  79. Substitutions with s///
  80. The split Operator
  81. The join Function
  82. m// in List Context
  83. More Powerful Regular Expressions
  84. Exercises
  85. 10. More Control Structures
  86. The unless Control Structure
  87. The until Control Structure
  88. Expression Modifiers
  89. The Naked Block Control Structure
  90. The elsif Clause
  91. Autoincrement and Autodecrement
  92. The for Control Structure
  93. Loop Controls
  94. Logical Operators
  95. Exercise
  96. 11. File Tests
  97. File Test Operators
  98. The stat and lstat Functions
  99. The localtime Function
  100. Bitwise Operators
  101. Using the Special Underscore Filehandle
  102. Exercises
  103. 12. Directory Operations
  104. Moving Around the Directory Tree
  105. Globbing
  106. An Alternate Syntax for Globbing
  107. Directory Handles
  108. Recursive Directory Listing
  109. Manipulating Files and Directories
  110. Removing Files
  111. Renaming Files
  112. Links and Files
  113. Making and Removing Directories
  114. Modifying Permissions
  115. Changing Ownership
  116. Changing Timestamps
  117. Exercises
  118. 13. Strings and Sorting
  119. Finding a Substring with index
  120. Manipulating a Substring with substr
  121. Formatting Data with sprintf
  122. Advanced Sorting
  123. Exercises
  124. 14. Process Management
  125. The system Function
  126. The exec Function
  127. The Environment Variables
  128. Using Backquotes to Capture Output
  129. Processes as Filehandles
  130. Getting Down and Dirty with fork
  131. Sending and Receiving Signals
  132. Exercises
  133. 15. Perl Modules
  134. Finding Modules
  135. Installing Modules
  136. Using Simple Modules
  137. Exercise
  138. 16. Some Advanced Perl Techniques
  139. Trapping Errors with eval
  140. Picking Items from a List with grep
  141. Transforming Items from a List with map
  142. Unquoted Hash Keys
  143. Slices
  144. Exercise
  145. A. Exercise Answers
  146. B. Beyond the Llama
  147. Index
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Randal L. Schwartz
Randal L. Schwartz是软件工业界经历了两个时代的老战士。他精通软件设计、系统管理、安全、技术写作和培训。Randal与他人共同编著了许多已成为事实标准的“必备”书:《Programming Perl》、《Learning Perl》、《Learning Perl for Win32 Systems》和《Effective Perl Programming》,他还是杂志《WebTechniques》、《PerformanceComputing》、《SysAdmin》和《Linux》的专栏作家。他也是Perl新闻组的一位多产作者,并从comp.lang.perl.announce开始时就是它的管理员。他不落俗套的幽默和大师风范的技术在全世界范围内已经堪称传奇(不过可能他自己本身早就开始了这个传奇)。Randal回馈Perl社区的愿望促使他帮助成立了The Perl Institute,并提供了初始资金。他还是Perl Mongers(创建理事会的成员,这是一个世界范围的Perl基层推广组织。从1985年起,Randal拥有并经营Stonehenge Consulting Services公司。Randal的联络方式是merlyn@stonehenge.com或(503)777-0095,欢迎广大读者与他共同探讨Perl的一些问题以及其他相关主题。

Randal L. Schwartz是一个电子零售商和企业家,靠软件设计、技术协作、系统管理、安全咨询和影像产品谋生。他以他的丰富的、幽默的和偶尔不正确的内容而闻名网络新闻组——特别是在comp.lang.perl上他的“Just another perl hacker”的签名。
Randal在Tektronix、ServioLogic和Sequent工作的7年磨练了许多技艺。在过去的 5年里,他在他的家乡奥勒冈州波特兰市已经开办并经营了Stonehenge Consulting Services

Randal L. Schwartz是一个电子零售商和企业家,靠软件设计、技术写作、系统管理、安全咨询和影像产品谋生。他以他的丰富的、幽默的和偶尔不正确的内容而闻名网络新闻组——特别是在comp.lang.perl上他的“Just another perl hacker”的签名。
Randal 在Tektronix、ServioLogic、和 Sequent工作的7年磨练了许多技艺。从1985年起,他在他的家乡奥勒冈州波特兰市已经开办并经营了Stonehenge Consulting Services公司。他是《Learning Perl》的作者和《Programming Perl》的作者之一,另外两位作者是Tom Christiansen 和Larry Wall——Perl的创始人。
Randal L. Schwartz is a renowned expert on the Perl programming language. In
addition to writing Learning Perl and the first two editions of Programming Perl, he
has been the Perl columnist for UNIX Review, Web Techniques, Sys Admin, and
Linux Magazine. He has contributed to a dozen Perl books and over 200 magazine
articles. Randal runs a Perl training and consulting company(Stonehenge Consulting
Services) and is highlysought after as a speaker for his combination of technical skill,
comedic timing, and crowd rapport. He’s also a pretty good Karaoke singer.
Tom Phoenix
Tom Phoenix自1982年起一直从事教育工作。他曾经在一个科学博物馆工作过13年以上,工作内容包括解剖、爆炸,还有可爱的动物、高压火花等。之后,从1996年起,他开始在Stonehenge Consulting Services讲授Perl课程。从那以后,他到过很多有趣的地方,因此也许你不久就会在一个Perl Mongers大会上见到他。一有时间,他就会在comp.lang.perl.misc和comp.lang.perl.moderated新闻组上回答问题,并致力于Perl的开发和利用。除了从事与Perl相关的工作、与Perl高手沟通及相关工作以外,Tom业余时间还从事密码学研究并练习世界语。他的家在俄勒冈的波特兰。
Tom Phoenix has been working in the field of education since 1982. After more than
13 years of dissections, explosions, work with interesting animals, and high-voltage
sparks during his work at a science museum, he started teaching Perl for Stonehenge
Consulting Services, where he’s worked since 1996. As it is traditional for Perl people
to have at least three other unlikely interests, Tom enjoys amateur cryptography,
Esperanto, and Squeak (Smalltalk). According to rumor, he has never turned down
an opportunityto playa game of Zendo. He lives in Portland, Oregon, with his wife
and cats.
brian d foy
brian d foy是一个多产的Perl培训师和作家,他主办了“The Perl Review”,通过教育、咨询、代码审查等等帮助人们使用和了解Perl。他经常在Perl会议上发表演说。他是《Learning Perl》、《Intermediate Perl》和《Effective Perl Programming》的合作者,另外还单独著有《Mastering Perl》。1998年到2009年期间,他任职于Stonehenge Consulting Services担任讲师和作者。从他成为一个物理学研究生开始就是一个Perl用户,另外从他拥有自己的第一台计算机开始就是一个顽固的Mac用户。他成立了第一个Perl用户组(New York Perl Mongers),另外还创建了非盈利的Perl Mongers公司,帮助建立了全世界200多个Perl用户组。他维护着核心Perl文档的perlfaq部分,另外还维护着CPAN上的很多模块以及一些独立的脚本。
The animal on the cover of Learning Perl, Fourth Edition is a llama,a relation of the
camel native to the Andean range. Also included in this llamoid group is the
domestic alpaca and their wild ancestors, the guanaco and the vicuna. Bones found
in ancient human settlements suggest that domestication of the alpaca and llama
dates back 4,500 years. In 1531,when Spanish conquistadors overran the Inca
Empire in the high Andes, they found both animals present in great numbers. These
llamas are suited for high mountain life; their hemoglobin can take in more oxygen
than that of other mammals.
Llamas can weigh up to 300 pounds and are mainly used as beasts of burden. A
packtrain may contain several hundred animals and can travel up to 20 miles per
day. Llamas will carry loads up to 50 pounds, but have a tendency to be shorttempered
and resort to spitting and biting to demonstrate displeasure. To the people
of the Andes, llamas also provide meat, wool for clothing, hides for leather, and fat for candles. Their wool can also be braided into rope and rugs, and their dried dung is used for fuel.