UML 2.0技术手册(影印版)
UML 2.0技术手册(影印版)
Dan Pilone, Neil Pitman
你是否曾被类图间箭头的区别所困惑? 是否曾被矩形图的折角所迷惑?是否曾在面对交互图时困惑不解?统一建模语言(UML), 作为一种表达力丰富的描述语言,赋予了软件开发可视化描述的能力,能帮你解除上述的苦恼。但如果你不能真正理解其中符号的意义并熟练运用UML框图的话,UML所特有的这种描述能力也就不能得到充分展现。只有所有参与开发的团队成员对UML的理解达成共识,UML才能成为团队交流的桥梁。
1799年罗赛塔石碑的发现让历史学家揭开了迷惑他们几个世纪的象形文字之谜。作为软件开发人员,我们是幸运的,不用再经历那么长的等待。在《UML 2.0技术手册》一书中,作者Dan Pilone和Neil Pitman不但清楚地描述了UML语言的语法和语义,而且将最新版本的UML 2.0完整地呈现在我们面前。本书主要涵盖以下内容:
Dan Pilone —— Blueprint Technologies公司的软件架构师。他设计的系统为Hughes,ARINC,UPS和Naval Research Laboratory所广泛使用。
Neil Pitman —— Mahjong Mania公司CTO,具有20年的大型系统开发经验。
  1. Preface
  2. 1. Fundamentals of UML
  3. Getting Started
  4. Background
  5. UML Basics
  6. UML Specifications
  7. Putting UML to Work
  8. Modeling
  9. UML Rules of Thumb
  10. 2. Class Diagrams
  11. Classes
  12. Attributes
  13. Operations
  14. Methods
  15. Abstract Classes
  16. Relationships
  17. Interfaces
  18. Templates
  19. Variations on Class Diagrams
  20. 3. Package Diagrams
  21. Representation
  22. Visibility
  23. Importing and Accessing Packages
  24. Merging Packages
  25. Variations on Package Diagrams
  26. 4. Composite Structures
  27. Composite Structures
  28. Collaborations
  29. Collaboration Occurrences
  30. 5. Component Diagrams
  31. Components
  32. Component Views
  33. 6. Deployment Diagrams
  34. Artifacts
  35. Nodes
  36. Deployment
  37. Variations on Deployment Diagrams
  38. 7. Use Case Diagrams
  39. Use Cases
  40. Actors
  41. Advanced Use Case Modeling
  42. Use Case Scope
  43. 8. Statechart Diagrams
  44. Behavioral State Machines
  45. States
  46. State Machine Extension
  47. Protocol State Machines
  48. Pseudostates
  49. Event Processing
  50. Variations on Statechart Diagrams
  51. 9. Activity Diagrams
  52. Activities and Actions
  53. Tokens
  54. Activity Nodes
  55. Advanced Activity Modeling
  56. 10. Interaction Diagrams
  57. What Are Interactions?
  58. Interaction Participants
  59. Messages
  60. Execution Occurrences
  61. State Invariants
  62. Event Occurrences
  63. Traces
  64. Combined Fragments
  65. Interaction Occurrences
  66. Decomposition
  67. Continuations
  68. Sequence Timing
  69. Alternate Interaction Notations
  70. 11. Tagged Values, Stereotypes, and UML Profiles
  71. Modeling and UML in Context
  72. Stereotypes
  73. Tagged Values
  74. Constraints
  75. UML Profiles
  76. Tools and How They Use Profiles
  77. 12. Effective Diagramming
  78. Wallpaper Diagrams
  79. Sprawling Scope
  80. One Diagram/One Abstraction
  81. Besides UML
  82. A. MDA: Model-Driven Architecture
  83. B. The Object Constraint Language
  84. Index
书名:UML 2.0技术手册(影印版)
作者:Dan Pilone, Neil Pitman
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Dan Pilone
Dan Pilone is a software architect with Blueprint Technologies, Inc., cofounder
and president of Zizworks, Inc., and a terrible rock climber. He has designed and
implemented systems for Hughes, ARINC, UPS, and the Naval Research Laboratory.
When not writing for O’Reilly, he teaches software design and software
engineering at the Catholic University in Washington, D.C. He is the author of
the UML Pocket Reference and has had several articles published covering software
process, consulting in the software industry, and 3D graphics in Java.

Dan is eternally grateful to his wife Tracey for letting
him finish this book. Dan is a software architect for
Vangent, Inc., and has led teams for the Naval Research
Laboratory and NASA, building enterprise software.
He’s taught graduate and undergraduate Software
Engineering at Catholic University in Washington, D.C.
Some of his classes were interesting.
Dan started writing for O’Reilly by submitting a proposal
for this book a little over five years ago. Three UML
books, some quality time in Boulder, Colorado, with
the O’Reilly Head First team, and a co-author later, he
finally got a chance to put this book together.
While leading a team of software developers can be
challenging, Dan is waiting patiently for someone to
write Head First Parenting to help sort out seriously
complex management problems.
Neil Pitman
Neil Pitman is chief technical officer of Mahjong Mania, codeveloper of LamMDA
from Mindset Corporation, and formerly vice president of research and development
at Codagen Technologies. Neil has 20 years of experience in software
development ranging from medical systems to Smalltalk development platforms,
gaming software to code generation. When he does real work, it’s in J2EE and
XSLT as well as UML. Look for him at
The animal on the cover of UML 2.0 in a Nutshell is a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes).
Chimpanzees use a vast array of facial expressions,postures,and gestures
to communicate with each other, in addition to at least 32 different sounds. There is some evidence to suggest that chimpanzees can learn symbolic languages.
The natural habitat of the chimpanzee is western Africa, from Sierra Leone to the
Great Lakes east of the Congo. Living primarily in forested areas, chimpanzees
spend 50 to 70 percent of their time in trees. They are omnivores, eating primarily fruits and vegetables, but they will also hunt and eat small animals. They live in family groups that consist of about twice as many females as males. While adult chimpanzees aren't monogamous, there's a close bond between a young chimp and its parents, and this bond remains unbroken for life. Chimpanzees are very sociable and affectionate animals,and frequently hug,kiss,stroke each other,or
hold hands.Violent fights often break out within a social group. The loser of the
fight makes up to the winner by displaying submissive behavior and conciliatory gestures. In this way they maintain the social harmony.
Though able to,the chimpanzee rarely walks erect on both feet.Short arm
muscles prevent simultaneous extension of the wrists and fingers.Because of this,
chimpanzees can't walk with their hands flat; when walking on all fours,only the
knuckles of their hands touch the ground. Unlike human feet, chimpanzee feet
also have an opposing toe, but it's used mainly for climbing and for walking on
precarious footing. The foot is rarely used for picking up objects.