James Elliott
《Hibernate程序高手秘笈》带你遍历Hibernate的使用,从安装和配置到复杂的关联和复合类型。书中有两章探究如何实现复杂的查询:通过一个纯Java API,或者用一个SQL激发的但是面向对象的查询语言来表达。使用Hibernate的最大惊喜之一是:对于许多常见的真实世界的应用场景,根本不需要一个精确的查询,但别因为这给你带来困惑。如果你已意图给自己的应用程序加个数据库,不要拖延,这比过去的更有趣,《Hibernate程序高手秘笈》会告诉你为什么。
我坐在飞机里读完了《Hibernate程序高手秘笈》。很难找到一本关于一个新的Java技术的书能在一次国内飞行中看完。这本高效、简洁地处理对象关系映射的笔记做到了。而且,Hibernate给人的印象更加深刻。许多这类书需放在托运行李中。你坐头等舱旅行时,随身带着这本书吧。 ——Mike Clark
——Bruce Tate
  1. Preface
  2. Chapter 1. Installation and Setup
  3. Getting an Ant Distribution
  4. Getting the HSQLDB Database Engine
  5. Getting Hibernate
  6. Setting Up a Project Hierarchy
  7. Chapter 2. Introduction to Mapping
  8. Writing a Mapping Document
  9. Generating Some Class
  10. Cooking Up a Schema
  11. Connecting Hibernate to MySQL
  12. Chapter 3. Harnessing Hibernate
  13. Creating Persistent Objects
  14. Finding Persistent Objects
  15. Better Ways to Build Queries
  16. Chapter 4. Collections and Associations
  17. Mapping Collections
  18. Persisting Collections
  19. Retrieving Collections
  20. Using Bidirectional Associations
  21. Working with Simple Collections
  22. Chapter 5. Richer Associations
  23. Using Lazy Associations
  24. Ordered Collections
  25. Augmenting Associations in Collections
  26. Lifecycle Associations
  27. Reflexive Associations
  28. Chapter 6. Persistent Enumerated Types
  29. Defining a Persistent Enumerated Type
  30. Working with Persistent Enumerations
  31. Chapter 7. Custom Value Types
  32. Defining a User Type
  33. Using a Custom Type Mapping
  34. Building a Composite User Type
  35. Chapter 8. Criteria Queries
  36. Using Simple Criteria
  37. Compounding Criteria
  38. Applying Criteria to Associations
  39. Querying by Example
  40. Chapter 9. A Look at HQL
  41. Writing HQL Queries
  42. Selecting Properties and Pieces
  43. Sorting
  44. Working with Aggregate Values
  45. Writing Native SQL Queries
  46. Appendix A. Hibernate Types
  47. Appendix B. Standard Criteria
  48. Appendix C. Hibernate SQL Dialects
  49. Index
作者:James Elliott
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
James Elliott
James Elliott是Berbee的高级软件工程师,拥有十几年专业的系统开发经验。早在十多年前他就开始对计算机着迷,并在工作环境比较简陋的情况下开始设计各种对象。他热衷于设计高质量的工具和框架来简化其他开发人员的工作,并喜欢使用Java来达成此目的。Jim的童年可以说是在环球旅行中度过。此后,他在纽约的Rensselaer理工大学获得计算机科学学士学位,在Wisconsin大学Madison分校获得硕士学位。他随后又在位于Murray Hill的贝尔实验室(C和UNIX操作系统的诞生地)工作。虽然他在通过博士资格考试之后迫于现实压力而选择就业,却在Madison与妻子Joe Buberger和两只淘气的小猫一起过着快乐的生活。
The Developer's Notebook series is modeled on the tradition of
labora-tory notebooks. Laboratory notebooks are an invaluable tool for
researchers and their successors.
The purpose of a laboratory notebook is to facilitate the recording of
data and conclusions as the work is being conducted, creating a faithful
and immediate history. The notebook begins with a title page that
includes the owner's name and the subject of research. The pages of the
notebook should be numbered and prefaced with a table of
contents. Entries must be clear, easy to read, and accurately dated;
they should use simple, direct language to indicate the name of the
experiment and the steps taken. Calculations are written out carefully
and relevant thoughts and ideas recorded. Each experiment is intro-duced
and summarized as it is added to the notebook. The goal is to
produce comprehensive, clearly organized notes that can be used as a
reference. Careful documentation creates a valuable record and provides
a practical guide for future developers.