Elliotte Rusty Harold
《Java网络编程(第三版)》介绍了Java网络API的最新特性。本书对JDK 1.4和1.5(被命名为J2SE 5)中网络部分的所有改变和新增内容进行了讨论,涵盖了从网络基础到远程方法调用(RMI)的所有内容,包括TCP和UDP套接字、服务器套接字、URL和URI、广播、特殊用途API(如JavaMail)。本书揭示了如何使用JSSE编写安全的网络应用程序,解释了如何使用NIO API编写超高性能的服务器程序。此外,还涵盖了Java对网络代理、Web cookie和URL缓存的支持。
Elliotte Rusty Harold是Cafe au Lait(重要的Java新闻在线资源的创建者。他参与了XOM API的开发,同时也是《Java I/O》《XML in a Nutshell》等多本Java和XML相关书籍的作者。
——Bruce Eckel,《Thinking in Java》的作者
  1. Preface
  2. 1. Why Networked Java?
  3. What Can a Network Program Do?
  4. Security
  5. But Wait!There's More!
  6. 2. Basic Network Concepts
  7. Networks
  8. The Layers of a Network
  9. IP,TCP,and UDP
  10. The Internet
  11. The Client/Server Model
  12. Internet Standards
  13. 3. Basic Web Concepts
  14. URIs
  15. HTML,SGML,and XML
  16. HTTP
  17. MIME Media Types
  18. Server-Side Programs
  19. 4. Streams
  20. Output Streams
  21. Input Streams
  22. Filter Streams
  23. Readers and Writers
  24. 5. Threads
  25. Running Threads
  26. Returning Information from a Thread
  27. Synchronization
  28. Deadlock
  29. Thread Scheduling
  30. Thread Pools
  31. 6. Looking Up Internet Addresses
  32. The InetAddress Class
  33. Inet4Address and Inet6Address
  34. The NetworkInterface Class
  35. Some Useful Programs
  36. 7. URLs and URIs
  37. The URL Class
  38. The URLEncoder and URLDecoder Classes
  39. The URI Class
  40. Proxies
  41. Communicating with Server-Side Programs Through GET
  42. Accessing Password-Protected Sites
  43. 8. HTML in Swing
  44. HTML on Components
  45. JEditorPane
  46. Parsing HTML
  47. Cookies
  48. 9. Sockets for Clients
  49. Socket Basics
  50. Investigating Protocols with Telnet
  51. The Socket Class
  52. Socket Exceptions
  53. Socket Addresses
  54. Examples
  55. 10. Sockets for Servers
  56. The ServerSocket Class
  57. Some Useful Servers
  58. 11. Secure Sockets
  59. Secure Communications
  60. Creating Secure Client Sockets
  61. Methods of the SSLSocket Class
  62. Creating Secure Server Sockets
  63. Methods of the SSLServerSocket Class
  64. 12. Non-Blocking I/O
  65. An Example Client
  66. An Example Server
  67. Buffers
  68. Channels
  69. Readiness Selection
  70. 13. UDP Datagrams and Sockets
  71. The UDP Protocol
  72. The DatagramPacket Class
  73. The DatagramSocket Class
  74. Some Useful Applications
  75. DatagramChannel
  76. 14. Multicast Sockets
  77. What Is a Multicast Socket?
  78. Working with Multicast Sockets
  79. Two Simple Examples
  80. 15. URLConnections
  81. Opening URLConnections
  82. Reading Data from a Server
  83. Reading the Header
  84. Configuring the Connection
  85. Configuring the Client Request HTTP Header
  86. Writing Data to a Server
  87. Content Handlers
  88. The Object Methods
  89. Security Considerations for URLConnections
  90. Guessing MIME Content Types
  91. HttpURLConnection
  92. Caches
  93. JarURLConnection
  94. 16. Protocol Handlers
  95. What Is a Protocol Handler?
  96. The URLStreamHandler Class
  97. Writing a Protocol Handler
  98. More Protocol Handler Examples and Techniques
  99. The URLStreamHandlerFactory Interface
  100. 17. Content Handlers
  101. What Is a Content Handler?
  102. The ContentHandler Class
  103. The ContentHandlerFactory Interface
  104. A Content Handler for the FITS Image Format
  105. 18. Remote Method Invocation
  106. What Is Remote Method Invocation?
  107. Implementation
  108. Loading Classes at Runtime
  109. The java.rmi Package
  110. The java.rmi.registry Package
  111. The java.rmi.server Package
  112. 19. The JavaMail API
  113. What Is the JavaMail API?
  114. Sending Email
  115. Receiving Mail
  116. Password Authentication
  117. Addresses
  118. The URLName Class
  119. The Message Class
  120. The Part Interface
  121. Multipart Messages and File Attachments
  122. MIME Messages
  123. Folders
  124. Index
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
Elliotte Rusty Harold
Elliotte Rusty Harold是Internet方面国际知名的作家、程序员和教育家。他最早曾为Usenet的Macintosh新闻组撰写FAQ列表,以后开始写书。他目前在Brooklyn理工大学教授Java和面向对象编程。他的网站Cafe Au Lait(http://metalab.unc.
Elliotte在路易斯安那新奥尔良市长大,至今他还会定期回去。他现在与妻子Beth,猫Charm(得名于基本粒子粲夸克)和Majorie(得名于他的继母)生活在Brooklyn附近的Prospect Heights。不写书的时候,他喜欢研究族谱、数学和量子力学。他以前的著作还包括《Java I/O》以及其他一些Java和XML的作品。


Elliotte Rusty Harold 出生于新奥尔良,他会定期回到那里寻找用坚硬的粘土制成的碗。但是目前他与妻子Beth以及宠物猫Charm(与夸克同名)和Marjorie(与其岳母同名)住在布鲁克林附近的Prospect 高地。他是Polytechnic 大学计算机系的副教授。他的Cafe au Lait网站(业已成为因特网上最为流行的独立Java站点之一。其子站点Cafe con Leche(http://www.ibiblio.
org/xml)则成为因特网上最为流行的XML站点之一。在本书之前,Elliotte为O'Reilly公司编写的书包括《Java I/O》和《Java Network Programming》。
The animal on the cover of Java Network Programming, Third Edition, is a North American river otter (Lutra canadensis ). These small carnivores are found in all major waterways of the United States and Canada, and in almost every habitat except the tundra and the hot, dry regions of the southwestern U.S. They weigh about 20 pounds and are approximately two and a half feet long, and females tend to be about a third smaller than males. Their diet consists mainly of aquatic animals like fish and frogs, but since they spend about two-thirds of their time on land, they also eat the occasional bird or rodent.Two layers of fur—a coarse outer coat and a thick, dense inner coat—protect a river otter from the cold, and, in fact, they seem to enjoy playing in snow and ice. When diving, a river otter's pulse rate slows to only 20 beats per minute from its normal 170, conserving oxygen and allowing the otter to stay underwater longer. These animals are sociable and domesticated easily, and in Europe, a related species was once trained to catch fish for people to eat.