David Flanagan
这本最畅销书对于所有的Java程序员来说都是一本不可或缺的速查手册。本书包含了Java语言及其关键API的精确阐述,以便经验丰富的程序员可以马上开始编写Java代码。本书涵盖了Java 1.4版本,并:
* 以严谨、精准地风格介绍了Java语言的语法,因此本书也可以作为速成指南,或者作为一本速查手册。
* 解释了Java面向对象的特性,而且没有假定读者已经具备了面向对象的经验。
* 解释了Java的一些重要的API,展示了如何使用构成Java 2平台的类和接口来执行一些常见的任务,如字符串处理、输入/输出、XML处理、SSL,以及线程处理。
本书是一套Java快速参考系列中的一本。本书的姐妹篇《Java Foundation Classes in a Nutshell》介绍了诸如Swing、AWT和Java 2D等Java 2平台的图形、打印和GUI API。这套丛书的第三卷《Java Enterprise in a Nutshell》主要关注的是Java Enterprise API,主要面向的读者是那些从事服务器端或企业级Java应用程序开发的程序员。第四卷《J2ME in a Nutshell》介绍了Java 2 Micro Edition API,并介绍了如何在资源有限的设备上使用Java。
  1. Preface
  2. Part I: Introducing Java
  3. Chapter 1 Intr oduction
  4. What Is Java?
  5. Key Benefits of Java
  6. An Example Program
  7. Chapter 2 Java Syntax from the Ground Up
  8. The Unicode Character Set
  10. Identifiers and Reserved Words
  11. Primitive Data Types
  12. Expressions and Operators
  13. Statements
  14. Methods
  15. Classes and Objects
  16. Array Types
  17. Reference Types
  18. Packages and the Java Namespace
  19. Java File Structure
  20. Defining and Running Java Programs
  21. Differences Between C and Java
  22. Chapter 3 Object-Oriented Programming in Java
  23. The Members of a Class
  24. Creating and Initializing Objects
  25. Destroying and Finalizing Objects
  26. Subclasses and Inheritance
  27. Data Hiding and Encapsulation
  28. Abstract Classes and Methods
  29. Interfaces
  30. Inner Class Overview
  31. Static Member Classes
  32. Member Classes
  33. Local Classes
  34. Anonymous Classes
  35. How Inner Classes Work
  36. Modifier Summary
  37. C++ Features Not Found in Java
  38. Chapter 4 The Java Platform
  39. Java Platform Overview
  40. Strings and Characters
  41. Numbers and Math
  42. Dates and Times
  43. Arrays
  44. Collections
  45. Types, Reflection, and Dynamic Loading
  46. Threads
  47. Files and Directories
  48. Input and Output Streams
  49. Networking
  50. Properties and Preferences
  51. Logging
  52. The New I/O API
  53. XML
  54. Processes
  55. Security
  56. Cryptography
  57. Chapter 5 Java Security
  58. Security Risks
  59. Java VM Security and Class File Verification
  60. Authentication and Cryptography
  61. Access Control
  62. Security for Everyone
  63. Permission Classes
  64. Chapter 6 JavaBeans
  65. Bean Basics
  66. JavaBeans Conventions
  67. Bean Contexts and Services
  68. Chapter 7 Java Programming and Documentation Conventions
  69. Naming and Capitalization Conventions
  70. Portability Conventions and Pure Java Rules
  71. Java Documentation Comments
  72. Chapter 8 Java Development Tools
  73. appletviewer
  74. extcheck
  75. jar
  76. jarsigner
  77. java
  78. javac
  79. javadoc
  80. javah
  81. javap
  82. jdb
  83. keytool
  84. native2ascii
  85. policytool
  86. serialver
  87. Part II: API Quick Reference
  88. How to Use This Quick Reference
  89. Finding a Quick-Reference Entry
  90. Reading a Quick-Reference Entry
  91. Chapter 9 java.beans and java.beans.beancontext
  92. Chapter 10
  93. Chapter 11 java.lang, java.lang.ref, and java.lang.reflect
  94. Chapter 12 java.math
  95. Chapter 13
  96. Chapter 14 java.nio and Subpackages
  97. Chapter 15 and Subpackages
  98. Chapter 16 java.text
  99. Chapter 17 java.util and Subpackages
  100. Chapter 18 javax.crypto and Subpackages
  101. Chapter 19 and
  102. Chapter 20 and Subpackages
  103. Chapter 21 javax.xml.parsers, java.xml.transform, and Subpackages
  104. Chapter 22 org.ietf.jgss
  105. Chapter 23 org.w3c.dom
  106. Chapter 24 org.xml.sax, org.xml.sax.ext, and org.xml.sax.helpers
  107. Chapter 25 Class, Method, and Field Index
作者:David Flanagan
原版书出版商:O'Reilly Media
David Flanagan
David Flanagan是Mozilla的软件工程师,为O'Reilly撰写了若干 著作,包括《JavaScript权威指南》《Ruby编程语言》,以及本版的先前版本。

David Flanagan是一名程序员,也是一名作家,它的个人网站是。他在O’Reilly出版的其他畅销书还包括《JavaScript Pocket Reference》、《The Ruby Programming Language》以及《Java in a Nutshell》。David毕业于麻省理工学院,获得计算机科学与工程学位。他和妻子和孩子一起生活在西雅图和温哥华之间的美国太平洋西北海岸。
The animal on the cover of Java in a Nutshell, Fourth Edition is a Javan tiger. It is the
smallest of the eight subspecies of tiger and has the longest cheek whiskers, which form
a short mane across the neck. The encroachment of the growing human population,
along with increases in poaching, have led to the near-extinction of the Javan tiger. The
Indonesian government has become involved in trying to preserve the tiger. It is to be
hoped that the remaining subspecies of tiger will be helped by increasing awareness and
stricter protections.
Tigers are the largest of all cats, weighing up to 660 pounds and with a body length of
up to 9 feet. They are solitary animals and, unlike lions, hunt alone. Tigers prefer large
prey, such as wild pigs, cattle, or deer. Tigers rarely attack humans, although attacks on
humans have increased as the increasing human population more frequently comes into
contact with tigers. Tiger attacks usually occur when the tiger feels that it or its young are
being threatened. In such cases, the tiger almost never eats its human victim. There are
some tigers, however, who have developed a taste for human flesh. This is a particularly
bad problem in an area of India and Bangladesh called the Sunderbans.