David Flanagan
David Flanagan是Mozilla的软件工程师,为O'Reilly撰写了若干 著作,包括《JavaScript权威指南》《Ruby编程语言》,以及本版的先前版本。
David Flanagan是一名程序员,也是一名作家,它的个人网站是http://davidflanagan.com。他在O’Reilly出版的其他畅销书还包括《JavaScript Pocket Reference》、《The Ruby Programming Language》以及《Java in a Nutshell》。David毕业于麻省理工学院,获得计算机科学与工程学位。他和妻子和孩子一起生活在西雅图和温哥华之间的美国太平洋西北海岸。
The animal on the cover of Java in a Nutshell, Fourth Edition is a Javan tiger. It is the
smallest of the eight subspecies of tiger and has the longest cheek whiskers, which form
a short mane across the neck. The encroachment of the growing human population,
along with increases in poaching, have led to the near-extinction of the Javan tiger. The
Indonesian government has become involved in trying to preserve the tiger. It is to be
hoped that the remaining subspecies of tiger will be helped by increasing awareness and
stricter protections.
Tigers are the largest of all cats, weighing up to 660 pounds and with a body length of
up to 9 feet. They are solitary animals and, unlike lions, hunt alone. Tigers prefer large
prey, such as wild pigs, cattle, or deer. Tigers rarely attack humans, although attacks on
humans have increased as the increasing human population more frequently comes into
contact with tigers. Tiger attacks usually occur when the tiger feels that it or its young are
being threatened. In such cases, the tiger almost never eats its human victim. There are
some tigers, however, who have developed a taste for human flesh. This is a particularly
bad problem in an area of India and Bangladesh called the Sunderbans.