Shane Warden
Shane Warden是O'Reilly网络(O’Reilly Network)的技术编辑,专攻程序设计、Linux和开源软件开发。他负责了O’Reilly多本书籍的出版,是《Extreme Programming Pocket Guide》(极限编辑程袖珍手册)一书的作者,该书将极限编程浓缩成简单明了的解释和参考。许多读者说他们为所有客户都买了这本书,以便于向客户解释他们如何工作。Ward Cunningham(极限编程的协同创始人)认为该书是对极限编程实践的最佳阐释。Shane Warden is the technical editor of the O’Reilly Network, specializing in programming, Linux,
and open source development. Among other books for O’Reilly, he is the author of the Extreme
Programming Pocket Guide, which distilled Extreme Programming into a concise explanation and
reference. Many readers have commented that they buy copies for all of their customers to explain how
they work. Ward Cunningham (cocreator of Extreme Programming) considers it the best explanation
of the practice.