Philipp K. Janert
Philipp K. Janert于1997年获得华盛顿大学理论物理学博士学位,之后一直从事技术工作,担任程序员、科学家和应用数学家。他著有《数据之魅:基于开源工具的数据分析》《计算机系统的反馈控制》以及《Gnuplot实战》(第2版)。After previous careers in physics and software development, Philipp K. Janert currently
provides consulting services for data analysis, algorithm development, and mathematical
modeling. He has worked for small start-ups and in large corporate environments, both in
the U.S. and overseas. He prefers simple solutions that work to complicated ones that
don’t, and thinks that purpose is more important than process. Philipp is the author of
“Gnuplot in Action: Understanding Data with Graphs” (Manning Publications), and has
written for the O’Reilly Network, IBM developerWorks, and IEEE Software. He is named
inventor on a handful of patents, and is an occasional contributor to CPAN. He holds a
Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the University of Washington. Visit his company website