Michael Barr
Michael Barr是Netrino公司(一个嵌入式系统共享软件和软件工程服务提供商)的创始人兼总裁。Netrino公司鼓励所有职员通过为杂志撰稿和在业界会议演讲来分享自己的专业知识。这些资料可以在公司的网站http://www.netrino.com找到。


Michael Barr是电子设备软件设计的权威专家。他在美国的某区法庭提供了与这方面相关的专家证词,出现在PBS节目“American Business Review”上,并且被报纸文章所转载。Michael是40多篇科技文章的作者,同时还是《嵌入式系统字典》这本书的共同执笔者。他还担任过“嵌入式系统编程”杂志三年半的主编工作。
由Michael在其职业生涯早期设计和编写的嵌入式软件已经在数以百万计的系统(从消费电子设备到医疗设备)中得到应用。现在Michael开始为商业构建嵌入式系统,而不是再针对个人了。他是Quantum Leaps公司的CEO,还是Netrino公司的创始人。这两个公司在不同的方面帮助嵌入式开发人员编写出更好的嵌入式软件。Michael Barr is a leading authority on the design of software for electronic devices.
Related to this he has provided expert testimony in U.S. District Court,appeared on the PBS show "American Business Review" and been quoted in newspaper articles.
Michael is also the author of more than 40 technical articles and coauthor of the Embedded Systems Dictionary. For three and a half years he served as editor-in-chief of Embedded Systems Programming magazine.
Embedded software designed or written by Michael early in his career runs millions of systems worldwide, from consumer electronics to medical devices. However, today Michael builds businesses instead of individual products. He is CEO of Quantum Leaps, Inc. and founder of Netrino, LLC. In different ways, these two firms help engineers write better embedded software.