Koen De Weggheleire
Koen De Weggheleire is a faculty member of the Technical University of West-
Flanders (HOWEST) where he teaches Flash Platform solutions (Flash, Flex, and AIR)
with a smile. As the Adobe User Group manager for Belgium (http://www.adobeu
sergroup.be) and Adobe Community Expert for Flash, Koen is heavily addicted to the
community; he inspires the community by his blog at http://www.newmovieclip.com
and by speaking at several events (Adobe MAX, FITC, 360 Flex, Flashbelt, Flash in the
Can, and Flash on the Beach). Koen also is a coauthor of Foundation Flex for Developers
(friends of ED, 2007). When there is still some time left, you can find Koen at his
company, Happy-Banana, together with Wouter Verweirder doing Flash Platform consultancy
on advanced, award-winning rich Internet applications. When Koen is not
talking ActionScript, you can find him producing music, collecting goodies, eating
pizza, or renovating his 100-year-old house.