Christian Wenz
Christian Wenz是一位擅长于Web技术和Web应用程序安全的作家、培训师和咨询师。Christian已为各家出版商编著及合著了大约100本书籍。他同时使用开源和闭源Web技术,这使得他获得非比寻常的荣誉,不但被授予Microsoft MVP for ASP/ASP.NET,还被Zend列入其《Who Is Who of PHP》中。同时他还被列入Mozilla的荣誉堂,并被认为是独立于浏览器的JavaScript领域中的专家。除了编写和参与Web项目之外,Christian还经常参加世界各地与Web技术有关的开发人员会议,在这些会议上发表演讲。其中包括2005年的Microsoft TechEd Europe大会(BOF会议)、2008年的ASP.NET Connections及迄今为止的所有Zend Conference。Christian Wenz is a trainer and consultant who has written more than 50 books. He works with both open source and closed source web technologies, has been awarded a Microsoft MVP for ASP/ASP.NET, and is listed in Zend’s Who’s Who of PHP.
Christian is also listed in Mozilla’s credits (about:credits) and is considered an expert in browser-agnostic JavaScript.